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in the narrow passage of the cave. This was indicated by the fact that the stone, firmly resting on all sides against the side walls, on the floor and on the ceiling of the passage, with its entire mass, like a cork, tightly closed the narrow passage, and it was clear that even if we removed all the other stones lying ahead, we would not be able to remove a large stone that was stuck tightly in the passage. It was so depressing and depressing for the psyche of each of us, as it put an end to our salvation from imprisonment-the author wrote.

      Then Adam, closing the notebook, involuntarily remembered the ISS, his crewmates, how they also found themselves in a hopeless situation after a nuclear disaster, because the events described by the author occurred at the same time when they were still on the ISS. The only difference is that the students, while in the cave, thought that the catastrophe on earth was due to the fall of an asteroid or comet to Earth, and they, while on the ISS, were direct unwitting witnesses of a global thermonuclear war and the destruction of Earth's civilization.

      Eve came in and Adam put down his notebook. She looked at Adam. Although she did not ask Adam any questions, however, in her look you could read "did you read the notes, what is written there?" He did not wait for the question;

      –I haven't read everything yet, but one thing is clear, the notes were made by your ancestors, but I don't know how they survived the disaster, I'll read everything, then I'll tell you.

      Then, as gently as possible, he added;

      –Now we will go with you to get food for lunch and dinner, you need to eat a lot, because our baby needs vitamins.

      – That they are needed. Did I not understand?

      –Well, this, how to explain it, is also the same food, but they are, that is, vitamins that are not visible to our eyes, and there are a lot of them inside green herbs. When we eat green herbs, they get inside us with herbs. These are such trace elements, then, without finishing his thought, what he wanted to say, he stopped, quickly pulled himself together. "Reading the manuscripts, completely immersed in the old world with my thoughts, I forgot where I am and what century I am living in now," he thought and continued;

      "I can't explain it all. So they used to write in books, and doctors, that is, former doctors, recommended this to pregnant women.

      Eve didn't bother asking Adam any more questions. She understood that it was very difficult for him to forget all his past and turned the conversation to another topic;

      –We will go now to the spring and go down the stream, there are a lot of worms and fragrant herbs. We need to stock up on food for the winter. We will also collect root vegetables there.

      – And, how will we save them until winter?

      – Very simple. We will drown green herbs and worms in fat, they will be preserved there, and root crops will be preserved anyway. We just need to stock up a lot.

      – And, where can we get root vegetables?

      – Down there, along the stream of the spring, the root crops grow there and are just beginning to ripen.

      Adam suddenly remembered the big ants and asked Eve;

      – Oh, can I eat ants?

      – I don't know, I've never tried it. Even if they can be eaten, I will never be able and will not want to eat them. Because they are harmless to us, and they are also my friends. When I was left alone, they were the only living beings around, with whom I communicated, talked, played and felt not alone here.

      Adam felt uneasy, not only because he asked Eve such a question. Ants were the first living creatures that he saw after returning to Earth from a foreign land. He remembered that when he saw them, how happy he was, as they were the first messengers who gave him hope for the revival of life on the planet. How inexcusably quickly he forgot this. Therefore, as if in a guilty tone, he answered not only Eve, but also the ants, too, with only one word;

      – I'm sorry.

      – I didn't understand why you're asking for forgiveness?

      – Yes, I just did it, he replied in a guilty voice.

      Part 2. Lessons on survival and life

      After lunch that same day, Adam continued to read the manuscript.

      The author wrote: After seeing and realizing that there was no way we could move a large stone, we mentally depressed went back down to the lake and came to our temporary camp. Everyone was silent, because they understood the difficulty and hopelessness of our situation in which we found ourselves. But still, the optimism and the idea that we would somehow soon get out of here did not leave us all, because we were young, strong, our bodies were strong and none of us wanted to stay in the captivity of the cave and die just like that. Evening came, then night. Worried, either by our appearance on the shore of the lake, or for other reasons related to the disaster, the inhabitants of the lake occasionally made whining, plaintive sounds. These sounds were sometimes joined by the warning sounds of our smartphones that the batteries in them were running low. Being psychologically depressed and unsure of the future, sitting in pitch darkness, pressing our bodies against each other, we spent another night in a cave on the shore of the lake.

      The next morning, we woke up, looked around. There are no changes around. Only on the island in the middle of the lake, we saw a pandemonium of amphibious animals, similar to seals, but with a slightly elongated neck and a small head, from a distance similar to a cat's head. Now, after we had accepted our situation a little, everyone began to feel hungry, which was further reminded by the sounds of rumbling in our intestines. The water also ran out. Without food and water, we will not last long, we need to get food and water. There is water in the lake, but is it suitable for consumption? After cutting off the neck of one of the plastic bottles, they made a bucket out of it and filled it with water. The water was warm, as in the tropical zones of the Earth. At first, none of us dared to drink. But the use of this water was in this case the only real and non-alternative necessity for us, and in order to survive in the future, we had to somehow get out of the situation. After asking the others to refrain from drinking water a little, I tried the water first. The water was not salty, but a little muddy and smelled a little strange to us, and it tasted like Caucasian mineral waters, but if you gradually get used to the smell, you can drink it. If the water is bad, it should soon affect me. They decided to get food from the lake, there are simply no other solutions. Here, of course, the question arose, and how to get it, because the animals are amphibians, and, accordingly, waterfowl. If they sense danger, they will go to that part of the lake where it will be impossible to reach them in the pitch darkness of the cave. Besides, how do we get to the island where the animals come out at night? You can swim, but we do not know the depth of the reservoir, whether there are any other animals living in the lake besides animals, and if there are any, do they pose a danger to us, what other dangerous tricks are waiting for us in the lake water and how the lake will behave, will the lake water pull a person down? There are a lot of problematic issues that have arisen before, when we discussed the plan of our salvation. But then, an idea came to mind, if at night the animals come out of the lake to the island, it means that they used to go out and in the future they should also go to the shore, where we set up camp and spent the night last night. Perhaps they did not go ashore last night because we were staying and spending the night on the shore of the lake, and they instinctively stayed away from previously unknown, unforgiven guests, such as we are here. We decided to check this option and discussed our action plan for hunting the animal. According to our plan, as a group, in this case consisting of three people, we need to ambush the animals, for which, armed with an axe, a knife and a stone, it is necessary to hide between the stones somewhere close to the approximate place where the animals come ashore. And given that the animals on the land move slowly, wait for them to come ashore for the night and suddenly attack them. But this plan of ours will work only after dark and we had to sit hungry for another whole day. Meanwhile, we learned that lake water can be used for drinking, since my body did not even feel the difference between ordinary and lake water, unless drinking because of the smell was a little unpleasant. This was already our first success on the way to survival, and the members of the group drank plenty of water. Long before the evening darkness, we, that is, three guys from the group, including me, took a predetermined position, hiding behind rocks

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