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Many people have been trying to explain the power of the subconscious mind through books and seminars for more than a century. Different writers approached this subject at different angles and most of them did not achieve their expected results as most readers did not really understand the concept or were not really convinced with what they have read. This book comes with a unique intention of helping you to achieve anything you really want and equally important, getting rid of anything you do not want. This is done by optimizing your subconscious mind power through The Mindynamics System.<br><br>During those years of application and practice, I have managed to find out more about the subconscious mind: what works and what doesn't; and why. I have also created The Mindynamics System that explains clearly why and how the subconscious mind works. The theories and techniques I have covered in this book do aligned with what "The Secret" and "The Law of Attraction" teach. There may be some differences in techniques and perspectives; but the principles are the same.<br><br>I have found the codeword for motivation and I am now sharing with you. With the new challenges in the 21st century, I believe the codeword for motivation — The Subconscious Mind will be the deciding factor for success as the subconscious mind does magic and create miracles.<br><br>With this book, I will show you the techniques to unleash the power of your subconscious mind through The Mindynamics System. You will be able to BE YOUR BEST and achieve your goals. Be pleasantly rewarded, as the results you attain are fast, efficient and permanent.
I know what's like to be broke.<br><br>Nine years ago I was in debt because of the huge legal fees and the loss of my job. I was an innocent victim fighting for justice. The lawyer's fee almost bankrupt me. I resorted to borrowing from my family, the bank and my credit card was max out. The money goes to pay high interest. I got deeper and deeper into the debt sink hole. I was frustrated and depressed about my situation. <br><br>That experience motivated me to do everything to get myself out of debt. I read as many books as I can find in the public library, and spending hours researching on the Internet. I did everything I possible could. It took me more than a year to get out of debt. <br><br>Out of this painful experience, come this book. From all these experiences and research , I developed the strategies to get out of debt and live a debt free life. It worked for me. It can work for you. <br><br>In this book, you will discover:<br>– Warning Signs of Too Much Debt<br>– Why People are in Debt<br>– The Truth about Debt<br>– The Credit Card scam<br>– The power of Compound Interest<br>– How to stop the financial hemorrhage<br>– How to Live Below Your Means<br>– How to create a Repayment Plan<br>– How to create a Spending Plan<br>– How to Save<br>– How to Increase Your Earning Capability<br>– How to Cultivate a Prosperity Mindset<br><br>When you implement the strategies in this book, you will discover the truth and the lies about credit card, you will know how to get out of debt, and live a Debt-Free Life and prosperous life. <br><br>This is a very small cost to invest in getting debt free! You will save far more than the cost of book, The amount is less than a hour of personal coaching. Apply what you learn and it will get you out of debts forever.
How to Attract and Get What You Really Want: Uncover the Secret to Creating a More Fulfilling Life Using the Power of Universal Laws - Ellen J. John
Are there things that you want but feel that you will never have? Are you tired of watching others meet their goals and get their dreams fulfilled while yours never do? If you are ready to stop wishing and to start making things happen, this is the book for you. Stop wishing and start attracting what you want out of life using the Law of Attraction. <br><br>If you are looking for a better relationship, a better career, more money, better health or even want to own better things, you can use the Law of Attraction to make it happen and this book will tell you how. How you think greatly influences your life. By changing your thinking, you can change your life, attracting the things that you want the most into your life. By using the Law of Attraction and changing how you think, you will be able to make your wishes into a reality. Stop watching others get what they want out of life, it is your turn.
This is a short e-booklet of about 25 pages.<br><br>You and your colleague have been at the same company for three years, in the same role, and you both have impressive college degrees and work really hard. You're both ready for the next step up. Yet your colleague gets contacted for really sexy jobs by executive recruiters a couple times a month, while you....well, almost never. What's going on?<br><br>My guess is that your colleague has a Linkedin profile that looks inviting to recruiters, while yours does not. My name is Elizabeth Garzarelli, and as a researcher at an executive recruiting firm, I literally look at hundreds and hundreds of Linkedin profiles every day; thousands over the course of a year. The ones that attract my attention share some common elements that I am going to share with you. Making a few small tweaks to the way that your Linkedin profile appears can mean the difference between career growth with new challenge and additional compensation, or stagnating at a dead-end job where you're bored and underpaid. In this little e-book, I'll share with you the small, easy changes that you can make that will make you much more appealing to recruiters.
Goal Setting Myths and Traps that Hold Women Back: How to Move Past Your Limiting Beliefs and Achieve Your Potential - Allison JD Foskett
Discover the goal setting myths and dangerous goal setting traps that prevent women from achieving their goals. By reading this book you'll save time, money, and prevent endless failures, plateaus, and attempts to give up on your goals. You'll be able to effectively anticipate the drawbacks of goal setting and achievement, and successfully prepare for the hurdles that are ahead.<br><br>Achieving your dreams and goals can be a double-edged sword at times. While there are joys and triumphs as one achieves their life dreams, what is less known about are the slippery slopes and goal setting traps that women fall into. Learn the latest scientific research on how goal setting and achievement can harm you, and what steps you can take to stay resilient. This book will help you avoid goal setting burnout so that you can maintain your enthusiasm and persistence while ensuring long-term commitment to your goals. After all, you deserve to achieve your life dreams and goals!
As seen on/in CNBC, CNN, WGN, The Wall Street Journal, and endorsed by The Chicago Tribune, the new edition of Top Secret Resumes is now the complete career marketing tool for all job seekers. This is the only book of its kind that includes a free consultation by the author.<br> <br>Includes more than 100 high-impact Resumes and Cover Letters for virtually all professions (250 8.5 x 11 pages total). Bonus: includes tips on effective Linkedin Profiles, Networking, Career Marketing, Interviewing and Online Resources.<br> <br>Covers Executive Positions, Technical/Non-Technical Management, Engineering, IT, Software/Hardware design, Sales and Marketing, Teachers, Nurses, HR, Public Relations and more, many with documented results.<br><br>Steven Provenzano's books have sold more than 100,000 copies and remain essential guides for serious job seekers. He has written more than 5000 resumes for clients worldwide for over 20 years, and the full cost of this book is reimbursed with any resume writing service by the author at https://Execareers.com.
Find your signature voicePeople are drawn to and influenced by leaders who communicate authentically, connect easily with people, and have immediate impact. So how do you become one of them? How can you learn to “own the room”? This book will help you develop your leadership presence. According to Amy Jen Su and Muriel Maignan Wilkins, leadership presence is the ability to consistently and clearly articulate your value proposition while influencing and connecting with others. They offer a simple and compelling framework, as well as practical advice about how you can develop your own personal presence.No matter where you sit in an organization, you can “own the room” if you are able to do two things well: first, demonstrate your authentic value and distinction, and second, connect to others in a positive way. Leaders who are able to be authentic while connecting with and impacting others have what the authors call a “signature voice”—a means of self-expression that is uniquely and distinctly their own. Once you discover and express your own signature voice, you’ll be ready to take your leadership presence to the next level.Filled with real-life stories and examples, Own the Room demystifies the concept of presence and gives you the tools you need to identify and embrace your unique leadership voice—and have a greater impact on the world around you.
The best of Peter F. Drucker’s articles on management, all in one place. That “management” exists as a concept, a practice, and a profession is largely due to the thinking of Peter F. Drucker. For nearly half a century, he inspired and educated managers—and powerfully shaped the nature of business—with his iconic articles in Harvard Business Review . Through the lens of Drucker’s broad vision, this volume presents an opportunity to trace the great shifts in organizations in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries—from manufacturing to knowledge work, from career-length employee tenures to short-term contract relationships, from command-and-control structures to flatter organizations that call for new leadership techniques. These articles also offer a firm and practical grasp of the role of the manager and the executive today—their responsibilities, their relationships, their decisions, and detailed processes that can make their work more effective. A celebrated thinker at his best, in this volume Drucker paints a clear and comprehensive picture of management thinking and practice—both as it is and as it will be. This collection of articles includes: “What Makes an Effective Executive,” “The Theory of the Business,” “Managing for Business Effectiveness,” “The Effective Decision,” “How to Make People Decisions,” “They’re Not Employees, They’re People,” “The New Productivity Challenge,” “What Business Can Learn from Nonprofits,” “The New Society of Organizations,” and “Managing Oneself.”
We live in an age of unprecedented opportunity: with ambition, drive, and talent, you can rise to the top of your chosen profession regardless of where you started out. But with opportunity comes responsibility. Companies today aren't managing their knowledge workers careers. Instead, you must be your own chief executive officer. That means it's up to you to carve out your place in the world and know when to change course. And it's up to you to keep yourself engaged and productive during a career that may span some 50 years. In Managing Oneself , Peter Drucker explains how to do it. The keys: Cultivate a deep understanding of yourself by identifying your most valuable strengths and most dangerous weaknesses; Articulate how you learn and work with others and what your most deeply held values are; and Describe the type of work environment where you can make the greatest contribution. Only when you operate with a combination of your strengths and self-knowledge can you achieve true and lasting excellence. Managing Oneself identifies the probing questions you need to ask to gain the insights essential for taking charge of your career. Peter Drucker was a writer, teacher, and consultant. His 34 books have been published in more than 70 languages. He founded the Peter F. Drucker Foundation for Nonprofit Management, and counseled 13 governments, public services institutions, and major corporations.
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Автор произведения Peter Ferdinand Drucker
The semester has begun, and Professor Johnathan Daniels welcomes his next batch of students into his classroom. He teaches the capstone Business Communications course at State U, one of the most valuable classes a student can take. As senior Aaron Woods takes his seat, he has no idea the wealth of knowledge, skills, and communication tools he’s about to receive that will help him conquer life after graduation. Dr. Daniels’ curriculum consists of his “12 Keys to Professional Success,” which offer help and guidance through any career-related obstacle someone might encounter. As Aaron and his class make their way through the 12 Keys, they’ll gain wisdom and learn how to master simple principles – such as establishing rapport with others, time management, interview skills, dressing professionally, and more – that, when added together, yield results that are undeniable. Grab a seat: class is about to begin.