
Московский комсомолец – популярная российская газета. Выходит во всех крупных городах России. Ежедневно обновляемые статьи, обзоры, комментарии. Собственная лента новостей. Выходит с 11 декабря 1919 г. Распространяется по всей России, в ближнем зарубежье, в Европе и Америке.Тематика: общественно-политическое издание, органично сочетающее острые социальные и политические материалы, экономические обзоры, городские новости, светскую хронику и развлекательную информацию.



China emerged as a major economic, diplomatic, and military power during the critical decade from 2008 to 2018. As a result, China's foreign policy has become more active and dynamic. This book provides a unique perspective to understand Chinese foreign policy during this decade by examining continuities and changes in both internal and external factors that have shaped China's development. The book focuses on key challenges in China's diplomacy such as US-China relations, the Korean Peninsula, Taiwan, Japan, India, Chinese investment overseas, the Belt and Road Initiative, global and regional cooperation, soft power, etc. It also includes an extensive annotated bibliography of major recent publications on various aspects of Chinese foreign policy. This is the first scholarly book that studies the evolution and key challenges of China's foreign relations during the critical decade (2008-2018) when China grew into a crucial, sometimes assertive, power in international affairs.


In view of its size, and vast land and sea boundaries that it shares with its neighbours, China has always regarded its peripheral policy as a crucial aspect of its national security. Such a mentality conforms to Chinese leaders' core belief that a stable external environment – in particular, its immediate region – remains the sine qua non for the continued and sustained rejuvenation of their nation.This book examines China's evolving strategies towards its surrounding peripheries. It is the first book to examine in detail President Xi Jinping's steering of China's peripheral diplomacy. It argues that China pursues an ambitious, omnidirectional regional diplomacy that emphasizes the entire periphery region, and not just specific peripheries. According to this book, Chinese regional policy cannot be properly and adequately understood without taking into account its full breadth, substance and scope. Featuring chapters that explore China's evolving policy in Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia and Central Asia, and addressing new developments under Xi, this book fleshes out the intricacies of how China has been managing its peripheral relationships in Asia under new circumstances and new leadership.


Журнал «Эксперт» – общенациональный еженедельный деловой журнал – единственный в России деловой еженедельник, глубоко и профессионально изучающий экономику, российский и международный бизнес, общественно-политические процессы, науку и инновации. «Эксперт» дает читателям объемную и достоверную информацию, представляет тренды, аналитику, прогнозы, рейтинги, описывая состояние отраслей производства и публикуя интервью с ключевыми фигурами бизнеса.


«Вечерняя Москва» – ежедневная российская вечерняя газета, старейшее из вечерних изданий в России, учрежденное в 1923 году. Выходит пять дней в неделю, кроме субботы и воскресенья. Отличается тем, что рассказывает о событиях еще не завершившегося дня. Оперативно освещает хронику и особенности жизни Москвы, охватывает все слои общества и большинство профессиональных и возрастных групп читателей.Издание представлено тремя выпусками – утренним ежедневным, вечерним (выходит три раза в неделю), еженедельным (выходит по четвергам).Утром газета рассказывает москвичам о новостях экономики, политики и общества, дает городскую хронику, предлагает аналитику и прогнозы.Вечером на страницах «Вечерки» появляются эксклюзивные интервью ньюсмейкеров культуры и шоу-бизнеса, репортажи журналистов по вечерней Москве, афиша нашего города. Один раз в неделю выходит специальный студенческий вечерний номер.Еженедельный выпуск «Вечерней Москвы» – это значимые события недели, афиша города, новости из сферы отдыха и развлечений, телепрограмма с анонсами и комментариями, авторские колонки журналистов и авторитетные мнения экспертов, детская страничка, специальная рубрика «Золушка», интересные репортажи о необычных судьбах московских жителей, постоянные конкурсы и викторины.«Вечерняя Москва» оперативно информирует жителей мегаполиса об основных проектах мэрии Москвы, обладая прямым доступом к актуальной информации от правительства нашего города.


Московский комсомолец – популярная российская газета. Выходит во всех крупных городах России. Ежедневно обновляемые статьи, обзоры, комментарии. Собственная лента новостей. Выходит с 11 декабря 1919 г. Распространяется по всей России, в ближнем зарубежье, в Европе и Америке.Тематика: общественно-политическое издание, органично сочетающее острые социальные и политические материалы, экономические обзоры, городские новости, светскую хронику и развлекательную информацию.


Из жизни в Великобритании: ничего менять в лучшую сторону не нужно – надо просто радоваться!


Interviews with 77 left-wing thinkers and activists from all over the world. Chapters feature interviews of people from the same region with the exception of the beginning of the book, which will feature some of the more prominent people: Noam Chomsky, Juan Cole, Glenn Greenwald, Alex de Waal, Yassin al-Haj Saleh, George Monbiot, Ed Vulliamy, Pervez Hoodbhoy, Amartya Sen, Meredith Tax, Anthony Appiah, Mahmood Mamdani, Peter Beinart, Michael Walzer, Gideon Levy, Malalai Joya. The goal of the book is to offer Western readers a more nuanced look at international issues, and local issues important to the people being interviewed. Our aim is to stimulate debate and lead to less lazy generalizations about what is happening in certain countries and regions of the world.


A timely primer on the conflict between the United States and Iran by scholars of Middle Eastern politics who advocate diplomacy and de-escalation. The United States and Iran seem to be permanently locked in a dangerous cycle of brinkmanship and violence. Both countries have staged cyber attacks and recently shot down one another’s aircrafts. Why do both countries seem intent on escalation? Why did the U.S. abandon the nuclear deal (which, according to the UN, was working)? Where can Washington and Tehran find common ground? To address these questions and the political and historical forces at play, David Barsamian presents the perspectives of Iran scholars Ervand Abrahamian, Noam Chomsky, Nader Hashemi, Azadeh Moaveni, and Trita Parsi. A follow-up to the previously published Targeting Iran , this timely book continues to affirm the goodwill between Iranian and American people, even as their respective governments clash on the international stage. Praise for ReTargeting Iran: "In a Q&A format about the continued demonization of Iran by the U.S., [David] Barsamian gets at the key to the deterioration of the relationship between the two nations. … [T]he discussion is astute and relevant."— Kirkus Reviews "A necessary and timely education on one of the most politically fraught and historically significant relationships of our time. I devoured these smart, insightful interviews with five important Iran scholars, about the struggle between two countries that have both been our home."— Dina Nayeri , author of The Ungrateful Refugee: What Immigrants Never Tell You "This little book contains more wisdom about Iran than exists in the White House, Congress, the State Department, and the Pentagon combined. Anyone who wants to understand the world's most misunderstood country will find no better source."— Stephen Kinzer , Author of All the Shah's Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror "Many journalists and academics have written books about Iran. But ReTargeting Ira n fills an important gap, a book sharply critical of U.S. policy and the Iranian government. David Barsamian provides timely interviews with major analysts that sets the record straight. It's a highly accessible read and a great introduction to the U.S.-Iran conflict."— Reese Erlich , author of The Iran Agenda Today: The Real Story Inside Iran and What's Wrong with U.S. Policy. " ReTargeting Iran is a facts-only objective account of where America has gone wrong, stupidly wrong—yet again—in its foreign policy, dominated by a mythical belief that Iran has an active nuclear weapons program. All one needs to know about the threat is this: as of mid-2020, the United States had no less than thirty-five military bases, manned by 65,000 soldiers, ready go to war in the nations immediately surrounding our feared adversary."— Seymour M. Hersh , author of Reporter: A Memoir