
Getting your team off on the right foot is critical to its success. This guidebook tells managers and team leaders how to address four critical points during the launch of a team: setting purpose and direction, defining roles and responsibilities, designing procedures and practices, and building cooperation and relationships. Understanding and implementing these key elements is key to a team's achieving the goals the organization has set for it.


Experience Explorer gives leaders a powerful and efficient tool for discovering what they have learned about effective leadership and what they still need to learn. When leaders explore and talk about their past experiences, they can better plan future learning experiences. This Facilitator's Guide, coupled with the additional materials purchased from the Center for Creative Leadership, will provide a facilitator with the information needed to facilitate an Experience Explorer session.


Influence is an essential component of leadership. Your position in an organization and the power it gives you aren't always enough to motivate people to do what you ask. This guidebook will help you develop your influence skills to gain commitment from people at all levels: direct reports, peers, and bosses.


Influence is an essential component of leadership, especially in a nonprofit environment. Since relationships are vital for a nonprofit's success, a leader needs to be able to influence employees, volunteers, and stakeholders in order to meet the challenges ahead. It can be especially difficult when you have to influence those who are neutral or even opposed to your ideas. This guidebook will help you to cultivate and use your influence to achieve the results your nonprofit needs.


One of the first steps to take toward increasing team effectiveness is to pay attention to how the team is formed. You can head off most of the problems that beset teams during the formation stage by setting a clear direction, building organizational support, creating an empowering team design, identifying key relationships, and monitoring external factors. When a team is formed with the five high-performance principles described in this guidebook, it has a head start on achieving success.


Managers and executives do not typically become more effective as the result of a single training program or other intervention. Rather, development requires a range of ongoing and integrated activities. Drawn from CCL's «Tools for Developing Successful Executives» program, the six-step model described in this report provides the basics for designing a system that works. The steps, each covered in its own section, range from «Find and use organizational support for creating a process» to «Define and communicate the critical role of the manager.» The sections contain commonsense information about the issues to consider when designing a development system plus numerous practical examples.


Some executives use coaching to learn specific skills, others to improve performance on the job or to prepare for career moves in business or professional life. Still others see coaching as a way to support broader purposes such as an agenda for major organizational change. To an outsider, these coaching situations may look similar. All are based on an ongoing, confidential, one-on-one relationship between coach and executive. Yet each coaching situation is different, and these distinctions are important to recognize–if only to foster informed choice by everyone involved. This report explores key distinguishing factors among coaching situations, and defines four distinctly different coaching roles. Case examples explore how these roles apply to common coaching issues facing executives and their organizations today.


Leaders need to be forceful–to assert themselves and their capabilities and to push others to perform. Leaders also need to be enabling–to tap into and bring out the capabilities of others. The problem is that many executives see forceful leadership and enabling leadership as mutually exclusive, or strongly prefer one or the other, and therefore lack the versatility to be truly effective. This publication explains how executives can overcome the emotional barriers to expanding their skill sets in one direction or the other.


Competition is fiercer today than ever before, and effective leadership represents a rare source of competitive advantage. With strong leadership and a richly stocked pool of future leaders, organizations prosper and endure. There is an easy case to make for the imperative of investing in tomorrow's leaders today. It's the law of supply and demand: more organizations in greater competition under increased pressure to perform put a premium on scarce talent. The labor economy has become a seller's market, and poaching or luring talent away from other organizations is a losing proposition. The alternative is to become good at developing your talented managers into great leaders and aggressively seeking out potential and developing it anywhere and everywhere you can find it across the organization. The purpose of this volume is to share what has been learned in the last few years of increased attention to the systematic and strategic cultivation of leadership talent. The time is ripe for leading practitioners to share key lessons about building and filling a leadership pipeline.


The Center for Creative Leadership's continuing studies of executives have found that learning on the job is the best way for a person to develop. Often people are given new positions in order to provide them with developmental experiences. But what if such a transfer is not possible? This report contains eighty-eight assignments that offer individual development opportunities on a current job.