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Поиск работы, карьера
Различные книги в жанре Поиск работы, карьера, доступные для чтения и скачиванияАннотация
Каждый из вас сталкивался с сетевыми компаниями. В этой книге я хочу рассказать вам свой опыт работы в одной компании. Начиная от знакомства, заканчивая тем почему я от туда ушел. «Имена персонажей изменены», «Все персонажи являются вымышленными, и любое совпадение с реально живущими или жившими людьми случайно»
Вашему вниманию представлено продолжение книги "Работник". Герой, попав в сложные жизненные ситуации, встретив сопротивление действительности, интуитивно уклоняется от борьбы. Ещё чаще прислушиваясь к себе, принимает правильные, жизненно необходимые решения.
Bien plus de personnes qu’on ne l’imagine passent la plupart de leur temps de travail à côtoyer d’autres personnes. Et à moins d'avoir de la chance, ces personnes-là n'ont pas la possibilité de choisir leurs collègues de travail. Malheureusement, tout le monde ne sait pas comment s'entendre avec les autres, ce qui engendre de nombreuses difficultés et rend le cours de la journée presque insupportable. Dans n'importe quelle situation, savoir bien travailler avec les autres est essentiel, et c'est d'autant plus vrai dans le cadre du travail. Pourquoi cela ? Pour résumer, parce que cela impacte l'efficacité, la productivité et le moral des employés, pour ne citer que ces quelques raisons. La taille de l'entreprise ou le secteur dans lequel vous travaillez n'a aucune importance. Les règles sont fondamentalement les mêmes, que vous travailliez avec une seule personne ou avec 1 000. Chaque individu mérite le même degré de considération. Lors de votre recherche d'emploi, avez-vous déjà remarqué l'expression ”doit savoir travailler en équipe” dans les annonces de travail ? Si c'est précisé dans l’annonce, c'est qu'il y a une bonne raison. Les employeurs ne veulent pas embaucher quelqu'un qui ne sait pas travailler en équipe car ils savent qu’en général, cela peut rapidement occasionner des problèmes. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Have you ever wanted to be a bigger, braver version of yourself? Can you imagine how that would expand your perspective on your career, your relationships and your life? Now is the time to be bold! In Bold Moves, Pippa Hallas, shares the inspiring story of her great aunt, Ella Baché, who fled war-torn Europe to start one of the world’s best loved skin care companies. Through conversations with other remarkable Australian women including Lorna Jane Clarkson, Tracy Spicer and many more, Pippa shares the moments when these women stood up, spoke out and fearlessly redefined their futures. As women and beauty trends have evolved over the decades, Ella Baché has kept pace while holding true to the core values of the company. Pippa opens up about the journey behind the brand, the disruptions, the innovations, the mistakes, and the risks that have made it what it is today. Featuring personal advice – as well as her own journey as CEO and as the mother of two young boys – this book will show you how to: embrace your personal story fortify your voice design the life you want to live love your own skin build your personal legacy. In a world of constant change, ground breaking technology, unprecedented transparency and unrivalled expectation, it is harder than ever to live a life of truth and passion. Bold Moves will give you everything you need to stand up and be bold in every part of your life.
Feeling stuck? Find out how to work toward the career of your dreams If you’re slogging through your days in a boring or unrewarding job, it may be time to make a big change. Careers For Dummies is a comprehensive career guide from a top career coach and counselor that will help you jump start your career and your life. Dive in to learn more about career opportunities, with a plethora of job descriptions and the certifications, degrees, and continuing education that can help you build the career you’ve always wanted. Whether you’re entering the workforce for the first time or a career-oriented person who needs or wants a change, this book has valuable information that can help you achieve your career goals. Find out how you can build your personal brand to become more attractive to potential employers, how to create a plan to “get from here to there” on your career path, and access videos and checklists that help to drive home all the key points. If you’re not happy in your day-to-day work now, there’s no better time than the present to work towards change. Get inspired by learning about a wide variety of careers Create a path forward for a new or better career that will be rewarding and fun Determine how to build your personal brand to enhance your career opportunities Get tips from a top career coach to help you plan and implement a strategy for a more rewarding work life Careers For Dummies is the complete resource for those looking to enhance their careers or embark on a more rewarding work experience.
Lose the resume and land that coveted job Gone are the days of polishing up your resume and sending it out at random. At every level today, you need to “lose the resume” in order to land the right job. In other words, you have to learn to tell a story about yourself that speaks to your competencies, purpose, passion, and values. Lose the Resume, Land the Job shares the new rules of engagement: How you must think, act, and present yourself so you can win. Based on inner exploration drawn from the IP of the world's largest executive recruiting firm, the book gleans insights and stories (the good, the bad, and sometimes the ugly) from Korn Ferry recruiters across the globe who work with thousands of candidates each day. It helps you gain a deeper perspective on who you are, what you’re passionate about, the cultures in which you fit, the kind of bosses you should work for, and where you can bring the most value to organizations. • Includes assessments, questionnaires, and other tools • Candid advice for young professionals through middle managers • Offers trusted guidance from the same firm that has shown 8 million executives how to achieve their career goals, and that puts a professional in new job every three minutes • Helps you build a plan for the future so you can contribute more to the next employer Getting a job and, more importantly, building a career has never been more complex. Lose the Resume, Land the Job helps you score the positions that align with your passion and match your attributes – and that will put you on a trajectory toward bigger and better things.
The training path for engineers focuses intensely on scientific and technical knowledge. Yet, our professional and personal satisfaction and success also depend on other traits that make us more effective and productive. In this thought-provoking book, Alan Rossiter provides practical guidance in developing the skills to become more effective in your work, while also balancing your life. It is invaluable reading for graduating college students and young professionals as well as seasoned practitioners who find that work is becoming all-consuming.
Innovation is increasingly identified as the critical factor in ensuring economic competitiveness. Departments of state and quasi-governmental organizations in many countries including, Austria, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Sweden and the UK, have issued reports and calls to action; but implementation will continue to be problematic unless the points made in this book are taken into account. Drawing on 350 in-depth interviews with senior managers, this book presents an original theory about the characteristics of managers in “good innovative organizations” and “poor innovative organizations”. It pays close attention to the attitudes, understandings, assumptions and interpretations of managers, who are often the ultimate decision-makers when it comes to innovation. The text is supported by real-life, internationally-known cases such as Hewlett-Packard, Zeneca and the BBC, as well as voluntary sector cases such as Oxfam. It is also enriched by substantial and highly revealing quotations from senior managers themselves.
Make LinkedIn your number one professional branding tool LinkedIn is the premiere social network for professionals looking to discover new opportunities, enhance personal branding, connect with other professionals, and make career advancements. With LinkedIn For Dummies, you’ll have step-by-step instructions on how to take advantage of the latest tools and features to do all of this and more. This book will teach you how to create an attractive profile that employers will notice, as well as ways to expand your network by making connections around the globe. You'll also learn how to best navigate the new user interface, write recommendations, take a course with LinkedIn Learning, and conduct your job search. Create an appealing, detailed profile Establish your credibility and personal brand Connect with employers and find jobs Request and write recommendations Whether you’re one of LinkedIn’s 500 million global members or brand new to the site, this authoritative resource helps you get the most out of the world’s largest professional network.
In Understanding Islamic Finance Muhammad Ayub introduces all the essential elements of this growing market by providing an in-depth background to the subject and clear descriptions of all the major products and processes associated with Islamic finance. Key features include: Discussion of the principles of Islamic finance; Introduction to the key products and procedures that International Financial Institutions are using or may adopt to fund a variety of clients ensuring Sharī´ah compliance; Discussion of the role Islamic finance can play in the development of the financial system and of economies; Practical and operational examples that cover deposit and fund management by banks involving financing of various sectors of the economy, risk management, accounting treatment, and working of Islamic financial markets and instruments. This book is not only an important text for all banks and financial institutions entering this particular market with a commitment to building Islamic financial solutions, but is also essential reading for undergraduate and postgraduate students of Islamic finance.