

Белерианд – не самое лучшее место для жизни. Государства рождаются и умирают в кровавом водовороте постоянных воин и нашествий. Жизнь простого человека здесь похожа на жестокую шутку. Даже самым сильным здесь приходится каждый день доказывать свое право на существование. Стоит ли тогда умирать в этом мире за идею?


Ночи темны и холодны, а твари и существа из-за Грани – голодны. Но на страже мира людей стоит Охотник, чья задача – поддерживать мир и порядок в двух реальностях. Этот рассказ поведает об очередной ночи Охотника, одной из многих, что наполнены запахом пороха, крови и отчаяния. Содержит нецензурную брань.


Starcraft first released in 1998.Starcraft holds 4 Guinness World Records.Since its release, Starcraft has sold over 9.5 million copies.Starcraft spawned a successful pro-gaming scene, especially in South Korea, with prizes amounting to $250,000.


World of Warcraft (WoW) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) released in 2004 by Blizzard Entertainment.World of Warcraft was the world's most popular MMORPG by player count of nearly 10 million in 2009.By 2017, the game had grossed over $9.23 billion in revenue, making it one of the highest-grossing video game franchises of all time.At BlizzCon 2017, a vanilla version of the game titled World of Warcraft Classic was announced, which planned to provide a way to experience the base game before any of its expansions launched. It released in August 2019.


StarCraft is a military science fiction media franchise created by Chris Metzen and James Phinney and owned by Blizzard Entertainment. The series, set in the beginning of the 26th century, centers on a galactic struggle for dominance among four species—the adaptable and mobile Terrans, the ever-evolving insectoid Zerg, the powerfully enigmatic Protoss, and the «god-like» Xel'Naga creator race—in a distant part of the Milky Way galaxy known as the Koprulu Sector.The series debuted with the video game StarCraft in 1998. It has grown to include a number of other games as well as eight novelizations, two Amazing Stories articles, a board game, and other licensed merchandise such as collectible statues and toys.On March 27, 2017, Blizzard announced StarCraft: Remastered, a remastered version of the original StarCraft, with the core updates being up-to-date graphics and revised dialogue and audio. As of April 19, 2017, the original StarCraft and its Brood War expansion are free to download and play from Blizzard's website.


In 1924, Yale student John Lars Nelson takes ship on the SS Victoria , bound for Nome. He has been hired to do a plant survey, but his real mission is to find an orchid described by Georg Wilhelm Steller, the naturalist on Vitus Bering’s 1741 expedition. On the ship, John Lars encounters a young Aleut woman, Natasha Christiansen. Once in Nome he hires a pair of down-at-the-heels bootleggers to take him to the Shumagin Islands on their schooner, the Emilia Galotti . He quickly discovers that the two are not what they first seemed. In Bristol Bay he again encounters Natasha and she joins them but she and John are marooned shortly thereafter. They cross the Alaskan Peninsula on foot and then in a borrowed skiff reach Nagai Island, where Bering made his landfall two centuries before. They find the Emilia there, along with another ship, and the hunt for the orchid brings to a violent resolution an intrigue started many years before.


• Packaged ARC mailing 4-6 months pre pub date to a core list of 30+ reviewers, booksellers, media contacts, and librarians (package includes 2-7 other titles from the C list in the same season that fit together in some way)–focusing on sci-fi and fantasy publications and blogs. • Individualized ARC and/or finished copy mailings to 20-30 of author’s requested personal or professional contacts • Awards submissions • Programming author in Red Hen’s East Coast and West Coast events series • Featured signing slot at Red Hen’s Association of Writers and Writing Programs annual booth • Inclusion in Red Hen’s online and print catalog • Sharing of author/book news and events on Red Hen’s social and digital media platforms • Encouraging the author to hold a national tour, or at least a regional tour; write articles for pitching; reach out to book clubs; visit local bookstores and libraries; send eblasts to personal contacts asking for Goodreads and Amazon reviews, visits to local bookstores encouraging an IndieNext List nomination, advance copies purchases, and sharing about the book to their networks; have an active website and social media presence.


Ethan Mueller, the narrator of <b><i>Brother Carnival</b></i>, has suffered a crisis of faith and is on the brink of taking his own life when he is informed by his father that he has an estranged brother who is an author. Whereupon he is handed a collection of his sibling’s stories and novel excerpts and urged to seek him out. “These stories are his effort to find you, Ethan. He’s been where you are now. Seek him out but it won’t be easy.” In effect, “Christopher Daugherty’s” writings function as the protagonist’s brother in absentia, thus creating the “dialogue” and suspenseful interplay between them. By immersing himself in the pieces, Ethan Mueller’s pursuit of his brother is a quest to discover himself.


Cold War spy thriller featuring Max Falkland, hero of Cold Crash. Set just a few weeks after the first novel, Max meets up again with the mysterious John Knox, a chance for their relationship to deepen. But a family request pulls her away to the Berlin International Film Festival where the stakes get bigger and more deadly until Max is faced with a dangerous choice if she wants to save both John and her family.