
Satirical, politically incorrect, irreverent, Flight from Ein Sof is the fictional first-person account of a brief journey to and from a realm of nightmares and insanity. Filled with blistering commentaries on life, free thought, human bestiality and death, this scathing allegory exposes the absurdities and horrors of ideological tyranny, the irrationality of blind faith, the despotism of senseless beliefs and the pointless circularity of the human condition. Revisiting a theme first explored by the author in NOCTURNES – Tales From The Dreamtime, this disquieting and profane opus warns against the ignominy of forced ideas and the false prophets who, to ensnare men’s souls, fill their heads with mind-boggling lies. About the Author: Born in Paris, W. E. Gutman is a widely published veteran journalist and author. From 1991 to 2004 he was on assignment in Central America where he covered politics, human rights and other socio-economic themes. He lives with his wife in southern California’s “high desert.”


Even at the height of his popularity, Sherlock Holmes couldn’t solve the exciting cases of the Lost Cause Detective Agency more intelligently. Hannah Rutherford, owner and Senior Investigator, and her staff, Victoria Stallard and Herbert Muller, many times facing threats to their own lives, bring about conclusions that will have the reader on the edge of their seat and admiring them. Eye witnesses to murder and a conversation between strangers about a fantasy murder lead to someone fearing for their own life. Also a horror in the detective agency has the entire county up-in-arms. Can these horrors be solved? Can you read this book by yourself at night? About the Author: In addition to teaching school, raising, training, showing horses and giving lessons, working in her church, volunteering in the community, keeping house and taking care of her family, Sioux Dallas trained to be a detective. She has always had a desire to know about what was involved. Dallas will be the first one to admit she is far from perfect, but she does love writing these books now that she is unable to participate in the activities she loved so much. After she retired from teaching, she trained to be an aerobics instructor and worked for a well-known gym for eight years. Now in a wheelchair, she rolls joyfully through life and writes about real happenings with fictional people.


From the author of A PALER SHADE OF RED – Memoirs of a Radical; FLIGHT FROM EIN SOF and THE INVENTOR comes this collection of gritty, satirical, chilling, iconoclastic, always ferocious and unrepentant dystopias. Death and virgin birth, immortality and cannibalism, paradise and hell, the cosmos, bigotry and vigilantism, close encounters, wars to end all wars, hallucinations, disquieting prophecies and insanity – mainly insanity – are the forces that drive ONE NIGHT IN COPÁN. Oscillating between parody and polemic, allegory and unalloyed horror, paradox and hyperbole, the apocalyptic canvases W. E. Gutman paints can be read as one man’s antidote for the despotism of inflexible creeds and the paralyzing effects of groupthink. A work of hyper-realism, this collection of thirteen tales uses bizarre, fantastic, sometimes ghoulish, always disquieting devices to capture and expose truths that people ensconced in ideological cocoons ignore, shirk or refute. About the Author: Born in Paris, W. E. Gutman is a veteran journalist. A former writer at the late-great futurist magazine, OMNI, and former U.S. editor of the Moscow-based SCIENCE IN THE USSR, he worked in Central America from 1994 to 2006. He lives with his wife in southern California.


Dave Olson worked during his vacation from college for a Canadian and a U.S. copper mining company which hired him to gather soil samples for copper in the northern wilderness areas of Canada and the United States. Then one evening, while bathing in a refreshing stream, he found several nugget shaped rocks that looked like gold and hid them for safekeeping. And although it was highly unlikely they were gold, they sure looked like gold even though gold was seldom found in this part of the country. The following morning, four defiant Indians methodically trashed his campsite, telling him in no uncertain terms to leave immediately, or risk not leaving at all. Needless to say, he took their advice, but later found out that those shiny nuggets were not only pure gold but they netted him close to one thousand dollars. The following summer Dave and two of his closest friends, Ed Nelson and Bill Warner, decided to try and find more gold, and after numerous mind-boggling experiences they found what turned out to be an astonishing fortune in nuggets and gold flakes. Then after much soul searching, they decided to establish a non-profit foundation to benefit humanity, in direct opposition to the powerful one percent of today’s profit seeking International Oligarchies and their corrupt group of Plutocrats that currently comprise the nemesis of our Democracy. About the Author: John R. Krismer, MHA-LFACHE has published five nonfiction and fiction manuscripts and is the founder and CEO of Health Systems Institute, which provided research, education and consulting for governments, hospitals, and clinics in both Canada and the United States. In his research, he has conducted hundreds of educational institutes while serving as the principal investigator involving five major universities in researching today’s vitally important health record database. He has also served as CEO of several major hospitals and corporations, and as a board member of two health insurance companies, and is often referred to as a visionary ahead of his time.


Listen as Spirit speaks its loving words to you through the pages of this collection of true stories. From a variety of backgrounds the writers tell how they experience a unifying Spirit that enhances their lives through messages of guidance, hope and connection. Find out how rising above resistance to what is, a need to control or to despair can open the way to insight and love. Be inspired as you witness lives which grow in meaning, compassion and purpose as life’s magic and mystery is honored in the day to day events of life. Spirit is talking to us all and its message is one of unending love. About the Author: Joan Doyle has been a Spiritual Counselor with Centers for Spiritual Living since 2005. She specializes, in her work as counselor and teacher, in promoting harmonious relationships and individual empowerment. Her own path to transformation fires her enthusiasm to share the keys to freedom and greater happiness that she has unearthed on that journey. She is also an award-winning watercolorist and animator with many major feature film credits. She was born in Ireland and has lived in Los Angeles since 1993.


Clay Bronson is a product of the nineteenth century, half white, half Cheyenne, neither fitting into the fast pace of the twenty first century. As an ex-Navy fighter pilot, he returns to his roots in the Big Horns of Wyoming where he joins his Father and Brother on the rodeo circuit. Then one day their plane develops engine trouble and they make a forced landing in New Mexico where they find their counter parts on a Spanish Land Grant. This is where the story begins, as they follow the path of the Eagle, as they fly toward their destiny. About the Author: J. D. Oliver highlights the struggle between good and evil in all his work, whether it is novels or the Cowboy Poetry he writes and performs. History, incredible knowledge of the world and the type of people who inhabit it are all present in his work. J. D. was born in Montana, where his roots go back to the early 1800’s. Both sets of his grandparents homesteaded in Montana; on his mother’s side, on a dry land wheat farm in Central Montana, Highwood to be exact. On his father’s side it was on a cattle ranch in south central Montana, in the little town of Edgar, where he went to school with the Crow Indian children from Pryor, Montana. He traveled widely in the Navy and worked in the logging industry as well as an Operating Engineer, building roads and dams. However he always came back to the homestead during winter to help feed cattle with his Dad. J. D. is married with two children, seven grandchildren and one great-grandchild.


Major Nathaniel Peabody, USA (ret.) first saw the light of day in December of 1987 in Volume 1, Issue 1 of the Shooting Sportsman magazine. Since that date, he has lived on the back page of every issue of that magazine. Peabody is a consummate waterfowl and upland bird hunter. Excepting those times when his profligacy assumes more than usual proportions, a well-endowed Spendthrift Trust allows him to hunt wherever he wants and whenever he wants. He has left his boot prints from southern Argentina to northern Canada – wherever geese or grouse or ducks or woodcock can be found. Dogs display a sincere affection for him. His shotguns have no time to collect dust. He is not infected with the disease of politically correct posturing. Gun Controllers and Pseudo-Environmentalists don’t like him. This is the third volume of Major Peabody’s shotgunning tales. About the Author: Galen Winter lived in Latin America, traveling extensively while negotiating and managing contracts with Latin governments and companies. He returned to the United States as a corporation attorney in Milwaukee and in Chicago. Later, he opened a law office in northern Wisconsin where, he writes, “Man can associate with dogs and shotguns without arousing too much suspicion.” After moving to Wisconsin, Winter gave up private work but became the Consultant in International Affairs for Federacion Internationale des Quiellers which took him from England to Calgary to Taiwan to southern Argentina and points in between. Winter has contributed hundreds of columns to several national and regional outdoor magazines. He has compiled a fish and wild game cookbook 500 Fish and Game Recipes (now in its fifth printing), written six volumes of short stories, and published two novels. Winter also found time to engage in his passion for hunting and fishing – preoccupations that have taken him from north of the Arctic Circle in Canada’s Northwest Territories to Brazil’s Amazon basin, Argentina’s Patagonia, the waters off Ecuador, Costa Rica and Cuba, and many other places where fish and game occur. Winter holds a Political Science, a Masters in International Business Administration and a Doctor Juris degree.


This is the tenth book in a 12 book Bedside Story Collection Series spanning across the 12 months of the year. Each of the 12 bedside stories is reprinted in color from the author’s black and white third edition book Twelve Upon A Time. Each monthly story is unique and illustrated by the original drawings of children whose interpretation of the words can only be seen through their eyes. This October bedside story is entitled Trick or Treat with Bitty the Bat. It looks at the tradition of Halloween through the eyes of creature friends. This October bedside story and all the stories are written to further the imagination of children and to strengthen the parent and child bond through the sharing of heartwarming, silly, absurd and believably impossible tales. Watch for November’s bedside collection story 'Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving that unfolds in rhyme and introduces the great Ninja turkey. About the Author: As a doctorate level practitioner serving school children for more than 35 years, Edward Galluzzi became keenly aware that children and their parents often had in short supply what families needed the most: open communication and sharing time together. The Bedside Story Collection Series was written to provide families a moment here and a moment there to come together and share heart warming, silly and believably unbelievable tales. The stories are tied typically to the main holiday or theme of each month, more or less. The characters in the stories are based on what children relate to the most… animals and other children. There are also over 100 colored drawings sketched by children ranging from 7 months to 12 years of age. The stories from Mr. Galluzzi’s imagination and the drawings from theirs come together to stimulate the imaginations of children and open a whole new world for parents and their children to share. That is his gift to your family. Time for sharing… time for laughing… time for talking… time for each other. Not once upon a time, but Twelve Upon A Time....


This is the ninth book in a 12 book Bedside Story Collection Series spanning across the 12 months of the year. Each of the 12 bedside stories is reprinted in color from the author’s black and white third edition book Twelve Upon A Time. Each monthly story is unique and illustrated by the original drawings of children whose interpretation of the words can only be seen through their eyes. This September bedside story is entitled The Underground Adventure. It shares the heartwarming story about animal friends who want to make the end of summer a special one for their human friends before going back to school. This September bedside story and all the stories are written to further the imagination of children and to strengthen the parent and child bond through the sharing of heartwarming, silly, absurd and believably impossible tales. Watch for October’s bedside collection story Trick or Treat with Bitty the Bat that looks at the tradition of Halloween through the eyes of creature friends. About the Author: As a doctorate level practitioner serving school children for more than 35 years, Edward Galluzzi became keenly aware that children and their parents often had in short supply what families needed the most: open communication and sharing time together. The Bedside Story Collection Series was written to provide families a moment here and a moment there to come together and share heart warming, silly and believably unbelievable tales. The stories are tied typically to the main holiday or theme of each month, more or less. The characters in the stories are based on what children relate to the most… animals and other children. There are also over 100 colored drawings sketched by children ranging from 7 months to 12 years of age. The stories from Mr. Galluzzi’s imagination and the drawings from theirs come together to stimulate the imaginations of children and open a whole new world for parents and their children to share. That is his gift to your family. Time for sharing… time for laughing… time for talking… time for each other. Not once upon a time, but Twelve Upon A Time....


It is Tzarist Lithuania in 1904. Hanna Barlak is an 18-year-old seamstress in a small village, the sole support of three young siblings. She is in love with Stephen, a Russian university student. Innocently implicated in a plot against the Tzar, she must flee her homeland with Jakob, a Hasidic prince. In Germany, she learns that Stephen and the children have suddenly disappeared, and that the dreaded Okhrana, the Russian secret police, have sworn revenge. Using her sewing abilities, she builds up her trade, spending all she earns to protect Jakob and herself from the Okhrana and to search for her loved ones. World War I makes her a wealthy woman, and in later years, she becomes a tycoon fighting for her very existence against the Krupp Munitions Cartel, her emotional feelings for Bernard, a Dutch doctor, and the wrath of the Nazi regime, whose goal is to destroy her. About the Author: Lester Taube was born of Russian and Lithuanian immigrants in Trenton, New Jersey. He began soldiering in a horse artillery regiment while in his teens, where in four years he rose from the grade of private to the exalted rank of private first class. During World War II, he became an infantry platoon leader and participated in operations in the Bismarck Archipelago, was attached to the 3rd Marines for action on Iwo Jima, and finally combat on Okinawa, the last battle of the war. After leaving the army and recuperating from wounds and malaria, he became general manager of a 400 employee electronic company in California, manager of a 450 employee paper stock company in Pennsylvania, and finally opened a logging and pulpwood cutting operation in Canada. Called back to duty during the Korea Police Action, he served as an advisor to the Turkish army, then as an intelligence officer and company commander in Korea. During the Vietnam period, he was stationed in France and Germany as a general staff officer working in intelligence and war plans. Prior to retirement as a full colonel, he moved to a small village in the mountains of North Tyrol, Austria, and kept a boat for five years on the Côte d’Azur, France. He began writing novels while in France, and after producing four books, which were published in a number of countries, and selling two for motion pictures, he stopped – “as there was heavy soldiering to do and children to raise”. Returning to the U.S. after 13 years overseas, he worked as an economic development specialist for the State of New Jersey helping companies move to New Jersey or expand therein. He has four children, all born in different countries.