





Welcome to the Tokyo American Club, playground of the city's elite, where, In the middle of the annual dinner, club manager Pete Peterson's head has been found bobbing In the swimming pool. A headless torso is alongside it: the trouble is, the body doesn't match the head. Captain Tim Kawamura of the Azabu Police Department must cut through a tangle of bizarre blood ties and business connections between a swelling list of suspects as he pieces together the puzzle as well as the missing body parts.


Mr. Collins is a funny writer [who puts] his finger on exactly what—makes Japan bewildering, endearing, amusing, inspiring."—The New York Times."There has been a murder in the posh locker room of the Tokyo Lawn Tennis Club. After a bad set of doubles, popular nice guy Shig Manabe is found floating in the hot tub, turning pink, and beginning to bubble crimson. Captain Tim Kawamura, family man and hero of the American Club murder case, is sent on the trail of the racketing-wielding murderer in tennis whites. The solution to the crimes lies in the secret memoirs of the victim, but will Captain Kawamura unravel the riddle before the rising body count includes himself, his wife and his children?


Свою историю я бы хотел изложить в трех романах. В первой книге читатели окунутся в жизнь молодой девушки, которую после её рождения оставила в роддоме мать. Она росла и всего добивалась в жизни исключительно рассчитывая только на себя. Но в один миг её жизнь круто изменилась. Бабушка, о существовании которой ей было неведомо, оставляет ей огромное наследство, а вместе с богатством множество тайн и загадок, которые юной девушке придется пережить и разгадать. В книге присутствует переживание и радость, алчность и благородство, мистика и любовь. Очень надеюсь, что прочитав мой первый роман, он затронет чувства читателей и оставит только хорошее в их сердцах. Сделает добрее и отзывчивей к тем, кто нуждается в помощи и поддержке. Обложка: Виктория Бородинова, сайт Pixabay.


Schools don't just teach children all facts and real things. In literature, they also introduce myths because of their context, mysteries and creativity. This book brings your kids to a dangerous journey to the underworld giving emphasis on the Greek and Roman mythologies. Go and find out how interesting this book is. Get it today.


Odin, Loki and Thor may be very popular these days because of mainstream media. After all, these characters have been portrayed by actors and shown in the big screen. But if you take out all the glitz and glamour, you will be given a wonderful Norse folktale that has lived through hundreds of years. Learn more Norse stories today!