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emerald grass. Berries were growing on the bushes, and small animals were sitting on the branches of the trees. Vadim perfectly remembered Rodion, who was nearby.

      – Perhaps we got to Australia or a part of Africa, where it’s always summer, but I never remember such a large structure in these latitudes – Vadim hoarsely squeezed out, his throat still hurt after the sea water.

      Looking around once more, Vadim made an attempt to get up from his seat, he succeeded, but he had to lean on a tree that was nearby. The man’s back still hurt, and he is alone here, remembers only thunderstorms, the ship and Rodion, and then everything is in a fog. He touched his back with his hand and hissed painfully, there was clearly a bruise or a broken rib. The man cast a sad glance at his coat, which was wet and torn on the back, there were a couple of buttons missing, and the diary in the pocket along with the wallet were damaged by water. Vadim took hold of his head, all his things were on the ship, and there were no means of communication around!

      It was not clear how he ended up inside the forest and why there was no shore anywhere near where he could have been thrown. And anyway, how did he just stay alive? He examined everything once again and tried to walk, despite the fact that he was bent over and walking slowly, he thought it was much better than just lying on the ground and waiting for the predator to come.

      At this time, Rodion was making his way through the bushes with blackberries, the young man barely moved his legs, blood was flowing from his right calf. He blinked and hissed in pain, but bravely endured. His clothes were all wet. Suddenly, he saw Vadim nearby.

      – I found you! – he exclaimed in a tired and quiet voice, he almost collapsed from impotence, but a strong hand grabbed his elbow.

      «I’m glad you’re alive,» Vadim said, smiling sadly. – But I’m not glad that you got into the same story with me. Do you remember what happened to us?

      – Every moment! You passed out, after which we fell into the ocean, then drowned…» he blurted out. – That’s what I thought.

      Together they looked around the space again in a new way. Only this forest stretched around and the chirping of birds could be heard. Streams flowed nearby and therefore a faint sound of water could be heard.

      – We need to go ahead, there is some kind of construction, maybe they will help us, – said Vadim.

      They took each other’s shoulders and headed towards the structure, and then they noticed that quite far away, above the tops of the trees, the top of a certain «green wall» could be seen, which also stretched from east to west, like the structure, the tops of which, as the comrades thought, were hidden behind clouds.

      Chapter six. A strange place

      Vadim and Rodion continued their journey in the thickets of this magnificent forest. Vadim was able to bandage Rodion’s wound by tearing part of the hem of his coat, anyway it is no longer suitable. Rodion examined the back of his comrade, there was also a decent wound. But after a while they began to get used to this pain, because hunger was already drowning it out. To distract himself a little, Vadim spoke:

      – Rodion Mikhailovich, this forest is quite strange. There are different kinds of trees and shrubs here – the teacher spoke as cheerfully as possible.

      – You are right, Vadim Alexandrovich, but is it possible for us to eat any of these berries? We won’t be able to reach the fruit if there are fruit trees here.

      «No, my friend, we can’t take any chances. Alas, I don’t recognize any of the berries,» Vadim Alexandrovich answered after looking around.

      – In that case, let’s take a break at this tree – the young man pointed out and sat down exhausted on the grass.

      Vadim did the same. As they sat, the tension subsided, and they again examined this wonderful forest. The singing of birds was heard, it seems it was the singing of a nightingale, which later replaced the singing of a pigeon. It’s amazing that there are pigeons in these places. The sounds of singing canary, red-breasted, swallows, sparrows replaced each other. This beautiful melody was complemented by the sound of bubbling clear water nearby. The flowers filled with their fragrance, which was complemented by the wonderful smell of foliage and trees. Nature was fragrant.

      The forest in which the comrades found themselves was simply fabulous

      Suddenly the singing began to subside.

      «Did you hear that?» Rodion asked anxiously.

      – What exactly?

      – Rustle.

      – No, I haven’t.

      – It feels like someone is watching us.

      – It doesn’t seem so to me – Vadim didn’t have time to say, as the sound of breaking branches under someone’s feet was heard – And now it seems … – the man whispered.

      The sounds subsided, and not a single bird could be heard. It was hard to tell who was watching them. Perhaps it could be a predator. Therefore, the comrades got up as soon as possible, leaning on a tree and hurried towards the structure.

      Rodion was limping badly, and Vadim began to help the young man walk faster. The feeling of being followed grew stronger. It already seemed to them that thousands of eyes were watching them behind every tree. And they are in a completely unfamiliar place, who or what could it be?! Trying to walk faster, they did not notice how they tripped over a tree root and both fell. Rodion lost consciousness, and Vadim tried to get up, but howled in terrible pain. Apparently he broke his leg! The last thing he saw was someone approaching them…

      Vadim opened his eyes. He was lying on a spacious soft bed. He was wearing white pajamas, a thin blanket covered his legs, and there were pillows under his head. The bed was very wide and long, which Vadim decently did not get to the end. Above him was the arch of the bed. The man tried to get up and only expected pain, but felt nothing. When he took a sitting position and examined his back with his hand, there was no wound. The leg was also intact.

      When he looked around, he saw that he was in a huge room. This room was 20 meters long and about 15 meters wide. There was a table near his bed, there was also a large table, a desk with all the accessories, a secretary with an electric lamp, and a huge chandelier hung from the ceiling. And there were a variety of yellow patterns on the ceiling.

      The room was at least 7 meters high. Large cupboards were filled with various things. In some there were books, in some clothes, beautifully folded, which Vadim saw through glass openings with patterns. The man got up and went to the wardrobe, as he assumed, when he approached the sliding doors opened themselves and there he saw a variety of outfits. Strict suit, smart suits, T-shirt outfits, sports attire, festive attire, tailcoat, raincoat and among them was his coat, which does not have the place where it was torn.

      The coat was completely intact, like all things. Including the diary and wallet were in perfect condition. On the hanger he saw various types of headgear – caps, hats, hats, whatever your heart desires. Various perfumes, several combs and much more were laid out on the dressing table.

      There was a giant carpet on the ground all over the square, on which Vadim walked in very soft white slippers. On the wall he saw a huge plasma TV. The teacher looked around all this and could not understand where he was. What was this wonderful place? To look around, Vadim put on a long white bathrobe, which also hung on a hanger, next to which there were several umbrellas and canes, and at the bottom a whole row of very different shoes. After putting on a bathrobe, Vadim went to one of the snow-white doors, of which there were two in the room. And she also opened herself.

      When the teacher came out, he found himself in a huge room. This room was already about 40 meters long and about 30 meters wide, and it was definitely about 10 meters high. Apparently, it was a living room. Almost the entire wall was blocked by a huge

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