







The Abingdon Worship Annual is lectionary-based and follows the calendar year (January – December) . It offers fresh worship planning resources for all who plan and implement weekly worship. Worship leaders «need to offer prayers, prepare an order of worship, select music, and even prepare a sermon. Into that weekly task, we offer this resource to strengthen your ability to lead creatively and prepare consistently.» Liturgies and prayers are also included for New Year’s Day, Ascension Day, All Saints Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Eve. Using a theme based on the lectionary readings from the Common English Bible, each week’s offering of prayers and litanies follows a basic pattern of Christian worship: Invitation and Gathering Proclamation and Response Thanksgiving and Communion Sending Forth The Abingdon Worship Annual is a must-have source book offering countless opportunities for planning meaningful and insightful worship.


How do Muslims fit into South Africa?s well-known narrative of colonialism, apartheid and post-apartheid? South Africa is infamous for apartheid, but the country?s foundation was laid by 176 years of slavery from 1658 to 1834, which formed a crucible of war, genocide and systemic sexual violence that continues to haunt the country today. Enslaved people from East Africa, India and South East Asia, many of whom were Muslim, would eventually constitute the majority of the population of the Cape Colony, the first of the colonial territories that would eventually form South Africa. Drawing on an extensive popular and official archive, Regarding Muslims analyses the role of Muslims from South Africa?s founding moments to the contemporary period and points to the resonance of these discussions beyond South Africa. It argues that the 350-year archive of images documenting the presence of Muslims in South Africa is central to understanding the formation of concepts of race, sexuality and belonging. In contrast to the themes of extremism and alienation that dominate Western portrayals of Muslims, Regarding Muslims explores an extensive repertoire of picturesque Muslim figures in South African popular culture, which oscillates with more disquieting images that occasionally burst into prominence during moments of crisis. This pattern is illustrated through analyses of etymology, popular culture, visual art, jokes, bodily practices, oral narratives and literature. The book ends with the complex vision of Islam conveyed in the post-apartheid period.


Adam und Eva, die Arche Noah, der brennende Dornbusch, der Stab des Mose, das Kreuz von Jesus Christus – jede wichtige Person, jedes große Ereignis in der Bibel steht in Beziehung zu einem Baum, Zweig, Samen, einer Frucht oder irgendeinem anderen Baumbestandteil. Matthew Sleeth gibt erstaunliche Einblicke in die biblische Welt der Bäume, wie Gott die grünen Riesen für seine Pläne benutzt hat. Sein Waldspaziergang durch die Bibel zeigt, welche geistlichen Wahrheiten und Prinzipien für unser Leben bei Bäumen zu finden sind und warum Gott eine besondere Vorliebe für Bäume hat. Zugleich ermutigt uns das Buch, verantwortungsvoll mit der uns anvertrauten Natur umzugehen als ein Ausdruck des menschlichen Respekts gegenüber dem Schöpfer. Eine faszinierende Entdeckungsreise, nach dem man die Natur in der Bibel mit anderen Augen sieht.