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Митревна, немножко: так тебе полагается. А юбка твоя ношоная-переношоная; прибавь хоть платочек аль утюжок подари“…»

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      Walter, T. What Death Means Now: Thinking Critically About Dying and Grieving. Bristol, U. K.: Policy Press, 2017.


      Например, на порталах grief.com и whatsyourgrief.com.


      Cunsolo, A., Ellis, N. R. Ecological grief as a mental health response to climate change-related loss // Nature Climate Change. 2018. № 8(4). С. 275–281.


      Kastenbaum, R. Death, society, and human experience. Boston, MA: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon. 2007.


      Сюами, А. Елизаветинская Англия. М.: Вече, 2016. С. 333–334.


      Книга переведена на русский язык. Анатомия меланхолии / перевод, статьи и комментарии А. Г. Ингера. М.: Прогресс-Традиция, 2005.


      Rush, B. Medical Inquiries and Observations Upon The Diseases Of The Mind. Grigg, 1830.


      Darwin, C. R. The expression of the emotions in man and animals. John Murray, 1872.


      Archer, J. The Nature of Grief: The Evolution and Psychology of Reactions to Loss. Routledge, 1999.


      Bereavement: reactions, consequences, and care / ed. by M. Osterweis, F. Solomon, M. Green / Глава 6. Toward the biology of grieving. Committee for the Study of Health Consequences of the Stress of Bereavement. National Academy Press, 1984.

      Granek L. Grief as pathology: The evolution of grief theory in psychology from Freud to the present // History of Psychology, 2010. № 13 (1). С. 46–73.

      Brinkmann, S. The grieving animal: Grief as a foundational emotion // Theory & Psychology. 2018. № 28(2). С.193–207.


      Линдеманн, Э. Клиника острого горя. Психология эмоций. Тексты / под ред. В. К. Вилюнаса, Ю. Б. Гиппенрейтер. М.: Изд-во Моск. ун-та, 1984.


      Lindemann, E. The symptomatology and management of acute grief // American Journal of Psychiatry. 1944. № 101. С. 141–148.


      Harvey, J. H.; Miller, E. D. Toward a Psychology of Loss // Psychological Science. 1998. № 9(6). С. 429–434.

      Bowlby, J. Attachment and Loss: Sadness and Depression. Volume III. London: Hogarth Press, 1980.

      Parkes, C. M. Bereavement in adult life // British Medical Journal. 1998. № 316(7134). С. 856–859.

      Buglass, E. Grief and bereavement theories // Nursing Standard. 2010. № 24(41). С. 44–47.


      Engel, G. Is Grief a Disease? // Psychosomatic Medicine. 1961. № 23. С. 18–22.


      Giles, P. F. H. Reactions of women to perinatal death // Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 1970. № 10. С. 207–210.

      Marris, P. Widows and their Families. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1958.

      Marris, P. Loss and Change. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1974.

      Parkes, C. M. Grief as an illness // New Society. 1964. № 3(80). С. 11–12.

      Clayton, P., Desmarais, L., Winokur, G. A study of normal bereavement // American Journal of Psychiatry. 1968. № 125. С. 168–178.

      Clayton, P. J., Halikas, J. A., Maurice, W. L. The depression of widowhood // British Journal of Psychiatry. 1972. № 120. С. 71–78.


      Archer, J. The Nature of Grief: The Evolution and Psychology of Reactions to Loss. London: Routledge, 1999.


      Corr, Charles A. Coping With Dying: Lessons We Should and Should Not Learn From the Work of Elisabeth Kübler-Ross // Death Studies. 1993. № 17. С. 69–83.


      А также активное развитие фотографии и ее доступности, сделавшее поле битвы и жертв наглядным примером для жителей больших городов.


      Suleiman, S. R. Crisis of memory and the second world war. Cambridge, MA; L.: Harvard University Press, 2006.


      Miller, M. Freud and the Bolsheviks: Psychoanalysis in Imperial Russia and the Soviet Union. New Haven:

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