
Данная книга содержит практические рекомендации по сканированию на наличия уязвимостей информационных систем вне зависимости от того, состоит она из одного, нескольких или целой группы вычислительных узлов. Приведены рекомендации по оптимизации процесса сканирования.


Нейрокомпьютинг предоставляет единую методологию решения задач, связанных с проявлением интеллекта через использование нейросетевых интеллектуальных моделей и создание нейросетевых технологий на основе использования нейронов, искусственных нейронных ансамблей (ИНА), нейросетей различного вида. Конструирование искусственных нейронных ансамблей в литературе раньше практически не освещалось. Книга представляет интерес для магистров, аспирантов и лиц, специализирующихся на нейросетевых технологиях.


Although hip hop culture has widely been acknowledged as a global cultural movement, little attention has been given to women’s participation in hip hop culture in various parts of the world or how this participation interacts with and impacts the lives of other women. <EM>Hip Hop Harem</EM> is the first book solely dedicated to female rap artists in the Middle East and North Africa region. Throughout the book, Angela S.Williams explores the work of seven prominent rappers from the region. Through the lens of hip hop feminism, she seeks to express how the artists’ work affects female audience members who relate to themes of self-determination and liberation within their own lives. The popular imagery of the harem is flipped, turned on its head in likely hip hop fashion, as the artists speak back to voices of male dominance and a power structure that has sought to define them and the region.


Growing up in the era of social media isn’t easy. With Facebook now having existed for more than a decade and a half, young people who have grown up using social media can look back and see earlier versions of themselves staring back: nostalgic moments with friends from school, reminders of painful breakups, birthdays and graduations, posts that allude to drama with family, experiences of travel, and blurry drunken photos. How do we make sense of our own personal histories inscribed on and through social media? What are the implications for future careers, for public trust in social media companies, and for our own memories?Growing up on Facebook examines the role of Facebook, and other social media platforms that have emerged around Facebook, in mediating experiences of 'growing up' for young people. Based on interviews with the first generation of young people to grow up with social media, the book covers education and employment, love and relationships, family life, and leisure (drinking, travel, and music). It touches on processes of impression management, privacy, context collapse, and control, and raises critical questions about the standards we hold social media platforms to, as they become the guardians of our personal histories.The book will appeal to both academic and general audiences alike. Students and scholars in media and communications, the sociology of youth, and beyond, will find strong connections to the literature and acknowledgement of the methodological detail of the study the book is based on. The themes and issues covered in the book are also of broader interest, and will appeal to people who have themselves grown up in the era of social media, to parents, educators, anyone interested in how we look back at social media as a personal memory archive.


В данной книге основное внимание уделятеся вопросам защиты современных информационных систем и операционных систем от нескнкционированного доступа. Дополнительно приводятся сведения по защите сетей и сетевых операционных систем.


Данная книга содержит основные материалы курсов программирования для мобильных платформ, используемых на кафедрах «Математическое обеспечение и применение ЭВМ» и «Информационная безопасность автоматизированных систем» ФГБОУ ВО КнАГУ.