
Arrabella Candellarbra is like no one you've ever met before, even though her questy thing is the stuff of legend. Okay, the hilarious epic-fantasy spoofery adult fairy-tale kind of legend.<br /> <br />Arrabella, a beautiful, flaxen-haired maiden trained in all things warrior-like by the most famous warriors of all – The Reginas – embarks on a quest to claim her birthright and to wield the power of all the lands.<br /> <br />Arrabella joins forces with Lord Langley Kilkenny – the perfect specimen of manliness; icicle-bearded Gary – the wisest of all Wizards; and Prince Jim – the very-fey fairy Regent.<br /> <br />The Four Adventurers soon find themselves pitted against the Evil Betty-Sue – the meanest of evil beings in all of the lands – and her scary minions. Yes, our heroes must defeat Sawtoothed Bunnies, Viscous-Tongued Frogs and the Barella Monkeys to rescue The Reginas from… something!<br /> <br />Nothing could possibly go wrong on a quest like this, could it?<br /> <br />Featuring heroic heroes and a host of characters and creatures never before assembled in one story, this epic fairy tale for grown-ups delivers love and lust, action and inaction, battles, incantations, sexual shenanigans and high-kicking sing-a-longs. It promises that all those epic questy things will never be the same again. Seriously!


Commander Bryn Gideon and the crack Australian 'Redback Retrieval Team' rescue hostages from Pacific island rebels. American journalist Scott Dreher, researching computer war-game training, uncovers links between Western government agencies and known terrorist groups.<br /> <br />Meanwhile ritual killings in London and Tokyo, a bomb on a European train, an assassination on an Australian beach, and an attack on a US army base have half the world on high alert. The question is: are these incidents the work of isolated opportunistic terrorists, or part of something more sinister?<br /> <br />Gideon's Redbacks join the race to expose the ultimate conspiracy of a truly evil force; one that plays both sides of the terror divide against each other.


Duo Ex Machina has a new album on the verge of storming the 2004 charts. Frank and Milo's promotion tour in Melbourne is hijacked by a serial killer stalking gay men – one of them an old friend from Milo's past. Juggling their heavy PR schedule with Milo's hometown return and this sudden loss is bad enough. Finding out who the killer is – and his chosen final victim – will be so much worse.<br /> <br />Originally published by Homosapien Press in 2004, Fly By Night and its companion novella, Sacrifice, were nominated for a Ned Kelly Award for Best First Crime Novel in 2004.


It's 1999. Indie musician Frank Capriano returns home to Perth for his mentor's funeral. His Duo Ex Machina bandmate and boyfriend, Milo, is with him. Together they must contend with a friend in financial crisis, unwelcoming family, old jealousies and a smuggling ring. A missing persons case soon turns to murder, and Frank and Milo are caught in the middle.<br /> <br />Originally published by Homosapien Press in 2004, Fly By Night and its companion novella, Sacrifice, were nominated for a Ned Kelly Award for Best First Crime Novel in 2004.


Xavier has seized control of the western realms and now he is looking east towards Frith, the hub of commerce in the southern kingdoms. But The Society disagrees. They encourage King Xavier to turn his armies north and destroy the auchs.<br /> <br />In the north the auchs are gathering to prepare for a war predicted by the prophet Afi while Queen Fittoreah of Frith prepares to defend Frith. Camille and the witches know they must support the auchs in their fight against their people and the little witch's powers are growing stronger every day.<br /> <br />Behind all the troubles of the world lies the secret of the lost magic.


Arenia, now under the control of Xavier after Beth placedhim upon the throne, is not the only thing in the sights of it's new king but The Society want him to turn his attention north, to the threat of the hidden auchs.<br /> <br />Meanwhile, the young witch Camille decides to return with Aiyu, an auch and friend to Konungssonur to unite the witches and auchs as they prepare for a war they do not want.<br /> <br />Once peaceful now they must take up weapons in support of Hirith, their new, though reluctant, king.<br /> <br />The silence before the storm for the realm is thickening and the black and white banners of The Society are flying higher than ever.


Перед вами рассказ о девушке, которой нечего терять, и о дне, когда все зло мира собралось в одном месте. Наша героиня с интересом наблюдает за людьми, с которыми сталкивается совершенно случайно. Но мы-то с вами знаем, что случайности не случайны, а взглянув на привычные вещи по-новому можно придти к самым неожиданным выводам. Тем, кто привык ничего не замечать, пора открыть глаза.


Наш мир, настоящее время. Почти все жители города Аснатеса исчезли. Среди оставшихся в живых – Полина. Аснатес разбирают, чтобы убрать с лица земли. Полине предстоит вернуться в Аснатес и узнать о причинах произошедшего и почему город должен быть уничтожен.


«Черный ход» – фантастический роман Генри Лайон Олди, жанр боевое фэнтези, историческое фэнтези. Рут Шиммер носит два револьвера: один стреляет свинцом, другой – проклятиями и несчастными случаями. Револьверы Джошуа Редмана самые обычные, зато у него есть ангел-хранитель, а может, вовсе не ангел. Когда Рут и Джош встретились впервые, на парня упала тяжелая люстра. Дикий Запад, сэр, чего тут только не случается! Здесь разъездные агенты скупают у индейцев и китайских эмигрантов искры – крохотные бесполезные чудеса, а финансисты и промышленники вертят удачей, как публичной девкой. Старый Свет горит огнем. Он давно сошел с ума, став малопригодным для жизни. Зато Новый Свет еще держится! Изрытый черными ходами, как кротовьими норами, откуда лезет всякая пакость, Дикий Запад сдвигает шляпу на затылок и готов палить во все, что движется. Что это там движется, сэр? Музыка: Дидок Сергей На обложке использовано изображение с сайта Vecteezy из раздела Cowboy Vectors by Vecteezy: https://www.vecteezy.com/free-vector/cowboy © Генри Лайон Олди © ИДДК


В одном маленьком городке, в его лесу, было обнаружено странное существо, похожее на человека. Трое братьев решают отыскать это загадочное существо. Книга публикуется с сохранением авторской орфографии и пунктуации.