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had a bald spot on his head, and he was a little chubby. He was wearing a uniform and looked like a university teacher.

      Vadim Alexandrovich sat up and decided to greet the guest by extending his hand to him. In response, the stranger also greeted and sat down next to the teacher’s desk. Vadim also sat down.

      – I am Vasily Nikolaevich Ulyanov, Doctor of Philology and Professor at Tver State University.

      – Vadim Alexandrovich Vavilov, teacher of Russian language and literature. Glad to meet you – they shook hands, then the professor continued:

      – I know you, Vadim Alexandrovich, my grandson is studying here at your school in the 5th grade, but I’m not on this issue. The fact is that it is necessary to tell the students of your school who will be entering this year about our university, and I would like to stop at the Faculty of Philology. And don’t worry, I’ve already talked to the director and the deputy director. They advised me to contact you, and it’s worth saying that your fame as an excellent teacher of the Russian language goes far beyond this school, and I involuntarily heard about you a couple of times, so I was pleased with such a recommendation from the administration.

      – I am very flattered, and thank you, Professor, but what kind of help is there on my part?

      – I propose to arrange a scientific meeting for students, at which some of them, as well as teachers, could make full-fledged scientific reports. So we could demonstrate the very feeling that a scientist feels when he defends his idea. I could invite my colleagues to do this, besides, I am the head of the department myself, so I think it will not be so difficult for me to do this. But for success, I need you to organize the rest of the details of the event and it is desirable that you also prepare your own scientific report, in which I believe you will not have any special difficulties.

      – Thank you, Professor, I will be very glad of such an honor. And I would like to give you my own opinion and some comments about this event. The fact is that I think it will be a little difficult for students to make scientific reports themselves, for this reason it would not be bad to organize a small circle before the date of the event itself, at which you, together with me, of course, conducted some lessons at which we could explain to children and help them prepare their scientific works. And do not forget about such an important aspect as a supervisor. In the case of students, it may be teachers, but in the case of the teachers themselves?

      – In the case of the teachers themselves, a scientific supervisor is not required, or I can personally be a scientific supervisor.

      – In that case, on what day do you plan to hold this event?

      – If today is Thursday, then on Tuesday I think it would be best, since I have already informed the director, and after talking with you at the meeting I will inform my colleagues.

      – But don’t you think it’s too fast?

      – Dear Vadim Alexandrovich, I hope it won’t be difficult for you and don’t forget about the fact that studies end in May and exams begin.

      «You’re right. In that case, I will be expecting you this afternoon, as we need to conduct the first lesson today.

      – In that case, I will try to drive up after one couple and a meeting – the professor solemnly finished – And thank you again.

      – Thank you for that – the teacher got up and saw the professor off, at that moment the bell rang and you could hear the noise of students on the stairs…

      These six days flew by unnoticed, even on Sunday they diligently continued to prepare for this event. Finally, Tuesday came. Vadim Alexandrovich did not sleep all night and printed out all the reports and slides. Vasily Nikolaevich also did not sleep. The next morning, when everyone was already at school, Professor Vasily Nikolaevich and his comrades were supposed to arrive in time. Anatoly Valentinovich, the director of the school, who was the tallest person in their school, was also at this event and supervised many preparations, as members from the department of city and even regional public education were invited.

      After the opening ceremony, speakers came out, among them were teachers of Russian language and literature, English teachers, and German teachers from other schools. But it was especially nice to see the students in this role. Vadim Alexandrovich stood together with Vasily Nikolaevich and watched as Vadim’s student Nikita Naumov reads his report on the role of using homonymic phrases in works and their influence on a person.

      «You have prepared them well,» the professor remarked.

      – Thank you Professor, but your lessons helped a lot.

      – My lessons were not something special, but you have become a full-fledged supervisor and a colleague can be proud of yourself. And excuse me, but when is your report?

      – Right after Nikita, I put my report last.

      – Quite noble of you, – said the Doctor of Sciences.

      When Vadim Alexandrovich’s turn finally came, the announcer in the role of Elina Komarova, a student of Vadim Alexandrovich, who told about lexicology, loudly announced:

      – And now ladies and gentlemen, our dear teacher Vadim Alexandrovich Vavilov will make his report!

      The audience enthusiastically met the teacher, everyone knew this person, though self-contained, but loving his work. The teacher enthusiastically began his report:

      – Ladies and gentlemen! Dear Scientific Commission, dear guests, colleagues and our dear participants! Let me bring to your attention my report on the role of science fiction literature in the popularization and development of our society as the most reading in the world. My research is based on…

      The teacher talked about various aspects and roles of popular science storytelling, how it develops thinking, what are the statistics of this genre, all the data on the effect on the human body. And although he often used various terms, even students who might not have been familiar with these terms listened attentively to their teacher. Many of them have decided which university they will go to, and many of them have decided right now to become like their favorite teacher – teachers, those who will love their vocation with all their heart.

      – …Thus, in conclusion, we can say that the development of science fiction literature precisely in the above direction, and adoption as a strategy, will help in the development not only of literature itself, but also of our dear youth and the education in them of the great future of our state and all mankind!

      The hall burst into applause, loud applause could be heard everywhere. Vasily Nikolaevich, who was sitting in the center, got up first, followed by all the others and continued to applaud Vadim Alexandrovich standing up. Members of the regional and city departments of public education warmly thanked Anatoly Valentinovich, who enthusiastically applauded the teacher, whom he always considered a friend and comrade.

      After this story, Vasily Nikolaevich and Vadim Alexandrovich became strong comrades. They often met and discussed new problems of modern philology, came up with new concepts and even planned to publish a book…

      Chapter three. Professor Vavilov

      June 1999.

      Vadim Alexandrovich was interested in literature and the Russian language from a very young age, and now that he was a teacher, he decided to give himself up to science. Of course, the work of a teacher is fascinating, but when you have to explain topics every day, if you really love science, there is an involuntary desire to create and learn amazing bins of science, whatever it may be.

      The teacher himself was interested in the subject of science fiction, and lexicography in this area. The fact is that when creating fantastic works, authors usually use both scientific terminology and colloquial speech, in a sense popularizing the development of technology. But at the same time, the way the characters address each other plays a big role. When speaking, it is possible to use an official

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