
Welcome to Fethering! Carole has a bad hair day when a haircut leads to murder in this quirky, cozy, British village mystery. The last thing Carole expects when she goes to Connie's Clip Joint for a trim is to find the body of Kyra, Connie's assistant, in the back room. Kyra's boyfriend, Nathan, has vanished, but his family, an eccentric, controlling bunch, don't seem overly concerned. Instead, they are bizarrely obsessed with a family board game which seems to provide a host of clues as to Nathan's whereabouts. Carole and her neighbour Jude are determined to unravel the clues, but can they discover the truth before either someone is falsely accused or the killer makes a second move? And how many haircuts can a pair of middle-aged sleuths have before people start to become suspicious?


Welcome to Fethering! Sleuthing neighbours Jude and Carole uncover secrets and lies in the horsing community in this quirky, light-hearted British cozy mystery. When healer Jude pays a visit to Long Bamber Stables one evening – to meet her unusually horse-shaped new client and his owner Sonia Dalrymple – she does not expect to stumble across a man lying in the darkness. Walter Fleet, co-owner of the stables, has been viciously stabbed to death. Sleuthing neighbours Jude and Carole begin to make discreet enquiries, but it soon becomes clear that Long Bamber Stables is a hotbed of dangerous passions, murderous rivalries and hidden truths . . . and this horsing community will do anything to protect their reputations.


If you like martial arts movies, you're going to love this book! YMAA Publication Center has chosen author Arthur Rosenfeld's The Cutting Season to introduce a new literary fiction category: Martial Arts Fiction. The Cutting Season transplants this ancient, hugely popular, and authentic literary category to an American setting. Along with a thrilling story, The Cutting Season also conveys insights into genuine martial techniques and philosophies. Dr. Xenon Pearl cuts brains for a living, and he's as good as it gets. His direct, sometimes abrasive style is forgivable in light of his skill with a scalpel, and tempered by his compassion for his patients and his friends. He is a dutiful son to his widower father, a doting grandchild to a grandfather who was once a rabbi, and he has even met the girl of his dreams. Everything is on-track for this medical golden boy. The other side of this motorcycle riding, brilliant doctor façade is a side that Xenon (aka Zee) hides even from his father. Secretly trained since childhood by his Chinese nanny, Wu, Tie Mei–herself a martial warrior of shadowy lineage–Dr. Xenon Pearl is also a martial arts expert who loves the sword as much as the scalpel. Now his past is showing up to literally haunt him. His dead teacher reappears, reminding him that he has lived many lives before… I relived the foul stench of city cisterns, the rotting of corpses in the desert, the intoxicating smell of night-blooming jasmine, the musky odor of my own clothes after battle, the ripe and heady aroma of a wife waiting months for my return. My fingertips bore witness to the paper-thin delicacy of azaleas, and the smooth hands of children. My hands recalled weapons I have no name for, spiked ropes and strange maces with bumps and edges like some crazy fruit. I remember the gossamer threads of an industrious spider touching my eye. I remembered feeling holes where once I had teeth. In this life, Dr. Xenon Pearl must use his skill – to defend the innocent, defeat the Russian mob, protect the woman who loves him, and stay one step ahead of a smart cop; he is set to lose everything unless he can cut just one more time. "It's essential that you remember your previous lives," she said. «Without that memory, you're doomed to repeat your lessons.» "You are a fearsome warrior no matter what skin you wear, no matter the shape of your eyes; it's time to give up the scalpel and pick up your sword." "I'm a doctor." I said. «And the way things look now, I'm a schizophrenic doctor.» "Your visions always come true." She said. «You are going to cut the man who burned his wife.» "I'm telling you to cut him now!" In the spirit of martial arts tradition, The Cutting Season brings the traditional Asian martial arts novel to our shores, exploring human conflict, desires, and the search for moral certainties. Do no harm… Honor your teacher… Cut without mercy…


"The weak are meat. The strong eat." For Keiko Nishisato, leaving Tokyo to study for her PhD in Scotland was supposed to be the adventure, but it's the sponsored accommodation that shows her just how far she is from home. Strange plumbing, strange food . . . and strangest of all, the remote location. The quiet little town of Painchton, far away from the bustling city life of Edinburgh, is not what she expected, and Keiko tries not to feel ungrateful. Still, she's never met friendlier people than the Painchton Traders, who welcome her as one of their own. Only the Pooles, the butchers downstairs, seem to want to keep their distance – widowed Mrs Poole unwelcoming, and her son Malcolm quiet and standoffish. Malcolm's charming brother Murray, drawn back to Painchton after his father's death, both attracts and unsettles her, promising to keep her safe. Safe from what? There's a darkness at the heart of Painchton, and Keiko grows determined to find out what it is. But the more she discovers, the less she believes, until she can't tell where her fears end and the real nightmares begin . . . This grisly, twisty psychological thriller from award-winning author Catriona McPherson will keep you guessing right until the last page.


You love him. You trust him. You shouldn't. Master storyteller Catriona McPherson weaves a multi award-winning ominous tale of domestic suspense that will keep you guessing until the very end. Jessica Constable seems fine. She's worked hard at that. She's a survivor, determined to get through each day, even though deep down she knows she can never, ever atone for what she's done. But when Jessie meets sculptor Gus King, on the day his wife goes missing, she feels an unaccustomed – frightening – desire rise up inside her. She likes Gus. She likes his children. And when Gus's wife turns up dead, the police suspecting suicide, he clings so hard she can't stomach letting go. Soon Jessie's sleeping at his house, babysitting his kids. Becoming their new mother. But her unexpected happiness is tainted by unsettling questions. Who does she keep seeing from the corner of her eye? Why is Gus so secretive about his work? And most importantly – what really happened to Gus's wife?


Home is where the harm is . . . A woman returns to her childhood home to find a community brimming with dark secrets in this award-winning standalone psychological thriller from master of suspense Catriona McPherson. When she was twelve years old, Opal Jones ran from her alcoholic mother and didn't look back. Now, returning to their pokey Leeds terraced house after her mum's death, Opal feels like she's gone back in time. Nosey Mrs. Pickess is still polishing her windows to a sparkle. Fishbo, Opal's ancient music teacher, still plays trumpet with his band. And much to Opal's delight, her favorite neighbor, Margaret Reid, still keeps an eye on things from her front doorstep. But tragedy has struck Mote Street in Opal's absence. Ten years ago, Margaret's three-year-old grandson disappeared from her back yard. What really happened to him? Only one thing's certain: someone knows more than they're telling. Opal vows to uncover the truth for Margaret's sake. But as she investigates, the door she closed on her own dark past begins to open – and the secrets that spill out may be more than she can bear.


A woman on the run uncovers a series of deadly secrets in this gripping, twisty standalone psychological thriller from award-winning master storyteller Catriona McPherson. Lowland Glen is the oldest bookshop in a quiet Scottish town full of bookshops; rambling and disordered, full of hidden treasures. Londoner Jude fell in love with it when she visited last summer, the high point of a miserable holiday. Now, in the depths of winter, it seems a strange place to run away to – but Jude's tired and heartsick, and when the bookstore's charming but eccentric owner, Lowell, welcomes her with open arms, she knows she's made the right decision. Lowell needs an assistant, and the job comes with accommodation too. The isolated gravedigger's cottage isn't perfect for a woman alone, but it's a good place to hide from her troubles – and at least she has quiet neighbors. Quiet, but not silent. The long dead and the books they left behind have tales to tell, and the dusty bookshop is not the haven it seems. Lowell's past and Jude's present are a dangerous cocktail of secrets and lies – and someone is coming to light the taper that could burn everything down around them . . .


Inspector Ghote, 'one of the great creations of detective fiction' (Alexander McCall Smith), faces snakes of both the reptile and human kind when he's called in to investigate a drug smuggling case turned deadly in this classic mystery - with a brand-new introduction by bestselling author Vaseem Khan. Inspector Ganesh Ghote is taken aback when Bombay's Commissioner of Police visits him at home early one morning, with a confidential request. The commissioner's film-star friend, Asha Rani, has asked for help with an unpleasant matter at the charity she supports, the Mira Behn Institute of Medical Research. Someone is smuggling samples of an experimental medicine out of the institute, made from the venom of poisonous snakes, and the last batch nearly killed film director – and Asha's 'close friend' – Mihir Ganguly. Ghote's task, he discovers, is to find and arrest the smuggler – on some other charge. Dismayed to be asked to frame a criminal for a crime they didn't commit, Ghote nevertheless launches into the investigation with his usual thoroughness. But at the Mira Behn Institute, he comes across an unexpected – and deadly – sight: snake-handler Chandra Chagoo lying dead on the floor of the Reptile Room, a viper slithering across his back . . .


Inspector Ghote, 'one of the great creations of detective fiction' (Alexander McCall Smith), plays an unwitting game of cat and mouse with a cunning killer in the holy city of Benares, in this classic mystery - with a brand-new introduction by bestselling author Vaseem Khan. The late Mrs Shoba Popatkar was a beloved national figure, known throughout India for her lifelong commitment to virtuous causes. But now her life has been brutally snuffed out, and the killer comes from the most unlikely place: the holy city of Banares, where the waters of the Ganges welcome thousands for the ultimate pilgrimage. Inspector Ghote of the Bombay CID, sent to investigate the peculiar circumstances surrounding her murder, feels only too keenly the official pressure to come up with a simple solution. But the clues are scanty, and his only guide in the unfamiliar city is a garrulous old inspector who seems determined to tell Ghote every historical anecdote he knows. Little does Ghote know, however, that every misstep brings him closer to the killer – but the price of solving the case may be more than he is willing to pay . . .


Утраченное века тому назад знание. Могущественная древняя сила. Таинственный гримуар, пламя свечей и заклинания на латыни… Это ли колдовство? Кровь на темном алтаре и крик обреченной жертвы. Лезвие ритуального ножа в лунном свете, кощунственная месса и адские муки… Это ли колдовство? Прикосновение к непознанному и пропащая душа. Богохульство и взгляд за грань, спасение и погибель… Это ли колдовство? Новая антология от создателей бестселлера «13 ведьм» и культовой серии «Самая страшная книга». Истории о магии, ведьмах и колдунах, написанные лучшими отечественными рассказчиками – Дарьей Бобылёвой, Максимом Кабиром, Олегом Кожиным и другими. Всё это – «КОЛДОВСТВО»…