
Marijuana Success Indoors looks into the gardens of real people to see how they have combined gardening skill with technological savvy to produce quality buds. This large-format, 8.5 x 11 inch book focuses on homegrowing cultivation issues and solutions, including working in small spaces, the use of hydroponics versus planting mix gardens, lighting, and supplementing with CO2. A great companion to information found in grow guides Marijuana Success Indoors shows what types of problems are encountered in actual gardening situations, and how they are addressed to result in success.


*Gold Medal winner in the 2014 IBPA Benjamin Franklin Award for Home & Garden*"Just flipping through the pages of Quiet Beauty: The Japanese Gardens of North America will instantly lower your blood pressure."— The New York Times Book Review Quiet Beauty: Japanese Gardens of North America is an extraordinary look at the most beautiful and serene gardens of the United States and Canada. Most Japanese garden books look to the gardens of Japan. Quiet Beauty explores the treasure trove of Japanese gardens located in North America. Featuring an intimate look at twenty-six gardens, with numerous stunning color photographs of each, that detail their style, history, and special functions, this book explores the ingenuity and range of Japanese landscaping.Japanese gardens have been part of North American culture for almost 150 years. Quiet Beauty is a thought provoking look at the history of their introduction to the world of North American gardening and how this aspect of Japanese culture has taken root and flourished.Japanese gardens include: Japanese Tea Garden in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California Nitobe Memorial Garden, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia Japanese Garden, Fort Worth Botanic Garden, Texas Garden of the Pine Winds, Denver Botanic Gardena, Colorado Japanese Garden, Montreal Botanical Garden, Quebec Tenshin'en (The Garden of the Heart of Heaven), Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Massachusetts Roji'en (Garden of Drops of Dew), The George D. and Harriet W. Cornell Japanese Gardens, The Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens, Delray Beach, Florida Japanese Friendship Garden of Phoenix, Margaret T. Hance Park, Arizona Garden of the Pine Wind, Garvan Woodland Garden, Hot Springs, Arkansas


With rich photography and insightful commentary, this Thai architecture and interior design book showcases some of the finest modern masterpieces in Southeast Asia. A tremendous body of sophisticated and sensitively designed architectural work has been produced in Thailand in the first decade of the 21st century. The 25 houses in [i]The Modern Thai House illustrate the radical new ideas coming from a dynamic younger generation of architects who are producing work comparable with and sometimes even surpassing the very best architecture in the world. Most of these architects were trained in the U.S. or U.K. and reflect not only American and European sensibilities but also affinities with their contemporaries in Asia —including Japan, China, Singapore, and Bali—all hotbeds for innovation in modern design. The houses in this book are readily accessible from Bangkok, Phuket, and Chiangmai. They reflect a wide variety of concerns and solutions, such as: sustainability; responses to climate; strategies for cooling with minimal electricity; openness versus security in a large metropolis such as Bangkok; cultural sensitivity and responsiveness, as evidenced in a «three-generation house,» built for a society in which the extended family is still prevalent; and cultural memory, as in the use of elements such as pilings, verandahs, and steeply pitched roofs with large overhangs that echo traditional Thai designs.Nurtured by an increasingly knowledgeable and wealthy clientele, modern architecture in Thailand is emerging with a variety of innovative architectural expressions.


With over 350 full-color photographs, this Indonesia architecture and interior design book showcases the stunning luxury homes of Indonesia.The New Indonesian House presents twenty-eight homes in Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta and Bali that illustrate the remarkable advances that have taken place in residential design in Indonesia over the last two decades. Indonesia's new generation of architects demonstrates not only their Absorption of modern influences from the West and the more recent processes of globalization but also their sensitivity to the physical environment, the social context and the aspirations of the leading elite.With its stunning color photographs, The New Indonesian House will both delight and inspire the application of its exhilarating architectural and interior design expressions in any global setting.


"An excellently rounded introduction by an eminent Shinto scholar."— Library Journal Shinto, the indigenous faith of the Japanese people, continues to fascinate and mystify both the casual visitor to Japan and the long-time resident. Relatively unknown among the religions of the world, Shinto: The Kami Way provides an enlightening window into this Japanese faith.In its general aspects, Shinto is more than a religious faith. It is an amalgam of attitudes, ideas, and ways of doing things that through two millennia and more have become an integral part of the way of the Japanese people. Shinto is both a personal faith in the kami—objects of worship in Shinto and an honorific for noble, sacred spirits—and a communal way of life according to the mind of the kami. This introduction unveils Shinto's spiritual characteristics and discusses the architecture and function of Shinto shrines. Further examination of Shinto's lively festivals, worship, music, and sacred regalia illustrates Shinto's influence on all levels of Japanese life.Fifteen photographs, numerous drawings and Dr. Ono's text introduce the reader to two millennia of indigenous Japanese belief in the kami and in communal life. Chapters include: The Kami WayShrinesWorship and FestivalsPolitical and Social CharacteristicsSome Spiritual Characteristics


"The best book on Japanese architecture ever produced by a Westerner." —The American ArchitectJapanese architecture is undoubtedly less well known and less appreciated than the architecture of any other civilized nation. Not only this, but it is almost universally misjudged, and while the world has by degrees come to know and admire the pictorial and industrial arts of Japan, her architecture, which is the rot and vehicle of all other modes of art, is passed over with a casual reference to its fantastic quality or a patronizing tribute to the excellence of some of its carved decoration.Written at a time when Japanese art was only beginning to be appreciated in the West, Impressions of Japanese Architecture conveys a sense of discovery and enthusiasm that modern readers will find as interesting and infectious as the book's first readers did. Long considered a classic, this new edition contains a foreword by acclaimed contemporary architect and author, Mira Locher. Originally published about one hundred years ago, Impressions of Japanese Architecture is still of immense value to anyone wishing for a better understanding of Japanese architecture, art and culture.


Learn the art of Japanese gardening with this classic, fascinating text.The Sakuteiki, or «Records of Garden Making,» was written nearly one thousand years ago. It is the oldest existing text on Japanese gardening—or any kind of gardening—in the world. In this edition of the Sakuteiki, the authors provide an English-language translation of this classic work and an introduction to the cultural and historical context that led to the development of Japanese gardening. Central to this explanation is an understanding of the sacred importance of stones in Japanese culture and Japanese garden design.Written by a Japanese court noble during the Heian period (794-1184), the Sakuteiki includes both technical advice on gardening—much of which is still followed in today's Japanese gardens—and an examination of the four central threads of allegorical meaning, which were integral features of Heian-era garden design. For those seeking inspiration to build a rock garden or just better understand the Japanese stone garden, the Sakuteiki is an enduring classic.


Vertical gardening is the process of gardening that is done vertically or upward. While the traditional gardening process is gardening with plots on the ground, vertical gardening is a different approach to gardening as it aims to plant crops in a vertical position or standing position. This can either be done through hanging plots or with frameworks as long as plants are not planted on the ground like in traditional gardening. There are several advantages of vertical gardening. One, vertical gardening is a great space saver. Since your garden is positioned vertically, it does not take up too much space in your backyard, giving room to more plants to be planted. Two, vertical gardening is a very flexible type of gardening because it allows you to plant or to build a garden even in an area with limited space. For instance, if you are only gardening on your rooftop or you only a have a very small backyard, it is possible for you to plant many crops through vertical gardening even with that limited space you have. If you want to build a vertical garden, there are several things you need to be aware of. First, you need to how to know how to build one, you need to know how to prepare the soil for a vertical garden, you need to know how to maintain your vertical garden, and you need to know how to control pests and keep them from destroying your plants. This way, the time, money and effort you invested in building this garden won't be in vain. This book will discuss and reveal some of these helpful vertical gardening tips you need.


People who have never gardened are often intimidated by the thought of growing their own herbs but nothing could be simpler. With all the publicity about pesticides and other unwanted elements in our food, it makes sense to grow your own herbs and spices. It's rewarding, satisfying, convenient, and brings your kitchen closer to the natural, healthy processes that your great-grandparents enjoyed when they ate food they grew and raised themselves. The book Herb Gardening For Beginners: How to Plant an Herb Garden will teach you how you can plant an herb garden and what mistakes you should avoid.


The word «Aquaponics» comes from two other words: Aquaculture and Hydroponics. Aquaponic systems have three important elements fish, plants and microbes. Fish are the main element in aquaponic systems; they provide the nutrients for the plants. There is no soil in aquaponic, pebbles or gravel can be used. Plants can grow in water rich in nutrients in the tanks. But how do we know which plants are best in aquaponic systems? Well there are many factors that contribute to develop one plant or another like fish tank density, fish waste or nutrient content in the water. So let's learn a little bit more about which plants suits best in aquaponic systems.