
Zarouk, aging warrior and grandfather to young Kadji, implored the boy to dethrone Prince Yakthodah, vile impostor-heir to the throne of the Dragon Emperor. On Haral, his faithful, black Feridoon pony, and with beautiful, redhaired Thyra at his side, Kadji rode East to vanquish his foe – knowing full well that if he failed to decapitate Yakthodah, he would be branded coward…and worse!


Destined to fulfill an ancient prophecy, the warrior Sargon strode through the gates of Chalsadon – the last refuge of a once-proud empire. Everywhere about him, corruption and pestilence racked the dying city. <P> Every day more of the precious Innerlands fell to the invading hordes of half-men, desperate for blood. Only Sargon, a Barbarian and an Outsider, could stem the slaughter. Only he could wield the deadly golden maul, covered with the dust of centuries. Only he was fated to test the necromancy of Shadrazar, the inhumanly beautiful Black Lord of Chaos. <P> But Sargon was mortal. And though he had been decreed a savior…he knew he was only a man! <P> Rousing sword & sorcery as only Lin Carter could tell it!


12 tales of the masked hero, as he smashes his way through spy-rings and other fiendish plots to destroy America! <P> In the spy vs. spy world of the late 1930s, this masked hero prowled the underworld, dressed in an «amorphous fluttering black robe, bat-like, [with] a gray-masked head through whose twin eye-slits menace glinted.» But it was not so much the costume as the «hand, ebony-black in its glove–but for the finger curled around the trigger of that gun. That finger was not black but vividly, awesomely scarlet.» (From «Caged Horror.») Powerful stuff in those days!<P> Included in this volume:<P> SECOND-HAND DEATH<BR> DEATH RIDES THE SOUND<BR> RED FINGER – DEATH DEALER<BR> CAGED HORROR<BR> DEATH'S RED FINGER<BR> RED FINGER MEETS HIS MATCH<BR> RED FINGER – SPY POISON!<BR> LOCKED IN WITH DEATH<BR> DEATH'S TOY SHOP<BR> ENVOY OF DOOM<BR> THE SPY WHO SOLD DEATH<BR> RED FINGER'S MURDER MESSENGER<P> A note to the culturally sensitive: Some of these stories contain elements of «yellow peril» racism. This series originally appeared in the Operator #5 pulp magazine between 1934 and 1938. They are products of their era and are definitely NOT politically correct by today's standards. You have been warned!


If you're poor in the hills of Appalachia and don’t have the skills to succeed in the 21st Century, what path is left? You try what you can and you do whatever it takes to survive. Survival, not always easy in hill country, is the common theme in these three stories from West Virginia.<P> WICKED WOMEN<P> When a man wrongs his woman in these hills, there’s only one thing to do: get even. For the women of Peach Tree Hollow, who have no cash, no connections, and no clout, this is hard. But with the help of a little mountain magic and timeless rituals, they find self-reliance, self-esteem, and best of all – revenge!<P> NOTHING MORE TO LOSE<P> Clint McCabe has never had a run of luck in his life. When his grandpap dies and is buried in the rocky ground, McCabe is cut adrift. Unable to find work, he resorts to robbing vacation homes along the Cacapon River shoreline. He meets Allison when she catches him robbing her uncle’s house. Her run of bad luck matches his own. Allison comes from a missionary family. He thinks she's crazy, but beautiful. He knows he must become a different man if he's to have a chance with her.<P> ROSIE AND MAC<P> Rosie, a young Italian girl planning to become a nun, and Mac, a shiftless Morgan County boy, are thrown together when a hot car delivery goes wrong. Running from Mafia hoods, they flee to the mountains. On his own turf, Mac easily eludes the mob. He's attracted to Rosie, but realizes she won't be interested in a guy like him. Their flight to safety is a West Virginia odyssey.


Renegade half-breed samurai Gonji Sabatake has left the survivors of devastated Vedun, certain that his unknown Enemies–with their mysterious agenda, their monsters and their sorcery–are gathering strength for yet another attack on him and his allies. Seeking the aid of misanthropic werewolf Simon Sardonis, Gonji treks into a 16th-century Spain wracked by eerie supernatural forces. Trapped by his adversaries, Gonji is held captive by fanatical power in the torture-dungeons of the Inquisition. He learns of the evil cabal that enslaves multiple worlds and has wrought its venomous power in the highest offices of the medieval Church. <P> Condemned to burn at the stake, Gonji is mystically counseled by a witch whose knowledge of sorcery and science compels him to somehow escape. For he must lead a refugee army, under pursuit of human and sorcerous assassins, in a flight across dark seas and into the interior of darkest Africa. There, to seek a bizarre castle's gateway to warped spatial anomalies, and learn his singular importance to the destiny of a system of concentric worlds. But will that incredible revelation empower or destroy him? <P> Could any single warrior be expected to undertake the burden of such a quest? And even with the uncertain help of the powerful lycanthrope Simon, can Gonji survive the secrets of the… FORTRESS OF LOST WORLDS?


What goes together like tea & sympathy, rock & roll, or a skull & crossbones? Sex & crime. Nineteen members of Sisters in Crime living in the Carolinas serve up stories around the universal themes of lust, love, and longing, and the criminal consequences of thwarting these human desires. Some stories are laugh-out-loud funny, others are evilly dark, but each packs a delicious read. Whether set in an ice cream parlor or an equestrian center, from World War II Washington DC to the high-tech playing fields of Research Triangle Park, furious, desperate, and betrayed characters step into crime with barely a twinge of misgiving. Frisky seniors, a psychic PI, a jealous mother-in-law, a manipulative stripper—all occupy a universe where, as Margaret Maron writes in the Introduction, “Love can liberate, love can suffocate, and sometimes love can even lead to murder.”


After their whirlwind marriage and honeymoon, Jane and Dick went to their new home in rural England…a gloomy place rumored to be haunted. A creepy house, strange neighbors, and newlyweds – quite a mix! A classic tale by John Russell Fearn, author of the Black Maria series!


George Carter and his wife and two teenage daughters are just an ordinary family, living peacefully in the small British town of Uphill. But then they hear a bulletin that a homicidal maniac is in the area, reportedly toting a suitcase with a broken handle containing the chopped-up body parts of a female victim. And when a new lodger appears at their house, and George discovers a women's leg inside the man's suitcase, all hell breaks loose.... A crime novel written by Philip J. Harbottle, based on the teleplay by John Russell Fearn.


"Detective Jack Dunning and his partner Jim Tunney have their hands full. Two young boys have turned up dead within a two-month period on the same stretch of lonely highway outside the small agricultural town of Santa Paulina, California. Are they the victims of the same illusive hit-and-run sedan that mowed down rookie cop, Curley McDaniel? Or are they part of a darker, more sinister plot? <P> Jack's beautiful young girlfriend, Angel Doll, has problems of her own when a man from her troubled past tries to abduct her off the street in broad daylight. Clues lead investigators to a school teacher who isn't the drab little mouse she pretends to be, the mysterious Deutschlander Social Club, and a wealthy pedophile who makes late night forays into the dark heart of Chinatown…"


Off-duty Police Constable Arthur Root is playing a round at Wolvers, his local golf club. However, he soon finds himself back on duty when a JCB driver working there digs up the body of a man. Root protects the excavated area as a crime scene. The man had been murdered, and is identified as Roger Hancock, a former member of the club. When there is a second brutal murder, involving many members of the golf club – Root himself becomes implicated…