
Provides in-depth knowledge on lead-free piezoelectrics – for state-of-the-art, environmentally friendly electrical and electronic devices! Lead zirconate titanate ceramics have been market-dominating due to their excellent properties and flexibility in terms of compositional modifications. Driven by the Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive, there is a growing concern on the toxicity of lead. Therefore, numerous research efforts were devoted to lead-free piezoelectrics from the beginning of this century. Great progress has been made in the development of high-performance lead-free piezoelectric ceramics which are already used, e.g., for power electronics applications. Lead-Free Piezoelectric Materials provides an in-depth overview of principles, material systems, and applications of lead-free piezoelectric materials. It starts with the fundamentals of piezoelectricity and lead-free piezoelectrics. Then it discusses four representative lead-free piezoelectric material systems from background introduction to crystal structures and properties. Finally, it presents several applications of lead-free piezoelectrics including piezoelectric actuators, and transducers. The challenges for promoting applications will also be discussed. Highly attractive: Lead-free piezoelectrics address the growing concerns on exclusion of hazardous substances used in electrical and electronic devices in order to protect human health and the environment Thorough overview: Covers fundamentals, different classes of materials, processing and applications Unique: discusses fundamentals and recent advancements in the field of lead-free piezoelectrics Lead-Free Piezoelectric Materials is of high interest for material scientists, electrical and chemical engineers, solid state chemists and physicists in academia and industry.


Herr Feder ist der Pflanzenretter! Angesichts der Brisanz des Themas Artensterben macht sich der bekannte Botaniker auf, um das zu tun, was er schon immer tut: Pflanzen retten. 
 Angefangen im Norden Deutschlands sammelt er 111 wichtige Arten auf seine persönliche Arche Noah ein – Arten, die repräsentativ für unsere Lebensräume und unsere heimische Vielfalt stehen. Er durchquert auf dieser Reise ganz Deutschland bis hin zum Alpenraum und erklärt, warum sogar Gänseblümchen schützenswert sind. Er öffnet dem Leser die Augen für die Vielfalt der Natur, für die Funktion und den Wert vermeintlicher „Unkräuter“ und erklärt letztlich auch, was jeder zum Artenerhalt und den Schutz der Natur beitragen kann. 






Electrical and instrumentation engineering is changing rapidly, and it is important for the veteran engineer in the field not only to have a valuable and reliable reference work which he or she can consult for basic concepts, but also to be up to date on any changes to basic equipment or processes that might have occurred in the field. Covering all of the basic concepts, from three-phase power supply and its various types of connection and conversion, to power equation and discussions of the protection of power system, to transformers, voltage regulation, and many other concepts, this volume is the one-stop, «go to» for all of the engineer's questions on basic electrical and instrumentation engineering. There are chapters covering the construction and working principle of the DC machine, all varieties of motors, fundamental concepts and operating principles of measuring, and instrumentation, both from a «high end» point of view and the point of view of developing countries, emphasizing low-cost methods. A valuable reference for engineers, scientists, chemists, and students, this volume is applicable to many different fields, across many different industries, at all levels. It is a must-have for any library.

