
From the eccentric Fairey Battle to the lethal-looking CF-18, from modern airliners that have no defects (and no character) to the classic North Star (which had both), here is the ultimate line-up of the aircraft that have served Canadians in the last century. With over one hundred photographs of fifty historic planes, Wings Across Canada is a retrospective of Canada’s aeronautical technology. This book does not compare the planes, nor claim that all are «classics» in the traditional sense of the word. Instead, it is a celebration of a love affair with aircraft that all served a purpose in their own time.


Mike Filey’s column «The Way We Were» first appeared in the Toronto Sunday Sun not long after the first edition of the paper hit the newsstands and front porches on September 16, 1973. Since that day more than three decades ago, Mike’s column has enjoyed an uninterrupted stretch as one of the paper’s most popular features. In 1992 a number of his columns were reprinted in Toronto Sketches: The Way We Were by Dundurn Press. Since then another seven volumes of Toronto Sketches have been published, each of which has attained great success both with Toronto book buyers and with former Torontonians wishing to relive an earlier, gentler time in the city’s past. This ninth volume features a variety of stories, including a look at Toronto’s 1904 inferno, the birth of Rex Heslop’s Rexdale community, a visit to Sunnyside Amusement Park, and a few fascinating tales about the city’s streetcars.


The conveyance of royalty, whether to Balmoral or Buffalo, by Rolls Royce or Canadian Pacific train, has its own mysterious traditions and protocols. With dry humour and a keen sense of history, Peter Pigott describes how the British royal family has adapted to technological innovations. Organized thematically, the book is packed with well-researched details. We know all about the royal family’s lives, especially their romances and scandals, but do we know who was the first monarch to drive a motorcar? The first to fly in an aircraft? Which king so loved his yacht that he ordered it scuttled on his death? Royal Transport is a fascinating look at how British royalty has travelled since the invention of steam. This richly illustrated book covers all modes of royal transport in Britain and the Commonwealth – some of the most famous and yet unknown transport in the world.


These published rolls are intended to provide a fairly comprehensive list of the loyal colonials who joined the Provincial Corps of the British Army, 1775-1784, that were part of the Northern, or Canadian, command during the American Revolution. The name «Provincial corps of the British Army» applied to regiments established for loyal residents of Britain's colonies. To conduct the war against the rebels in the Thirteen colonies, the British government organized military departments at key points which the army could control. The central department was the occupied zone around New York City; the Southern was Florida; the Eastern (or Northeastern) was Nova Scotia, which included New Brunswick; the Northern was the old Province of Canada, now Ontario and Quebec.


The half-century since Elizabeth II’s coronation in 1952 has witnessed many changes, some for good and some for ill. Among these, she has been one of the few constants. Fifty Years the Queen recounts her amazing life as Canada and the Commonwealth celebrate the Golden Jubilee of her accession to the throne. Elizabeth II is a figure whose faultless devotion to duty flourishes in an age of individual self-gratification. endowed with high spirits and a great sense of humour, she at the same time carries out her duties with unfailing dignity and decorum. The special Golden Jubilee tribute is filled with many beautiful illustrations, including some rarely seen.


Churches of Nova Scotia is as much a human interest book as it is about ecclesiastical buildings. Both text and photographs tell the story of more than 30 Nova Scotia churches, but in the telling, the relationship between the interior life and history of the churches and the exterior and architecture of the church buildings is explored. The book is well balanced, containing a selection of churches from all parts of the province and representing a variety of denominational and ethnic identities, time periods, and architectural styles.


Why does Canada have such an inflated portion of the global bubble gum market? What is driving modern versions of the old penny candy store? Candymaking in Canada takes the wrapper off Canada’s thriving chocolate and sweets industry. Confectionery is a global business with remarkably regional tastes, and this book offers a first-time glimpse inside it. It’s a nostalgic look at the chocolate phenomenon, the role of seasonal treats, and the importance of packaging. From the sugary highs to the low-fat lows, this is the story behind many of Canada’s favourite brands in a beautifully illustrated volume.


Gold. With that one little word and its promise of fabulous wealth, people from all parts of the world came to British Columbia in the 1850s and 1860s. Most were ill equipped for the difficult terrain, the icy water, and the inhospitable climate. Some found the motherlode. Others settled for becoming rich merchants. Most became impoverished, and a large number lost their lives. With new roads and new settlers, the gold rush helped build Canada’s West. This pictorial history tells the stories of the Fraser and Cariboo gold rush and of the lives involved in that tumultuous but decisive event in Canadian history.


A navigator and cartographer, Samuel de Champlain’s passion was for America, which he struggled to explore and have recognized. He still dreamed of reaching India, with its spices and its many riches, by continuing further to the West. But the land called New France – a harsh land from India – was his greatest love. He defended it fiercely to those in power in France and was responsible for its development. Champlain thus ensured the birth of the country that today is Canada. He is undisputedly the Father of New France.


Leaside is a most comprehensive look at the people, significant events and built heritage, all of which contributed to the creation of this distinctive community. Named after John Lea, a successful farmer, whose house, built in 1829, is believed to be the first brick house in York County, Leaside grew from a railway settlement into a prosperous urban town. With its roots embedded in the history of three railways, Leaside has a unique industrial heritage that played a key role in the war effort during both World Wars, including its being the site of munitions plants, a wooden plane factory, and a base for the Royal Flying Corps. Leaside was also home to the Durant Motors of Canada, and later the Nash cars, Canada Wire and Cable, and the popular Thorncliffe Race Track. Did you know that Canada’s first airmail delivery touched down in Leaside and that an Olympic calibre ski jump once operated in the Don Valley? Jane Pitfield’s Leaside represent a nostalgic journey into the heritage of a most remarkable neighbourhood, still proudly retaining its identity as part of Toronto.