
• James Tracy is a Bay Area native and is well respected as a community organizer, author, and poet.• The changes facing San Francisco, wrought by the waves of cash flowing up from Silicon Valley, are a hot national story. Evictions of long time SF residents, outrageous rents and home prices, and public demonstrations against the «Google buses» have been national and international news for the last year.• Tracy's book focuses on the long arc of displacement over the last eighteen years of «dot com» boom and bust in San Francisco, offering the necessary perspective to contemplate and analyze today's latest urban horrors. As well, patterns in federal and state housing going back decades are highlighted.• Dispatches puts the hardships of the working poor and middle class front and center, while highlighting the particular hurdles faced by women and minorities in housing struggles. • James is a cofounder the San Francisco Community Land Trust, which uses public and private money to buy up housing stock, taking it out of the real estate market, and providing affordable housing for generations to come. • James has been on the forefront of housing solutions in SF since before Google existed!


If we want to preserve what's still left of the natural world, we need to stop using so much of it. And, says veteran environmental activist Matt Hern, cities are the best chance we have left for a truly ecological future . . . but what does it take to make a truly sustainable city? Common Ground in a Liquid City is a fun and engaging look at the future of urban life. Hern takes us on a journey through over a dozen urban centers, from Vancouver to Istanbul, Las Vegas, and beyond, exploring the history and current composition of cities around the globe and highlighting the elements of each that make it livable. Each of Hern's ten chapters focuses on a central theme of city life: diversity, street life, crime, population density, water and natural life, gentrification, and globalism. What emerges in the end is an appealing portrait of what the urban future might look like—environmentally friendly, locally focused, and governed from below. Matt Hern is an inveterate city dweller and an environmental and education activist. The editor of Everywhere All the Time: A New Deschooling Reader and the author of Deschooling Our Lives and Field Day, he founded Vancouver's Car-Free Day and is the director of the Purple Thistle Center for alternative education. These days, he lives in Vancouver with his partner and daughters and lectures widely around the globe.


In Deeper into the Darkness Rod takes the reader diving to explore many more famous wrecks around the UK from the Great War. These include HMS Pathfinder and HMS Audacious – the first British battleship to be lost to enemy action in WWI. The wreck of HMS Hampshire on which Lord Kitchener perished on a secret mission to Russia in 1916 is visited along with HMS Vanguard, which blew up at anchor in 1917 in Scapa Flow. The K-class submarines lost in the Firth of Forth during the Battle of May Island in 1918 are dived, along with UB-116, the last German submarine to be sunk in action in October 1918. Rod then leaps forward in time to the Pacific during WWII and visits the American shipwrecks from the Battle of Guadalcanal, along with daring penetrations into the stunning Japanese wrecks lying at the bottom of the Truk and Palau Lagoons. The development of technical diving is brought up to the present day where closed circuit rebreathers utilising mixed breathing gases allow Rod to go deeper into the depths in search of lost shipwrecks.The wreck of the SS Creemuir, torpedoed and sunk off north-east Scotland in 1940, was first dived by Rod in 2012. This exploration reveals the human side of shipwrecks when Rod’s team recover the Creemuir’s bell and present it to the sole surviving crewman, Royal Navy Radio Officer Noel Blacklock. The latest developments in shipwreck exploration taking place at Scapa Flow are recounted before the book concludes with the scandalous desecration of the naval war graves of many nations at Jutland, the South China Sea and the Java Sea.


Into the Abyss, the first volume in The Diving Trilogy, is a fascinating collection of true life diving adventures from Rod’s long and varied diving career. It follows his progression from novice diver in the 1980s through the dangers of the deep air diving era and on to trimix diving in the 1990s where divers began to use commercial mixed breathing gases as the sport of technical diving was born. This opened up vast, previously inaccessible, swathes of the seabed, ushering in a great era of discovery of virgin shipwrecks, lost in time.


Книга посвящена одному из важных инструментов ТРИЗ – анализу типовых ошибок при развитии технических система. Для упрощения освоения материала в книге приведено большое количество примеров, иллюстрирующих материал. Это помогает увидеть аналогии между описанными типовыми ошибками и реальными проблемами читателя.Книга адресована инженерам, менеджерам и консультантам по развитию технических систем и бизнеса.




