
Современная падежная система русского языка разработана в античной Греции для древнегреческого языка. Мир был другим, тексты и смыслы – иными. Люди верили в богов, которые давали имена всему сущему, и у каждого имени был свой уникальный неповторимый смысл, особое значение, исходное состояние. Падеж означал "падение", искажение, отклонение от исходной формы. Вероятно, падежная система была призвана исчерпывающе описать все виды отклонений слов от исходных форм. Древние философы пытались найти гармонию во всем, они хотели вычислить гармонический строй языка, быть может, воспроизводящий небесную картину пифагорейцев, музыку сфер. Может быть, гармонию музыкальной октавы. Античная Греция трепетно относилась к музыке. Игра на кифаре была также важна, как спортивные успехи в палестре. Объективный идеализм из философии переехал в лингвистику и остался в ней навсегда. Мы попытаемся в шутливой форме привлечь внимание к нашему языку и его устройству.


История любви, поиска своего "я". История мечты и надежды. Один день… способен перевернуть всю жизнь. Содержит нецензурную брань.


Ребята из ГИСИ обретают статус молодых специалистов, продолжая при этом так же весело и иронично относиться к новому окружающему миру и тем аспектам советского строительного производства, которым в институтах не обучают.


В этой книге собраны самые сокровенные и нелицепрятные истории из жизни одного не очень хорошего человека. Не будем его осуждать, но раскрыть некоторые страшные тайны необходимо, дабы уберечь от подобных ошибок Вас, мои дорогие читатели. Содержит нецензурную брань.


Что бывает, когда первая любовь внезапно появляется на твоем горизонте спустя десять лет. Содержит нецензурную брань.


A funny, fully-illustrated guide to the thorny world of modern dating – the perfect Christmas stocking filler.From ghosting to catfishing, breadcrumbing to orbiting…As if finding ‘the one’ wasn’t hard enough, the world of app dating has brought with it a whole host of new pitfalls.Now, Lucy Baker is here to save the day. Taking us from setting up your profile to what not to say on the first date, this is everything you need to know to turn those swipes from the left to the right.


Preorder the brand new romantic comedy from bestselling author Christie Barlow‘Full of warmth, fun and feel-good factor’ Sunday Times bestseller Katie Fforde


A collection of full-throated appreciations, withering assessments, and hard-won lessons by the popular journalist.There are a few things you need to know about Joel Golby. Both his parents are dead. His dad was an alcoholic. He himself has a complicated relationship with alcohol. He once went to karaoke three times in five days. He will always beat you at Monopoly, and he will always cheat.Joel makes a name for himself as a journalist who brings us distinguished articles such as ‘A Man Shits On A Plane So Hard It Has To Turn Around And Come Back Again’, but that says more about us than him. In his first book, Brilliant, Brilliant, Brilliant Brilliant Brilliant Joel writes about important stuff (death, alcohol, loss, friendship) and unimportant stuff (Saudi Arabian Camel Pageants, a watertight ranking of the Rocky films, Monopoly), always with the soft punch of a lesson tucked within.Golby’s sharp, evocative prose thrives on reality and honesty that is gut-wrenchingly close to the bone, and laced with a copious dose of dark humour. Who is this book for? It is for everyone, but mainly people who are as lost and confused as Joel and just want to have a good laugh about it.


Family begins with a capital eff.I’m wondering how many more f*cking ‘phases’ I have to endure before my children become civilised and functioning members of society? It seems like people have been telling me ‘it’s just a phase!’ for the last fifteen bloody years. Not sleeping through the night is ‘just a phase.’ Potty training and the associated accidents ‘is just a phase’. The tantrums of the terrible twos are ‘just a phase’. The picky eating, the back chat, the obsessions. The toddler refusals to nap, the teenage inability to leave their beds before 1pm without a rocket being put up their arse. The endless singing of Frozen songs, the dabbing, the weeks where apparently making them wear pants was akin to child torture. All ‘just phases!’ When do the ‘phases’ end though? WHEN? Mummy dreams of a quirky rural cottage with roses around the door and chatty chickens in the garden. Life, as ever, is not going quite as she planned. Paxo, Oxo and Bisto turn out to be highly rambunctious, rather than merely chatty, and the roses have jaggy thorns. Her precious moppets are now giant teenagers, and instead of wittering at her about who would win in a fight – a dragon badger or a ninja horse – they are Snapchatting the night away, stropping around the tiny cottage and communicating mainly in grunts – except when they are demanding Ellen provides taxi services in the small hours. And there is never, but never, any milk in the house. At least the one thing they can all agree on is that rescued Barry the Wolfdog may indeed be The Ugliest Dog in the World, but he is also the loveliest.


The hysterical, shocking and incredibly intimate memoir from one of the most original and unique comedians alive today.Hello! I’m Brian Limond, aka Limmy. You might know me from Limmy’s Show. Or you might not know me at all. Don’t worry if you don’t.They asked me to write a book about mental health, because I sometimes talk about my mental health in tweets and interviews, like suicidal thoughts and anxiety, and what I’ve done to try and deal with it.I said to them, oh, I don’t know if I could fill a whole book with just that. But how’s about I write a general autobiography type of thing, and all the mental health stuff will naturally appear along the way? I could talk about growing up and slashing my wrist and taking acid all the time and getting done for car theft and feeling like a mad freak that would never amount to anything.And then how I made my own sketch show. I directed it and everything. Plus I’m a dad. I’m an adult. But I still feel like that mad freak from years ago. I still feel like chucking it all away, for a laugh.I asked them if they wanted me to write about all that, plus some other stuff. Like being an alky. And my sexual problems. Stuff like that.They said aye.So here it is.