
В маленьком городке каждое лето растут убийства. Полиция считает, что орудует банда, похищает и убивает беззащитных, скидывая останки в реку. Длятся эти ужасы уже пятый год. Никаких следов так и не было обнаружено. Четыре семьи и три подростка попытаются выжить в это лето, если повезёт, то и распутать дело. Содержит нецензурную брань.


Действие происходит на Аляске, куда приезжает работать поваром Карина Северцева. В России идет перестройка и Северцева не может найти работу дома. К тому же ее давно манит Аляска. Различие взглядов, разный уклад жизни, чужой язык – все становится не важным перед любовью. Любовь к индейцу перевернет жизнь Карины. Для подготовки обложки издания использована художественная работа автора.


Лида – старшеклассница, в дневнике которой всегда красовались пятерки. Она всегда была примерной, робкой и застенчивой и за это часто получала от одноклассников. Однажды ее подруги позвали в клуб и она согласилась, только для того, чтобы ее приняли в компанию.Один коктейль, за ним другой, и вот уже стены поплыли, а в глазах замелькали давно знакомые картины из детских снов. Эта ночь перевернет всю ее жизнь и Лида никогда не станет прежней.


Самюэль не блистал ни привлекательной внешностью, ни какими бы то ни было качествами характера, которые женщины находили бы привлекательными. Вот почему он встречал тридцатый день рождения в одиночестве в баре возле аэропорта. И его жалость к себе крепла бы и дальше, если бы не неожиданная находка, забытая кем-то под салфеткой на столике, за которым он распивал свой дешёвый коктейль. И эта вещь изменила всё в его жизни, но ничто не даётся просто так, ведь всему есть своя цена…


The son of an Algerian immigrant, Idir is a disappointment to his doctor father. Torn between his wealthy school friends and his neighborhood pals, who range from petty thieves to professional criminals, Idir operates easily between worlds, and yet is at home nowhere. Without much effort, Idir becomes one of the Parisian upper crust’s most sought-out private dicks, thanks to his understanding of the needs of his privileged clients. The only thing standing in his way is Idir's unfortunate habit of crying uncontrollably.Things change when Oscar Crumley, a wealthy media scion that Idir knew at university, reappears in Idir's life, hiring him to find his missing younger half-brother, Thibaut. Idir assumes it is an open and shut case. But when Idir discovers that Thibaut was hiding his homosexuality from his conservative family, his disappearance takes on sinister connotations.Distracted by his intense affair with the wife of a wealthy friend, Idir ultimately becomes embroiled in a war of lies and corruption between two of France's most powerful media conglomerates. Inspired by Chandler and the American greats, Guez uses the familiar tropes of noir to create an entirely new language.


Что происходит в затерянном городе, которого даже нет на карте? Роуинна и ее подруга Марика приезжают в Вильд, чтобы отыскать пропавшую сестру. Но вскоре Марика сама исчезает в тени полной луны. А Роуинна столкнется со множеством тайн, узнает о истинной причине смерти брата, раскроет тайну своего рождения, и встретит настоящую любовь. Любовь к очаровательному оборотню или к кровожадному вампиру?


&quot;Don&#39;t let them kill me.&quot;<br><br>These are the first words spoken by elderly patient Helga Klemens to the transporter arriving to take her down for a simple hip surgery. Luke assures the frightened woman no one is going to harm her, chalking the bizarre declaration up to nerves and medication issues. After safely delivering her to the O.R., Luke&#39;s final words to Helga are, &quot;Don&#39;t worry. You&#39;ll be fine,&quot; unaware she will be dead within the hour.<br><br>On the same Sunday afternoon, newspaper reporter Jennifer Malone is looking into the case of a John Doe residing in the hospital&#39;s morgue. Once her interview with the coroner is complete, Jennifer is stopped by a distraught Luke and his security guard girlfriend, Maryanne, who are both shocked at the news of Helga&#39;s untimely death.<br><br>Over the following five fast-paced days, Jennifer will use all of her investigative skills to determine exactly what happened in the O.R. However, when a second unidentified body washes ashore, Jennifer&#39;s attention is sidetracked wondering if there&#39;s a serial killer on the loose. Could the three seemingly unrelated deaths be linked? <br><br>Abandoned is populated by memorable characters, each caught in a web of lies, unaware the secrets they hold may result in a life or death struggle for someone they love.


Private investigator Andi is hired to look into the drowning accident of Kitty Ralph at Shore Haven. She sweet-talks R. A. Huber into coming out of retirement and reside undercover at the upscale senior community near the Ventura pier. Huber uncovers other suspicious deaths at the place. Only when Andi rides to Reno and Salt Lake City on her Harley-Davidson to interview relatives of recent victims, does the motive for the crime make sense. Andi and Huber confront the villain and barely escape being silenced.


From the author of The Last Trip of the Magi, comes a perplexing mystery featuring colorful and unusual characters trapped in a maze of surprises and dead ends. <br><br>&quot;Woe unto those who do not heed my warning.&quot; The newscaster prepares his viewers for the ferocious blizzard surging toward them. Most listen. A few do not. <br><br>&quot;Only daredevils, fools, and the na&Atilde;&#175;ve come out in weather like this.&quot; The restaurant manager describes the fourteen unwary travelers forced to seek overnight refuge in his establishment. He will soon add murderers to his list.<br><br>&quot;Someone call 9-1-1. Please. Call 9-1-1.&quot; The young lady pleads for help after stumbling over the body of the secretive loner who had been spying on the restaurant&#39;s guests.<br><br>&quot;Oh, how I hate this job.&quot; The aging deputy battles through the blizzard to his first homicide scene ever. His inexperience with major crimes is only one of the reasons he can&#39;t curb the violence or identify the culprit.<br><br>&quot;We are being held hostage by the blizzard and a murderer.&quot; The frustrations of the patrons and staff of the restaurant boil over. Fear and tension build. Tempers flare. Rumors spread. Suspicion shifts from person to person.<br><br>&quot;All is not going to end well.&quot; A stranded woman makes an ominous prediction. She is right. All does not end well.


Jonathan Winters was good looking, charming and a Manipulator of Energy or an M.O.E.. Hope witnessed first hand, how he manipulated women into having sex, and almost got caught in his energy web herself, but got out before it was too late. Jonathan, however, has designs on Hope and will stop at nothing to get what he wants, her. <br><br>Now it was time to turn the tables on him. <br><br>With the help of Judy and her psychic friends, Hope arms herself with tools to take him down. Dressing in various disguises, Hope and Judy set out to stop him, only to find out he has a faceless friend who is involved with him as well. <br><br>Judy and Hope soon realize that taking Jonathan and his friend down isn&#39;t as easy as it seems, especially when danger is lurking around the corner and Jonathan is in hot pursuit of Hope. <br><br>Will Hope fall prey to Jonathan&#39;s M.O.E. ways or worse?<br><br>Find out if the women succeed at catching the bad guys one more time.