
Lilliana, a young nature lover, adores chorus frogs. Her room is already full of frog posters and toys but one night as she listens to frogs singing, she decides to bring home some real, live frogs. Chorus frogs are hard to find and catch, but that won’t stop Lilliana! Oh dear. Chorus frogs are very small and very fast and very loud . The frogs have escaped! But Lilliana, with a little inspiration, knows just what to do. Based on author and illustrator Scot Ritchie’s fond memories of exploring Camosun Bog as a child (he really did bring home a box full of frogs), Lilliana and the Frogs is a humorous story with playful illustrations that will inspire young readers to explore nature—but to leave it outside.




"This coming–of–age story will appeal to extreme sports enthusiasts, environmental activists, and fans of strong female characters."— BOOKLIST Fourteen–year–old Charlotte moves from the Rocky Mountains of Colorado to Washington's Cascade Mountains , where she hopes to continue training for the national snowboarding championships. After her father signs an anti–development petition, she loses access to the local resort and takes to the backcountry, where she meets nature on its own terms. When adventure turns to tragedy, Charlotte learns that even our deepest scars can be lucky ones. ANA MARIA SPAGNA lives and writes in Stehekin, Washington, a very small town in the North Cascades accessible only by foot, ferry, or float plane. She teaches creative writing in the MFA program at Antioch University, Los Angeles. Spagna writes for magazines about nature, work, and life in a small community, and is the author of several award–winning nonfiction books, including 100 Skills You'll Need for the End of the World (As We Know It) , a humor–infused guide for how to live more lightly on the planet.


You’re one of the best clouds around! You’re made of ice particles, and you’re a beautiful white color. No other cloud does what you do. You’re unique!
Cyril’s friends know he’s very different, but what they don’t know is that Cyril has a big secret: he just wants to be like everybody else. In Julia G. Hill’s whimsical and educational story, Cyril the Serious Cirrus Cloud, Cyril will show you that being unique isn’t as bad as it seems.


Daisy and Ollie Pig's Ep-Pig forever home is a pigtastic, curly tail tale of twin piggies Daisy and Ollie Pig. These two adorable pigs escaped a despicable pig factory and found their pigtastic, forever home and family. Daisy and Ollie live with Hank and Stella on a beautiful farm with new furry friends. Spend the day with Daisy and Ollie on the farm, meet their new animal friends, and follow them on their exciting, pigtastic farm adventures.


Did you know that the Bourbonnais donkey drinks 4 gallons of water a day? In this pocket-sized guide, you’ll discover loads of interesting facts about 34 popular breeds of donkeys and mules, including their appearance, history, breeding, and uses in agriculture and tourism. From the critically endangered Abyssinian, to the speedy Onager who can run at 40mph over a 15-mile stretch, this fascinating and fun guide will turn both young and old into a donkey and mule enthusiast.



Как часто мы хотим повидать далекие загадочные края. Мечтаем увидеть море, горы, завораживающие пейзажи. Как часто мечты остаются мечтами. А для осуществления желаемого нужно всего лишь решиться, и, главное, не обязательно ехать за тридевять земель. Прекрасное может быть рядом. Мальчик Георгий и девочка Мария, с волшебной феей проведут вам замечательную экскурсию по достопримечательностям Туапсе. Только не по всем. Они для вас оставили загадки. Море, теплый уют, живописные места Туапсинского района, не оставят равнодушными ни одного любителя природных достопримечательностей и любых видов отдыха.


Продолжение романа "Наследники Дерсу. Книга 1. Пасека". Инженер-лесовод Виталий Кутелев уже знаком вам по первой книге, второй герой повествования, биолог Виктор Степанов, не выдержав опеки мамы, уезжает из Ленинграда на Дальний Восток и работает лесником в Журавлёвском лесничестве в Уссурийской тайге. Тайга вдоль реки Синей погибает от гусениц непарного шелкопряда. Главный лесничий отправляет лесников в научную экспедицию на обследование очага по маршруту первозданных элитных кедрачей. Поход по нетронутой рубками тайге занимает шесть дней – ночевки у костра, в охотничьих избушках, встречи с тигром, харзой, барсуками, рыбалка в горных ручьях. Автор – лауреат московской премии в номинации "Философия в художественной литературе" и лондонской литературной премии, учреждённой Интернациональным Союзом писателей", носит звание "Лучший писатель 2015–2019 г.г.", кавалер литературных медалей. Тираж публикаций составляет более 200000 экз.