
Журнал «Эксперт» – одно из самых влиятельных еженедельных деловых аналитических изданий России. За 14 лет своего существования в непростых политических и экономических условиях изданию удалось не только выжить и сохранить своих читателей, но и расширить их круг, заслужив репутацию несомненного лидера российской деловой журнальной прессы.


Еженедельная газета «Совершенно Секретно – Версия» была основана в 1998 году известным российским журналистом Артёмом Боровиком. Журналистский коллектив издания прославился рядом громких расследований, публикацией сенсационных материалов. В 2005 году газета получила новое имя – «Наша Версия». Общероссийская еженедельная газета «Наша Версия» сегодня – это один из ведущих еженедельников журналистских расследований – жесткий и информативный, остроумный и понятный. Издание выходит на 24 полосах формата А-3 общим тиражом 170 тысяч экземпляров и распространяется во всех регионах России, а также на территории ближнего и дальнего зарубежья.


Общенациональная ежедневная газета, которая пользуется заслуженным доверием и уважением читателей. Круг интересов газеты – политика, экономика, культура и спорт, общественная жизнь и будни армии, городские новости и светская хроника. В каждом номере публикуются эксклюзивные репортажи, аналитика и комментарии высокопрофессиональных журналистов.


Московский комсомолец – популярная российская газета. Выходит во всех крупных городах России. Ежедневно обновляемые статьи, обзоры, комментарии. Собственная лента новостей. Выходит с 11 декабря 1919 г. Распространяется по всей России, в ближнем зарубежье, в Европе и Америке. Тематика: общественно-политическое издание, органично сочетающее острые социальные и политические материалы, экономические обзоры, городские новости, светскую хронику и развлекательную информацию.


Praise for Nonprofit Strategic Planning Leveraging Sarbanes-Oxley Best Practices «A robust nonprofit sector is a vital part of a civil society. Keeping the sector strong through effective strategic planning and implementation is a critical assignment. As a thought leader in the nonprofit sector, Dr. Jackson's book on the relationship of Sarbanes-Oxley best practices with strategic planning is an invaluable resource for nonprofit governing boards and employees. Her step-by-step, practical approach is easy to read and, more important, provides a specific road map to effective planning.» -Larry Brewster, Dean, College of Professional Studies University of San Francisco «Dr. Jackson's practical and straightforward approach to creating a strategic plan is quite refreshing. I believe that more and more nonprofits understand that they need to be run just as any business needs to be run-with focus, clarity, and purpose. The ideas and methodology stress the importance of sound risk management and the rewards of having such a plan in place. I can assure you that the executive director of every nonprofit I represent will receive a copy of this book.» -Joseph L. DeLucchi, Vice President CAL Insurance & Associates, Inc. Get Nonprofit Strategic Planning: Leveraging Sarbanes-Oxley Best Practices and * Examine if your nonprofit has the right people on board to achieve its strategic goals * Establish important control mechanisms * Learn how the legal and legislative environments have changed over the last five years * Discover the direction in which your nonprofit needs to go and why Required reading for anyone leading a nonprofit organization, Nonprofit Strategic Planning: Leveraging Sarbanes-Oxley Best Practices prepares your organization to engage in meaningful strategic planning and equips you with the practical tools to navigate it through today's competitive environment.


Go Beyond «Business As Usual» with Your Nonprofit "At last–the 'real truth' about nonprofit management! In Exposing the Elephants, Wilcox reveals the 'pesky pachyderms' that block our way to full effectiveness. How often have we grumbled that 'just because you're a [insert profession here], it doesn't mean you know how to run a nonprofit'? With clarity, passion, and sly humor, Wilcox validates that perspective and many others–but doesn't let us get away with just accepting the presence of the elephant in the room. Wilcox summarizes complex issues using recognizable examples and then offers sensible strategies for resolving them. Ultimately, she gives us permission to do the right thing(s). I love this book–and I can't wait to start implementing the 'elephant solutions'! " –Nancy Perkin Beaumont, CAE, Executive Director, Society of American Archivists «Before I finished reading Exposing the Elephants, I met with my key staff to talk about what we must change. I also shared what I learned from reading the book with a friend who sits on several different types of boards. Wilcox says it like it is–and it needs to be said–in every nonprofit organization.» –Julie Donovan, Executive Director, Habitat for Humanity, Lake County, Illinois «A remarkably candid, fresh, and witty analysis of the challenges inherent in managing nonprofits. Insightful and pragmatic solutions to overcoming the 'white elephants' so prevalent in the nonprofit culture. A 'must read' for every nonprofit CEO and board member.» –Dick Yingst, President & CEO, Financial Managers Society, Chicago, Illinois «Pam Wilcox is willing to say the things that nonprofit professionals often do not wish to hear. She reveals through clear language and flowing style the significant barriers that nonprofits face and need to remove for not just success but also excellence. Unlike many authors who point out what is wrong with nonprofits, Wilcox shows us the way to tackle our most intractable issues and move to excellence. This book should be read by any and everyone involved in the nonprofit sector.» –Katrina S. Rogers, PhD, Associate Dean, Research and Practice Director, Center for Innovation in the Nonprofit Sector, Fielding Graduate University


PRAISE FOR Yours, Mine & Ours: Creating a Compelling Donor Experience «Using the principles penned in this book, Barry McLeish has helped our nonprofit grow its customer base 400% with plans to double it yet again approved by our board. The creation of a compelling donor experience has increased gifts 1,000%.» –Ron Ward Executive Director Camp Berea «Nonprofits face constant pressure from a public scrutinizing our every move, demanding more service for less cost. Into this perfect storm, Barry McLeish has cast a lifeline. He has given us the power to discern snake oil from salve and to craft custom strategies for our unique organizations. Those who survive the future shakeout and fragmentation of our industry will owe an eternal debt of gratitude to the likes of Barry McLeish and his tribe.» –Tony Lee Associate Director of Development Habitat for Humanity «Becoming more donor-centric is not a choice–it's a strategic imperative. This timely book from a seasoned and very savvy practitioner sounds an urgently needed wake-up alarm for nonprofits that have yet to align their work with the hearts and minds of their donors. If you're an executive or board member of a nonprofit, after reading this book don't even dream of hitting the snooze button. In today's environment, it could well be your organization's last nap.» –Larry F. Johnston, PhD President McConkey, Johnston International «Keeping up with the sea change in the business of philanthropy has become a full-time job for fundraisers and for managers of nonprofits. McLeish's book explores the expanded expectations of twenty-first-century donors and offers a road map to guide development professionals in building meaningful relationships that will insure years of engaged support. This book goes beyond conventional concepts of branding and marketing into the creation of authentic partnerships between donors and organizations.» –Linda G. Steckley Vice President for Development and Executive Education The Brookings Institution «The words of Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, the biochemist, summarize Barry's latest thoughts: 'Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.' The reader who captures Barry's insights and personally adapts and applies them will benefit greatly.» –Larry Fuhrer, Founder/President Presidential Services Ltd.


Explore the methods and processes to help nonprofits raise money in an environment that increasingly demands accountability, transparency, and results. The realities of today's economic environment have required that nonprofits, and those that raise money for them, make their case for support as strongly as possible. Warm and fuzzy appeals that tug at the heart strings have met with limited success. Assuming that funding targets intuitively know the value of the good work being done is unrealistic. The Key to Nonprofit Sustainability offers an abundance of pragmatic tips, tools, case studies, and techniques to make the process easy to understand and implement.


For centuries, the major poweres of the West were seduced by the allure of the countries of «the Far East». Spices, textiles, silk and tea were the staples of East- West trade. But competition between Western traders eventually caused military intervention in Asian affairs and the establishment of colonial empires. These actions have shapred the history of mankind and left a legacy that still reverberates throughout Asia. Western Power in Asia is a unique contribution to the understanding of present- day Asia. Essential reading for anyone interested in world history, Arthur Cotterell offers fascinating insights into five hundred extraordinary years of power and influence by the West, which disappeared spectacularly after the Second World War. The author's ability to tell both sides of the story, with the aid of contemporary illustrations as well as quotations, makes this book a tremendous resource for students of Asian history. And because the entire colonial experience is covered for the first time within a single volume, Western Power in Asia also provides the general reader with an unusual and invaluable perspective on East- West relations. As countries such as China and India become key players on the world stage, Western Power in Asia provides a timely reminder of the path that led to their present positions, while allowing a poignant opportunity to reflect on how they might in future treat their Western trading partners.