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nur die Konkurrenzlage wesentlich beeinflusst, sondern es kann im Einzelfall vielmehr die Wirtschaftlichkeit einer gesamten aufgebauten Produktion in Frage gestellt werden.

      Im Hinblick auf die entscheidende wirtschaftliche Bedeutung weiterer Lizenzvergaben ist davon auszugehen, dass der Lizenzgeber nicht beliebig viele Freilizenzen vergeben kann, ohne gegenüber früheren Lizenznehmern gegen den Grundsatz von Treu und Glauben zu verstoßen, da durch eine solche Vorgehensweise die Grundlagen des Vertrages mit den früheren Lizenznehmern massiv angegriffen würden. Wieweit die Beschränkungen des Lizenzgebers durch den Grundsatz von Treu und Glauben gehen, kann jedoch insgesamt abschließend nur aufgrund der Umstände des Einzelfalls beurteilt werden.

      „Licensor agrees that if it should hereafter grant to any third party in competition with Licensee, other than a wholly or partially owned subsidiary or affiliate of Licensor, a different license under the LICENSED PATENTS, providing for a more favorable royalty rate to manufacture, use, sell, offer for sale, and import the same LICENSED PRODUCTS, the Licensee is entitled to such a more favorable royalty rate.

      The royalty rate is defined in Article 4.1 as [insert royalty rate here] percent of the NET SALES PRICE of the LICENSED PRODUCTS and the term royalty rate for purposes of this provision relates to no other compensation, licensed technology, term, obligation or condition in this or in any license hereafter granted. If any license hereafter granted provides for any monetary compensation to the licensor in addition to the royalty rate defined above or grants rights to additional technology or know-how, such other compensation or rights shall not be used to alter or affect the royalty rate expressed in the subsequent license or in this Agreement.

       If a subsequent license provides only for a lump-sum payment by the subsequent licensee and does not include a royalty rate as defined above, the licensee shall have the right to accept said lump-sum payment with credit against said payment for all royalties previously paid, the Licensee therefore to pay only the difference between the lump sum and the total of the royalties paid by the Licensee.

       The Licensor is obligated to disclose to Licensee the entirety of any subsequent license granted within thirty (30) days of execution of said subsequent license. The Licensee must notify the Licensor of his election within sixty (60) days after receipt of any subsequent license, or he forfeits the right so to elect. Licensor shall, if requested in writing by Licensee within the sixty day period, amend this Agreement with one containing any more favorable royalty rate or lump sum to be effective as of the effective date of such subsequent license. If Licensee elects to accept a lower royalty rate or a lump sum, Licensee also must accept all other terms and conditions of the subsequent license.

      This provision will not apply to forgiveness for past infringements to reach settlement of a lawsuit or genuine dispute between Licensor and a third party with respect to any LICENSED PATENT; provided, however, that this provision shall apply to any license granted for future use by a third party whether in settlement of a dispute or not, except to the extent limited above.

      1 BGH, 23.3.1982, GRUR 1982, 411 = BGHZ 83, 251, 256; Benkard, PatG, Rn. 99 ff. zu § 15; Henn, Rn. 143 ff.; Pagenberg/Beier, 204 Rn. 72 f.; Pahlow, Mitt. 2012, 249 ff.; McGuire, Mitt. 2013, 207 ff. 2 Vgl. insoweit zustimmend Pagenberg/Beier, 204 Rn. 72 f. 3 BGH, 29.4.1965, GRUR 1965, 591. 4 Zu der kartellrechtlichen Problematik vgl. Rn. 537 ff., 549 f.; siehe auch Rn. 279 und 422.

       II. Wirkung gegenüber den Rechtsnachfolgern des Patentinhabers



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