
Credit derivatives as a financial tool has been growing exponentially from almost nothing more than seven years ago to approximately US$5 trillion deals completed by end of 2005. This indicates the growing importance of credit derivatives in the financial sector and how widely it is being used these days by banks globally. It is also being increasingly used as a device of synthetic securitisation. This significant market trend underscores the need for a book of such a nature. Kothari, an undisputed expert in credit derivatives, explains the subject matter using easy-to-understand terms, presents it in a logical structure, demystifies the technical jargons and blends them into a cohesive whole. This revised book will also include the following: – New credit derivative definitions – New features of the synthetic CDO market – Case studies of leading transactions of synethetic securitisations – Basle II rules – The Consultative Paper 3 has significantly revised the rules, particularly on synthetic CDOs – Additional inputs on legal issues – New clarifications on accounting for credit derivatives/credit linked notes


Manage your finances and enjoy your retirement Retirement security is one of the most pressing social issues facing the world in the next 30 years—so if you’re approaching your golden years, it’s essential to have a secure financial future. Personal Finance in Your 50s All-in-One For Dummies provides targeted financial advice and assists soon-to-be or established boomers with making informed decisions about how best to spend, invest, and protect their wealth while planning for the future. Retirement is an exciting time … but it can also be scary if you’re not sure that you have your ducks in a row. This hands-on resource arms you with an arsenal of beginner to intermediate personal finance and estate planning techniques for everything from spending, saving, navigating insurance, managing medical costs, household expenses, and even employment. Build a diversified portfolio Create emergency funds Avoid scams and frauds Improve your estate planning With the help of this all-in-one resource, you’ll get a succinct framework and expert advice to help you make solid decisions and confidently plan for your future.


Every manager is responsible for cost and performance management in one form or another. This book provides an unbiased survey and explanation of the cost and performance management approaches and methods currently available for application in business. Topics covered include cost management and performance management/measurement options including ABC/M, Total Quality Management, Supply Chain Management, and Balanced Scorecard. Contrasts with managerial accounting textbooks, which tend to be conceptual and theoretical and not easily adaptable to practical situations. Assists readers in choosing the best approach or blend of methods to address specific business problems. Supports learning through real-world applications. Provides a complete presentation of field-tested cost management and performance management/measurement options.


A new way of seeing life and money High school's over. We're no longer the nerd, the athlete, the princess or the bad boy. Instead, we are the parent, worker, wife, husband, daughter or son. But we all have things in common – and one of them is money. People have always sought financial freedom, but our influences, from our parents to our community, have made our grounding in money anything but helpful. In fact, that grounding might be the thing that is holding us back. The Breakfast Club for 40-Somethings draws upon the five major lessons you need to unlearn about the way you see your life and money to give you the best chance of getting the future you want. Written in the form of a novel from the perspective of six unique characters, the book explores how the different financial decisions and behaviours of each character have led to their current situations. Through this entertaining story, this guide presents the invaluable financial and life lessons you need to understand, to build a solid foundation for your life, no matter your situation. If you don't like traditional self-help or finance books, this is for you. The Breakfast Club for 40-Somethings offers a new and entertaining way to change your long-term financial behaviours for the better.


THIS BOOK IS YOUR FIRST TAX DEDUCTION! WHY PAY MORE TAX THAN YOU HAVE TO? 101 Ways to Save Money on Your Tax – Legally! 2018-19 is the only tax guide you will need this year. Whether you're submitting online or through your tax professional, Adrian Raftery, aka Mr Taxman, takes you step-by-step through the changes in the May 2018 budget, including new legislation for cryptocurrency, variations to investment property claims and adjustments to financial assistance for studying. No matter what your age or income, this helpful guide offers tips for all taxpayers including: employees business owners students families superannuation fund members investors with interests in rental properties and share portfolios. With 101 Ways to Save Money on Your Tax – Legally! 2018-19, avoid the common mistakes that cost taxpayers every year, get answers to the most frequently answered questions and discover essential money-saving tax tips for the 2018-2019 tax year.


Young people’s financial futures seem bleak: The cost of education is increasing, credit card debt is rising, and many job markets are shrinking. Yet young people are still driven to make it on their own, and to do so, they need to be smart with their money. But does anyone really teach the financial skills necessary to get ahead in life?
No More Mac 'n' Cheese! covers the successful transition from family home to first apartment; how to save for future goals such as a car, marriage, mortgage, and retirement; what to do about employment benefit plans, budgeting, investing, and debt control; and many more topics that so many people have had to learn the hard way.
Whether you are graduating from high school or university or simply trying to make it on your own for the first time, this book is for you. Written by a veteran financial advisor, No More Mac 'n' Cheese! is a guide for today's young adults who are looking to be financially independent without having to eat cheap noodles for every meal.
In addition to many examples and resources throughout the book, a download kit is included with supplemental tools for a simple start to financial planning basics – lessons that will last a lifetime.


Rich Kid Smart Kid is written for parents who value education, want to give their children a financial head start in life, and are willing to take an active role to make that happen.In the Information Age, a good education is more important than ever. But the current educational system may not be providing all the information a child needsto thrive in today’s fast-paced, ever-changing world. This book was designed to fill in the gaps and to give your child the same inspiring and practical knowledge that Robert’s rich dad gave him.Rich Kid Smart Kid will show you how to awaken your child’s love of learning. It will open doors that many never knew existed and give parents the tools and skills and real-world experiences (financial field trips!) that they can share with their child, knowledge he or she can use for the rest of their life. Are you worried that school isn’t preparing your child for the real world? It probably isn’t. Rich Kid Smart Kid can bridge that gap.


On the heels of his 2010 New York Times bestseller Conspiracy of the Rich, Robert Kiyosaki takes a new and hard-hitting look at the factors that impact people from all walks of life as they struggle to cope with change and challenges that impact their financial world.In Unfair Advantage &mdash The Power of Financial Education Robert underscores his messages and challenges readers to change their context and act in a new way. Readers are advised to stop blindly accepting that they are ‘disadvantaged’ people with limited options. They are encouraged to act beyond their concept of limited options and challenge the preconception that they will struggle financially all of their lives. Robert’s fresh approach to his time-tested messages includes clear, actionable steps that any individual or family can take, starting with education. Education becomes applied knowledge, a powerful tactic with measurable results.In true Rich Dad style, readers will be challenged to understand two points of view, and experience how financial knowledge is their unfair advantage.Why do the rich get richer even in a financial crisis? In his new book, An Unfair Advantage, Robert confirms his message and challenges readers to change their context and act in a new way. Readers are advised to stop blindly accepting that they are ‘disadvantaged’ people with limited options and challenge the notion that they will struggle, financially, all their lives. What does school teach you about money? In most cases, the answer is “Not much.” If there is any financial education, the courses are taught by financial planners and bankers… the agents of Wall Street and the big banks, the very people that caused and profited from the financial crisis.This book is about real financial education. This book is about how debt and taxes make the rich richer &hellip and why debt and taxes makes the poor and middle class struggle. This book explains why the rich get richer, paying less in taxes, while the middle class shrinks &mdash with many losing jobs, homes, and retirement &mdash and paying more in taxes. This book is about the five unfair advantages a real financial education offers. The Unfair Advantage of Knowledge The Unfair Advantage of Taxes The Unfair Advantage of Debt The Unfair Advantage of Risk The Unfair Advantage of CompensationThese five unfair advantages are the outcomes of real financial education.


When Before You Quit Your Job was written and published, it was a guidebook for aspiring entrepreneurs. Today—with the job market in shambles, overseas outsourcing and high unemployment—it can be a path to the salvation so many are looking for: A way take control of their life and use their skills and talents to create their future.Before You Quit Your Job asks: Do you have a million-dollar idea? Are you afraid of failing? Are you tired of making other people rich? Are you sick of taking order from your boss? Are you tired of working hard and not getting ahead? Are you ready to take a leap of faith and change your life?Learn about the B-I Triangle and the 8 Integrities of a Business—before you quit your job!


Many of our global economic problems started in 1971…when President Richard Nixon took the U.S. off the gold standard. Throughout history, when a government went off the gold standard, an age of turbulence began.In 1997, Robert's book Rich Dad Poor Dad stunned readers stating, «Your house is not an asset.» As howls of protest went up around the world, the book went on to become an international bestseller and the #1 personal finance book of all time.Rich Dad Poor Dad is not a book on real estate. It is a book about the importance of financial education. Rich Dad Poor Dad was written to prepare you and your loved ones for the financial turbulence Robert's rich dad saw coming.In 2007, as homes declined in value or were lost to foreclosure, millions of homeowners painfully discovered the wisdom of words of Robert's rich dad. Today we are all aware that a home can be a liability. Today we know a home can go up or down in value. Today, we all know a person can lose money investing in the stock market. Today we all know our money can go down in value and that even savers can be losers.This is why financial intelligence is more important today than ever before. In a world of financial turbulence, your best asset is financial IQ.