
The Essential classic collection of books by science fiction author Edgar Rice Burroughs:<br><br>Table Of Contents<br>At the Earth&#39;s Core<br>The Beasts of Tarzan<br>THE CHESSMEN OF MARS<br>THE EFFICIENCY EXPERT<br>THE GODS OF MARS<br>Jungle Tales of Tarzan<br>The Land that Time Forgot<br>THE LOST CONTINENT<br>THE MAD KING<br>THE MONSTER MEN<br>THE MUCKER<br>THE OAKDALE AFFAIR<br>THE OUTLAW OF TORN<br>Out of Time&#39;s Abyss<br>PELLUCIDAR<br>The People That Time Forgot<br>A PRINCESS OF MARS<br>The Return Of Tarzan<br>The Son Of Tarzan<br>Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar<br>Tarzan of the Apes<br>Tarzan the Terrible<br>Tarzan the Untamed<br>Thuvia, Maid of Mars<br>Warlord of Mars


Compiled in one book, the essential collection of Time Traders books by Andre Norton:<br><br>The Defiant Agents <br>Key Out of Time <br>The Time Traders


Compiled in one book, the essential collection of books by H. G. Wells:<br><br>The Time Machine<br><br>War of the Worlds <br><br>The Island of Doctor Moreau <br><br>The First Men in the Moon <br><br>The Invisible Man <br><br>Country of the Blind <br><br>Door in the Wall and Others <br><br>Tono Bungay


Compiled in one book, the essential collection of stories by Harry Harrison:<br><br>Arm of the Law<br>DEATHWORLD<br>THE ETHICAL ENGINEER<br>The K-Factor<br>THE MISPLACED BATTLESHIP<br>NAVY DAY<br>Planet of the Damned<br>The Repairman<br>Toy Shop<br>The Velvet Glove


Compiled in one book, the essential collection of books by George O Smith:<br><br>The Big Fix<br>THE FOURTH &quot;R&quot;<br>HIGHWAYS IN HIDING<br>HISTORY REPEATS<br>INSTINCT<br>STOP LOOK AND DIG


A visionary tour de force, Liminal States begins in 1874, out on the wilder edges of the New Mexico Territory, where Gideon Long stumbles toward his certain death, shot by his nemesis, Warren Groves, during a botched train robbery. But a mysterious white dog draws Gideon into a cave, leading him on a course that will alter a nation's history. . .Over a hundred years later, the promise of America has grown twisted beyond recognition. Two sworn enemies are still alive, immortalized by the foreign alchemy of an alien presence. Their feud has unknowingly set the stage for humanity's end. An invasion is well under way, unseen, unstoppable. Between submission and death, freedom is a distant whisper. . .A bold mashup of imagination and innovation, Liminal States is truly a story without limits.


Breathtakingly frightening and hugely entertaining. . .a knockout debut. Ryan Lockwood is a talent to watch! –Tripp Whetsell, NY Daily News In the bestselling tradition of Jaws, from the depths of the sea comes a new kind of terror. In all his years as a professional diver, Will Sturman has never encountered a killing machine more ferocious than the great white shark or as deadly as the piranha. Now, off the coast of California, something is rising from the deep–and multiplying. Voracious, unstoppable, and migrating north, an ungodly life form trailed by a gruesome wake of corpses. With the help of the brilliant and beautiful oceanographer Valerie Martell, Will finds himself in a race against time to stop the slaughter–by a predator capable of devastating the world's oceans. Pray it kills you quickly. "In this brilliantly terrifying debut, Ryan Lockwood snaps hold of you and doesn't let go. . .with nerve-tingling suspense, BELOW is a thriller you won't easily put down–or forget." –Kevin O'Brien, New York Times bestselling author"Absolutely terrifying. . .and all the more frightening because it could happen." –Marc Cameron, author of State of Emergency


In his Introduction, Robert Silverberg writes: «I started [this story] in classic pulp mode, opening with my protagonist’s name, showing that he was in big trouble, and providing a setting: “Laird Hammill raced frantically through the cold night of Denerix, largest world of the Shanador system. He was somewhere on a dark, vast plain outside the city of Lombrosa, and a half mile behind him lay the useless hulk of his burned-out landcar.” The story continues that way, slam and bang and biff and pow, displaying my precocious command of pulp formulas right to the curtain line ('We’ve won, darling....') It moves along very nicely, I think. And in its portrayal of a race of intelligent beings that dwell in the hearts of stars I touch on a theme that I would return to, decades later, in my novel Starborne.»


• The themes of scientific creation, father/daughter relationships, self- discovery, and the consequences of ethical, moral, and emotional decisions are presented in a modern context that applies to much of what is occurring globally today.&bull; Author is known at Seattle venues, where she frequently reads her poetry and short stories, and displays her art work.


"The Time Machine" is one of the most loved science fiction novels of all time. H. G. Wells crafts a vivid and haunting picture of an earth some 800,000 years into the future. Written in the late 19th century, «The Time Machine» was the first novel about time travel and its impact on the science fiction genre is unparalleled. «The Time Machine» was written at the beginning of a period of great technological advancement and it is evident that this was of serious concern to Wells. The author poses the question within the framework of the novel; will technology ever go to far? The future world of the Eloi depicted within the novel warns of the dangerous consequences of unchecked technological advancements.