
Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki wrote Why We Want You To Be Rich because they saw how the turbulent economic climate would impact the middle class. They predict the middle class in America will continue to shrink—pushing most middle-class Americans into the ranks of the poor. This book inspires middle-class Americans who believe that the American Dream is alive and well to take control of their lives… and take charge of the one thing they have total control over: themselves.


In these challenging economic times it’s more important than ever for women to be in control of their economic future… and go from wherever they are today, financially, to where they want to be. It’s a time when it is possible to find opportunity and secure financial security for life.It’s Rising Time! is a call to women to rise up to their potential and to rise above anything and everything that’s holding them back. It’s a validation of stamina and tenacity – and a challenge to women to push beyond where most believe they can go in terms of taking control of their future.Kim Kiyosaki believes that It's Rising Time!…for women who have a vision for what they want in life and are willing to do what it takes to turn that vision into a reality.In this new book, Kim explains what it really takes to go from wherever you are financially today to where you want to be. It’s a book of courage and creativeness, time-tested principles and real-life stories of success, setbacks and comebacks… with a few surprises along the way. Kim shares candid stories from women and men who have been through the good, the bad and the ridiculous—and the lessons they learned.Readers will experience the steps in the process of growth and change as Kim introduces her Triple-A Triangle – for Aspiring, Acquiring and Applying all that you want and learn and can do – as the process through which we initiate and create change. This book addresses what happens when you get stuck in the process as well as how to recover from a setback—and what to do when it just gets too hard.Kim believes that it’s time for women’s true strength and determination to surface. It’s Rising Time is an important book because today we’re faced with new issues and new financial challenges and there is a pressing need for new answers and new ideas. This book will help women navigate these unsettling and challenging economic times and take the first steps for making change in¬¬—and taking charge of—their lives. It’s Rising Time! will inspire, educate and lead women to do what it takes to realize their financial dreams and enjoy the rewards of financial security for life.“… the next giant economic growth wave won’t come from the Internet or China or India, but from empowering women.” – The Economist“The truth is that women already are the most dynamic and fastest-growing economic force in the world today. The 21st century is going to be the ‘Women’s Century.’” – Muhtar Kent, CEO of Coca-Cola


There are “financial experts” who advise people to take out their credits cards and cut them up. And that may be a good plan for someone who is financially irresponsible, it’s not great advice for someone who wants to build wealth and become financially free. Cutting up your credit cards won’t make you rich; learning to leverage and manage debt will.If a person has a solid financial education they will know that there are two kinds of debt: good debt and bad debt. A person who understands debt will know how to use good debt to make them richer faster. And when we take control and learn to manage bad debt, seeing it for what it is and understanding the toll it can take if abused, we are on the road to financial freedom.Learn how to make your money work hard for you… instead of you working hard for money all your life. Understanding debt and how to use and leverage it is an important first step.


In Rich Dad's Conspiracy of the Rich, Robert Kiyosaki explores why many people are waiting for the political and financial systems of the world to change. He shares his opinion that it’s easier to change yourself than to wait for our leaders and systems to change.Is it time for you to take control of your money and your financial future? Is it time to find out what those who control the financial world don't want you to know? Do you want complex and confusing financial concepts to be made simple? If you answered «yes» to these questions, then this book is for you.In 1971, after President Nixon took the U.S. dollar off the gold standard, the rules of money changed. And today, money is no longer money. That is why the first new rule of money is Money is knowledge.Robert Kiyosaki wrote this book for those who want to increase their financial knowledge and take control of their lives.According to Kiyosaki: We cannot see the world of the future with our eyes. “The world of the future is invisible, and we have to see it with our minds.”Kiyosaki sees a new economy and new definitions of wealth. He believes that there will be new millionaires and billionaires. Money will be made at ultrahigh speed. The question is: Will you be among the new rich, or the new poor?The old economy, the economy as we knew it, is not coming back. A new economy is being born, an economy that will be led by kids born after 1990, young people who only know the invisible, high-speed world of the future.


You’re never too young to learn the language of money… and the lessons that rich dad taught Robert. Like it or not, money is a part of our everyday lives and the more we understand it, the better the chance that we can learn to have our money work hard for us—instead of working hard for money all our lives. That starts with learning the language of money.This book, created from the international bestseller Rich Dad Poor Dad, shares Robert’s inspiring person story but teaches how to make smart choices. Packed with straight talk, sidebars, and quizzes, this book will jumpstart a child’s personal and financial success by teaching: How to speak the language of money, ways to make money work for you, tips for success (including: “Work to learn, not to earn.”), and why games can help you understand money, investing, and ways to choose your best path to financial freedom.


Rich Dad’s CASHFLOW Quadrant is a guide to financial freedom. It’s the second book in the Rich Dad Series and reveals how some people work less, earn more, pay less in taxes, and learn to become financially free.CASHFLOW Quadrant was written for those who are ready to move beyond job security and enter the world of financial freedom. It’s for those who want to make significant changes in their lives and take control of their financial future.Robert believes that the reason most people struggle financially is because they've been spent years in school but were never been taught about money. Robert’s rich dad taught him that this lack of financial education is why so many people work so hard all their lives for money… instead of learning how to make money work for them.This book will change the way you think about jobs, careers, and owning your own business and inspire you to learn the rules of money that the rich use to build and grow their wealth.


События последних лет заставляют пересмотреть ситуацию относительно возможных рисков и прогнозируемой прибыльности инвестиций в криптовалюту. Есть ли другие альтернативные источники быстрой окупаемости инвестиций, аналогичные криптоинвестициям?


A step by step guide to buying your dream home NOW without a mortgage using the rent-to-own method while rebuilding your credit. The entire rent-to-own process is covered explaining key fundamentals including:<br><br>– How to find your dream home NOW<br>– How you can save thousands of dollars on your purchase<br>– Dozens of ideas to help you rebuild your credit along the way<br>– How to keep from making costly mistakes <br>– Understanding the paperwork<br>– Pitfalls to avoid<br>– How to Make an offer and handle negotiations <br>– How to qualify for financing of the final purchase <br>– Numerous tips to make sure things go smoothly <br>– Ways to add peace of mind/reduce stress during the process


What exactly do Gary Toth, a 58 year-old owner of a car dealership, and young radiologist Sandra de Souza have in common? To start with, a schedule so busy they have no time to think clearly about their financial future. In the Golden Telescope, they find common ground and a lot less stress.<br><br>Looking for a less stressful financial future? You&#39;ll find it between the covers of The Golden Telescope – a guide to discovering harmony and financial wellbeing for owner-managers and professionals.


Party with Prudence Independence Day is an introduction to budgeting for teenagers. It is a reference book and is designed to assist young people that are around the age of 15 to learn how to manage their money. The book is a story of a teenage girl named Prudence who is planning for her independence day. She plans to move out on her own after she finishes high school. Prudence wants to be able to move out and still have fun. She decides to devise strategies on how she is going to do both and develops plans and worksheets that help her accomplish her goal of independence. The worksheets Prudence developed and uses will be available on the website.