
Когда в жизни всё идёт не своим чередом, обязательно наступают перемены, которые помогут тебе выйти из этой трясины. Они могут выражаться в вещах или в людях, как в моём случае. Поможет ли сила женской любви справиться с той меланхолией, что окружает меня?




Для главного героя утро в дождливом городе начинается вовсе не с кофе. Автомобильная пробка и череда новых клиентов захватывают таксиста своими историями, из которых каждая получает моментальный отклик. Безмерное человеколюбие заставляет героя вмешиваться в жизнь пассажиров, раздавая не всегда уместные советы. И даже желание спасти людей может привести к совершенно неожиданным последствиям.


Gabriel, a renown surgeon, has ascended to the pinnacle of his medical career in spite of chronic asthma attributed to a childhood trauma. Western medical conventional treatment for this condition could only manage the illness without completely eradicating it. When his colleague, Norst, promoted the uncanny skills of a Chinese masseuse he claimed had completely reversed a pernicious resistant skin ailment, he becomes curious. Although skeptical Gabriel makes an appointment with that enigmatic restorer of health. Several massage sessions later, Gabriel’s bronchi clear and he can breath again effortlessly.
How did she achieve tissue restoration through touch? What is the mystery behind the treatment?
What are the powers released by her magical contact? He feels this Asian healer had given him a new life. His love for this redeemer blooms. She becomes his protegee.
His passion for her knows no bound. But yet, there’s a lingering feeling of doubt, a sense of dread he can’t explain.
Uncertainties abound and he begins to investigate this health provider. Disturbing, shattering revelations emerge.
Secrets long buried surface with fervor. Enigmas are exposed. His hold on reality becomes precarious. His world spirals and borders on psychosis.
He is trapped in a labyrinth without an exit in sight. Will he emerge unscathed from this Hades?


Sweet Plains, Texas, wasn't so sweet to Cody, Noah, and Beau Tucker. But now the Tucker boys are men, ready to take on the questions that have haunted them since they left home. . .Cody Tucker shook the dust of his two-bit hometown off his boots ten years ago–right about the time his college sweetheart, Shelby Lynn Harris, married his so-called best friend. But when his dad dies, Cody finds himself home again and knee deep in the past. Except now his rowdy beer buddy is the sheriff, his housekeeper is a blue-ribbon chili chef, and the family ranch is in the red. The only thing that hasn't changed is Shelby Lynn. . .Shelby Lynn has gone through a lot of heartache thanks to Cody. But that's all over now. She just wants a chance to live the life she's made for herself in peace. The trouble is, the Sweet Plains chili cook off is heating up, the Ladies of Sweet are as riled as hornets, and as soon as Cody gets near, she's forgets all about peace. Cody is pure temptation–and she knows just how good it feels to give in. . ."A perfect mix of heart and heat, Adair keeps the pages turning." – New York Times bestselling author Jill Shalvis105,000 Words


Что такое зависимость ? Ведь она существует и любое его проявление приносит лишь только боль убытка . Вначале все слишком хорошо ,чтобы задумываться о последствиях. А чем дальше тебя вносит в рутину этих несбыточных мечт , в промежутках страсти , любви ,эйфории , потери контроля над собой , в момент ты осознаешь , что всё … ты попал . И происходит это почти с каждым из нас . И только лишь причины у нее разные . Сегодня я расскажу вам историю в которой я соприкоснулась с гранью любви и ненависти . Я расскажу вам реальную историю о реальных людях. О девушке , которая так и осталась жить между гранью .


Although Sebastian isn’t all words, he would also take action in seducing Valerie. He’s always put so much into his words and has always counted on them. From flirting to advice, and even life lessons. He would do best through his words. When he lied to Valerie and damaged her trust in him, he tried doing and saying anything to get her back and get her to forgive him. She refused to hear him out and forgive him, since he tried to seduce her with his words from the beginning. But now, to win her back, he feels that all he ever gave was his words, and all he was left to use were his words. Since even his actions didn’t work, all he can provide is his words. She’s the one that has to choose whether to forgive him or not.


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Myles Walter Keogh was born to be a soldier. He had a passion in his blood and a love for the thrill of battle, which led him to fight in the Papal Wars as well as the American Civil War and the Western Indian Wars. Devastatingly handsome, a notorious flirt with the opposite sex, Keogh soon learned that being a military officer extracted a terrible toll on his soul—a void he filled with depression and perhaps more drink than was good for him. History records his death on June 25, 1876, at a place called Little Bighorn, which was in Dakota Territory. But history sometimes makes mistakes, especially if there is a mysterious wrinkle in the fabric of time indicating the Irish soldier of fortune has another path open to him if only he would accept it. He has a chance to forego death, save the United States, and maybe…just maybe, find true love.
