
Werbe- oder Kommunikationsberater in Unternehmen, Kontakter oder Strategic Planner in Agenturen oder Consultants müssen Geschäftsstrategien analysieren, Elemente aus der Marketingtheorie praxisgerecht umsetzen und daraus Entscheidungen zur Kommunikation konsistent ableiten. Unterstützt durch eine Fülle von Beispielen präsentiert dieses Buch einen praxisbewährten Ansatz, ein «Konzept für Konzepte».


A clash between the ideology of growth and the growth of ideas, between control and creativity, between measurement and the immeasurable, between predictability and the fickle muses of inspiration in engulfing our boardrooms. In this scathing swipe at the institutionalised idiocy that is stifling creativity just at the time the world needs it most Gordon Torr draws from the leading lights of creativity research to demolish the myths that surround the generation of ideas in the modern organisation. The curse of the brainstorm, the commoditisation of creative talent, the deskilling of the imagination, the startling inadequacies of management theory – these and the many other horrors of idea-assassination that run rampant in creative sector companies are dissected and disembowelled in this hilarious expose of the drama that unfolds every time a new idea slides across the boardroom table. This book sets out to address the black hole that surrounds the management of creative people, debunking many myths of creativity, and outlining a revolutionary approach to the pressing issue of creative productivity in the contemporary creative sector company. A handbook of tools, techniques, methods and practical ideas whose USP is a framework for thinking about efficient creative management – how to extract value from creative time. Gordon Torr presents a logical argument that puts in place the building blocks of the author’s knowledge and experience towards the final architecture. “We need them as never before. And we know that they’re somehow different. Yet the productive management of creative people is an almost totally neglected science. I doubt if there’s a single industry that wouldn’t gain immediate advantage from Gordon Torr’s scrupulous and enlightening detective work.” – Jeremy Bullmore


Learn how to inspire your audience with best-selling author Paul McGee! 13 things you'll discover when reading this book… 1. The big lesson Steve Jobs learnt when an advertising exec threw something at him… and how it will help how you communicate. 2. Seven ways to manage your nerves (surprisingly, you don’t want to eliminate them). 3. Why our obsession with body language is totally wrong, and what to focus on instead. 4. Why you must think about a beachball before you next speak. Believe me, it’s essential. 5. A question your audience is always thinking, and how to ensure you provide the answer. 6. The most common mistake experienced presenters make that nervous ones never do. 7. Why so many presentations cure insomnia, and how to make sure you’re serving an extra strong double espresso instead. 8. The number one thing most presenters forget to bring when they’re speaking to others. 9. Discover the most underprepared part of your presentation, and how to avoid making the same mistake. 10. What women’s magazines and TV soap operas have to teach us about audience engagement. 11. What I learnt from a guy with one of the most powerful memories on the planet, and how it can transform your communication. 12. Discover Tony Blair’s biggest fear when Prime Minister, and how you can tackle the same issue with confidence. 13. Why you don’t have to be funny to use humour in your presentation, and three easy ways to do it.


There has recently been dramatic growth in the medium of radio. However, advertisers and agencies too often still use radio for its basic tactical abilities, leaving the emotional power of the medium untapped. This book is a practical guide to understanding and exploiting the true power of radio as the ?brand conversation medium?. Combining theory, listener understanding and practical advice, the authors explore the scale and effectiveness of radio advertising, how the medium communicates, it?s role in emerging brand thinking, and best practice for creating better radio advertising. Overviews, summaries, quotations and checklists are featured throughout, as well as case studies from companies in all sectors including Sainsbury?s, British Airways, Carphone Warehouse, BT and the British Government.


Design and implement the ideal customer focus Anticipate provides business readers with a practical how-to approach for taking their customer-supplier relationship to one that is more sustainable and more mutually profitable. Much of the discussion on customer experience has centered on the hospitality or retail industries and has showcased the discrete techniques organizations use to deliver better service and create more satisfied customers. Anticipate extends and integrates those techniques to deliver an end-to-end customer experience that can be applied in any industry, by any type of organization. Get proven guidance on how to design and implement a customer-focused journey that moves beyond the transaction and satisfied customers, to a relationship and culture that creates and leverages loyalty – and the profitability that comes with it. Explains proprietary methods—such as the Customer Focus Maturity Model ® and Value Chain Labs ® —that teach readers the steps and tools organizations use to create, drive and optimize their customer focus. Authors Bill Thomas and Jeff Tobe have used their 10-point framework to guide Fortune 500’s, start-ups as well as non-profits in charting a customer-focused journey that matures, anticipates and delivers increasing levels of loyalty and profitability with their customers, and across their broader value chain. Anticipate will provide you with field-proven steps, tools and examples that you’ll use to take your customer-focused strategy, execution and culture to the ideal level.


Sales teams have the potential to do great work. Most sales teams do not devote enough energy to meeting dynamics and process awareness. The skills related to this are critical components of effective teamwork, collaboration and innovation, both internally and externally. Innovative Team Selling places the focus squarely on what will actually make team selling work within organizations large and small. It outlines how to help your teams master new skills in five specific categories: interpersonal, communication, presentation, problem solving, and facilitation. Author Eric Baron also explores the challenging issue of leveraging resources to develop innovative solutions for clients in order to compete effectively in a globalized economy. Offers actionable strategies and techniques to improve collaboration, innovation and team processes Demonstrates how to put the right members on the sales call, and how to leverage their expertise before, during and after the call Explores in depth how teams can work effectively on a day-day-day basis to outperform their competition Author Eric Baron is founder of The Baron Group and is a highly acclaimed public speaker and has spoken to hundreds of organizations, trade associations and industry groups throughout his career; he is also an adjunct professor at Columbia Business School where he teaches his very popular course, Entrepreneurial Selling Skills to second year MBAs Innovative Team Selling shows you how to lead and participate in teams that work together effectively; strategize prior to the client meetings; make successful team sales calls; and debrief honestly to determine how to learn and grow from the experience.


Crisis Counsel: Navigating Legal and Communication Conflict , by Tony Jaques, Ph.D. is a new book by Rothstein Publishing. This book is designed to provide hands-on, practical guidance for senior executives, lawyers and public relations professionals to navigate crises and to balance conflicting advice from lawyers and communication professionals while promoting open communication and protecting legal liability. The book will help you to: Balance reputation protection and legal obligation during a crisis.Know why and how to apologize without increasing liability.Weigh legal and communications advice when a crisis strikes.Learn from original research which lets lawyers and communicators speak in their own words.Draw practical everyday lessons from real-world examples of conflict between lawyers and communicators.Navigate the legal and communication challenges of dealing with the media in a crisis.Motivate lawyers and communicators to work better together.Identify and avoid crucial areas of potential conflict from selected crisis case studies.Understand the essential difference between corporate responsibility and legal liability.Make decisions and do the right thing to protect your organization.The book includes a wide variety of global case studies and examples while analyzing how legal and communications advice was managed and the impact on reputation. Crisis Counsel also includes interviews with four of the leading global experts on crisis management and the conclusions of a focused, unique global survey of senior lawyers.


“Crystallizing Public Opinion” is Edward Bernay’s pioneering work on the topic of public relations. Published in 1923, this groundbreaking book laid the foundation for the modern method of mass persuasion through media and advertising. Sometimes referred to as father of public relations, Bernays was one of the most influential Americans of the 20th century. He aimed his insightful advice at governments and corporations who wished to build support or spread a particular message. Bernays related his own experiences as a public relations counsel to numerous organizations, such as helping Lithuania bolster its national identity by spreading positive information about Lithuania to intellectuals, sports fans, and politicians, who in turn would influence others. Bernays recognized the increasing importance of public perception as a matter of interest to both official organizations and private companies. He combined a study of individual human psychology and group identity with an understanding of symbolism and media. Bernays was the first to recognize that to effectively guide public opinion, organizations must control and carefully time the dissemination of their news rather than merely reacting to what is being said by others. “Crystallizing Public Opinion” remains a fascinating and hugely important work in understanding public perception and opinion.


Эта книга позволит любому желающему разобраться в том, как представить себя и свой проект не только ярко и убедительно, но и эффективно и честно. «Питчинг» научит вас разговаривать с большим миром и быть честным с самим собой, поможет отточить навыки soft skills и начать создавать собственные миры, сделать первый шаг к работе мечты и не бояться идти навстречу новым возможностям. В книге сочетаются живые истории успехов и неудач, а также собственный опыт работы автора в индустрии – редакторский, продюсерский и фестивальный.


Выдумщики – компания, которая знакома многим творческим людям, которые хоть раз в жизни пробовали делать мыло или свечи в домашних условиях. Создатели и идейные вдохновители Выдумщиков – семейная пара, Алексей и Любовь Шенеман. В самый разгар кризиса 2008 они создали уникальный проект, который полюбился домашним мыловарам и без которого многие из них уже не представляют своей творческой жизни. Книга, написана Любовью от первого лица. Это история становления компании, история первых успехов и провалов, история учебы на собственных ошибках. Это книга о том, как любовь двух людей способна творить чудеса. Начиная с небольшого интернет-магазина в студенческом общежитии, Выдумщики стали огромной фабрикой по производству товаров для творчества. Полный цикл производства, распределительные центры в нескольких регионах России, поставки продукции по всей территории Росси и СНГ, огромный опыт работы с федеральными розничными сетями. Вопреки общественному мнению и уговорам близких отказаться от проекта, молодая семейная пара практически создала новый рынок в России, помогая молодым предпринимателям начать собственный бизнес по продаже ингредиентов, а также изготовлению готового мыла.