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but would want to adopt from us all our achievements in the field of science and high technologies. Thus, in the process of the evolutionary development of the human brain, there would be an undesirable gap to develop naturally in the field of cognition of the world, invention and development in all other, different directions. This gap sometime in the future, when making a very important decision on a planetary scale for the salvation of the human race, would have a very negative impact on your actions. After the nuclear war, we had no other options but to interfere in your life, to help revive the Earth civilization that you destroyed and save the human race.

      – I am interested in one more question, can I ask it?

      – Ask them.

      – In the conversation, you mentioned that, without interfering in our lives, you were watching us all the time. Can you tell me how and when life originated on Earth, that is, when and how we appeared there, that is, humanity, the animal and plant world?

      – There will be no answer to this question. Earlier, only on the basis of a scientific study of space and a comparison of the data obtained, as well as the hypothetical assumptions of our scientists, we came to the conclusion that there is intelligent life in the neighboring galaxy located parallel to our galaxy, that is, in your galaxy. And we began to observe you since the time of the Sumerians and Orkhons, because we could not do this earlier for a purely technical reason, that is, because we did not have intergalactic spaceships capable of safely and quickly overcoming the distances between our galaxies and returning back. In the early days, when we learned and discovered that in addition to us, in the Universe, by cosmic standards, not far from us, there are intelligent, biological beings like us, we, that is, our ancestors, were very happy about this. Our pioneer missionaries, having arrived on intergalactic ships, for direct communication with earthlings, landed on Earth in small landing ships, but to prevent any possible misunderstandings on their part, they always communicated with earthlings in protective spacesuits and helmets, with dark closed visors. When we communicated with earthlings, that is, not only the Sumerians and Orkhons, but also other peoples who inhabited the Earth at that time, they all took us for the celestials, that is, for gods, deified us and worshipped us as gods. After a certain time, we realized that we had made a big, gross and irreparable mistake, that we were harming their natural development with our appearances and communications, and therefore, without further interfering in the life of earthlings, without revealing ourselves, we only began to observe you from the outside. How and when did life on Earth begin? You will find the answer to this question someday yourself, but now, after the restoration of the Earth's civilization and as your level of knowledge and technical equipment develops, you have reliably studied well first the planets of the solar system, and then the other planets of your galaxy.

      – Are there any other types of living beings on your planet, well, say, various living biological or other organisms, as on Earth, that is, animals, birds, fish or other forms of life?

      – No, there is no other form of life on our planet except for us.

      After these conversations, the alien ordered that the earthman was again put on spacesuits and taken out of the hall. Only this time the person turned out to be on the territory of a large alien city. It was light all around, light, and the light came from above from everywhere, but the source of the light itself was not visible. The alien who was talking to him and the third humanoid, who was waiting for them on the street, put him next to them in a chair of some kind of aircraft and the three of them flew in an unknown direction on this aircraft. There was a huge city below, with various bizarre buildings, and it seemed to a person who was looking at this alien city with special curiosity that the city was so huge and there was no end to this city. Nearby, in different directions, flying machines of different shapes and sizes flew in which humanoids were sitting. There were no streets in the city, there were no alien citizens in sight, only bizarre different buildings without windows and doors. After flying some distance, the device landed on a platform near a building. When they were inside the building, they took off his spacesuit and showed him a room consisting of several rooms and said;

      –This is your home, make yourself at home. The dwelling with all the comforts of the earth belongs to you. In our archive, in an electronic version, there are copies of all films and books created or published up to the present time by mankind. So that you can order any book or movie, or even music. It bothers you, no one will be without special need. You can communicate with us at any time by clicking on this button. After that, the alien showed him a tiny red button mounted on the wall, next to the bed.

      – No. I will not watch movies or read books. After I saw with my own eyes the destruction of our earthly civilization, I, the only remaining living person, an earthling, being on a distant planet, already knowing that there is no more earthly civilization, I will now never be able to afford to have fun, watch movies, listen to music or read books created by humanity that no longer exists. On my part, this will be an outrage on their bright memory. If you still have copies, then this is good. If, as you have already said, the human race is ever reborn and restored, all this will be useful and will be needed by our future generation. From the cultural heritage of their ancestors, they will know how beautiful our blue planet Earth was, what the Earth's civilization used to be, and how their ancestors, possessing a high intellectual mind, without any interference from outside, destroyed all this essentially heavenly beauty and their thousand-year-old civilization with their own mind and hands.

      CHAPTER 3

      Knowledge of the secrets of the universe and a long way back home

      Some time has passed since these events. No one else communicated with him, but he guessed that he was under the constant supervision of the all-seeing eye of the aliens and in this sense he felt like their prisoner. He did not know when the day comes, when the night comes, how much time has passed since he was on this planet. He didn't even know how long he would sleep, but for some reason he was constantly drawn to sleep. When he woke up from sleep, sometimes it seemed to him that he was sleeping longer than usual and noticed that when he was sleeping, he completely lacked any dreams, and after sleep there was no ordinary human feeling of satisfaction with the next rest of the body. On this occasion, he sometimes thought that " maybe they, somehow remotely acting on my consciousness, make me fall asleep, and when I sleep, they probably study me, conduct some of their scientific experiments at home." But when examining his body, he did not find any suspicious traces on the body and nothing else indicated this either, that is, he felt almost completely healthy, and his psyche without any deviations from the norm, and therefore he tried in every possible way to discard such thoughts from his head. However, he gradually got so tired of such monotony of days and his lonely, boring and aimless pastime in this confined space, in the form of an apartment of a residential multi-apartment city earthly house, that he was increasingly seized with indifference to such, one might say, from the point of view of a living, healthy person, dependent, even pathetic kind of his existence. He was no longer interested in the monotonously gray and boring life of aliens, or even in certain quirks, peculiarities and differences of this planet. He realized that without the inherent environment for humanity, he could not, and did not want to exist at all anymore. He sometimes, than, in such a pathetic way to exist here in a foreign land, just wanted to leave his life, and so he once, desperately and imploringly turned to an alien:

      –I can't and don't want to stay here anymore, thank you for saving and sheltering me. But it would be better if I died there along with all my relatives, than to exist here as the only living, pathetic exhibit of an already extinct human race. Loneliness and aimless existence for human nature is worse than death. I want to return back to the Earth, to humanity, to my relatives and friends, to friends. If they all died and I am also destined to die there, then at least I will bow to their ashes before dying. Please bring me back to Earth if possible? And if this is impossible, then I would prefer death than such a miserable kind of existence.

      The humanoid looked at the man so calmly and indifferently, without any sympathy in his gaze, and answered;

      –According to our data, the planet Earth is currently not suitable for human and in general for all biological, plant life, and therefore, we cannot now, and we will not send you to certain death. You'll have to wait. But you will have to wait for a very long time, that is, for centuries, and no matter how much you want it yourself, your

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