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Различные книги в жанре История, доступные для чтения и скачиванияАннотация
Общенациональная ежедневная газета, которая пользуется заслуженным доверием и уважением читателей. Круг интересов газеты – политика, экономика, культура и спорт, общественная жизнь и будни армии, городские новости и светская хроника. В каждом номере публикуются эксклюзивные репортажи, аналитика и комментарии высокопрофессиональных журналистов.
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In <i>Living Letters of the Law</i>, Jeremy Cohen investigates the images of Jews and Judaism in the works of medieval Christian theologians from Augustine to Thomas Aquinas. He reveals how—and why—medieval Christianity fashioned a Jew on the basis of its reading of the Bible, and how this hermeneutically crafted Jew assumed distinctive character and power in Christian thought and culture.<br /><br />Augustine's doctrine of Jewish witness, which constructed the Jews so as to mandate their survival in a properly ordered Christian world, is the starting point for this illuminating study. Cohen demonstrates how adaptations of this doctrine reflected change in the self-consciousness of early medieval civilization. After exploring the effect of twelfth-century Europe's encounter with Islam on the value of Augustine's Jewish witnesses, he concludes with a new assessment of the reception of Augustine's ideas among thirteenth-century popes and friars.<br /><br />Consistently linking the medieval idea of the Jew with broader issues of textual criticism, anthropology, and the philosophy of history, this book demonstrates the complex significance of Christianity's «hermeneutical Jew» not only in the history of antisemitism but also in the broad scope of Western intellectual history.
Аудиостудия «Ардис» предлагает вашему вниманию книгу Леонида Млечина «Контроль над разумом». После Второй мировой войны мир раскололся на два противоборствующих лагеря. Мировое сообщество оказалось на пороге новой войны. Судьбу всего человечества в эти годы решали несколько государств. Страны разрабатывали планы ядерных атак, составляли карты бомбардировок, вели активную разведывательную и подрывную деятельность. Мировая экономика работала на наращивание ядерного потенциала. Этот период истории принято называть холодной войной. Кто же виноват в развязывании холодной войны? Можем ли мы сегодня дать объективную оценку деятельности политиков ведущих государств мира? Автор книги подробно описывает события того времени, из которых явственно следует, что официальная пропаганда не имела ничего общего с реальностью. Youtube-канал Леонида Млечина – http://www.youtube.com/c/ИсторияЛеонидаМлечина Официальный сайт Леонида Млечина – http://mlechinshistory.ru Twitter Леонида Млечина – https://twitter.com/mlechinshistory Instagram Леонида Млечина – https://www.instagram.com/mlechinshistory Facebook Леонида Млечина – https://www.facebook.com/mlechinshistory VK – https://vk.com/mlechinshistory
Случалось ли вам при чтении исторических романов, монографий, статей испытывать ощущение дежа вю? Настолько описываемые события напоминают то, что происходило за десятки, сотни лет до или после этого. А то и происходит прямо сегодня на ваших глазах.
Эта книга про исторические параллели. Параллели и в самой российской истории, параллели между давними событиями в разных странах, и недавними в России. Например, вы увидите, насколько эпопея с присоединением в Пруссии Шлезвига напоминает крымские события 2014 года.
Сама история России словно напрашивается на такое запараллеливание, часто повторяясь и в мелочах, и в глобальном масштабе: были в ней и две Отечественные войны – 1812 года и 1941-45 гг., и два очень похожих модернизационных рывка – петровский и сталинский, и две катастрофы, связанные с падением империй – романовской и советской.
Разумеется, абсолютных аналогий, стопроцентного совпадения в истории не бывает. И тем не менее такие исторические параллели позволяют лучше понять и внутреннюю логику российских перипетий, вскрыть упущенные возможности, порадоваться очевидным достижениям, четче понять возможную альтернативу тех или иных поворотных узлов истории.
This book focuses on the attempts of three ascetics—John Moschus, Sophronius of Jerusalem, and Maximus Confessor—to determine the Church’s power and place during a period of profound crisis, as the eastern Roman empire suffered serious reversals in the face of Persian and then Islamic expansion. By asserting visions which reconciled long-standing intellectual tensions between asceticism and Church, these authors established the framework for their subsequent emergence as Constantinople's most vociferous religious critics, their alliance with the Roman popes, and their radical rejection of imperial interference in matters of the faith. Situated within the broader religious currents of the fourth to seventh centuries, this book throws new light on the nature not only of the holy man in late antiquity, but also of the Byzantine Orthodoxy that would emerge in the Middle Ages, and which is still central to the churches of Greece and Eastern Europe.
The «Second Sophistic» traditionally refers to a period at the height of the Roman Empire’s power that witnessed a flourishing of Greek rhetoric and oratory, and since the 19th century it has often been viewed as a defense of Hellenic civilization against the domination of Rome. This book proposes a very different model. Covering popular fiction, poetry and Greco-Jewish material, it argues for a rich, dynamic, and diverse culture, which cannot be reduced to a simple model of continuity. Shining new light on a series of playful, imaginative texts that are left out of the traditional accounts of Greek literature, Whitmarsh models a more adventurous, exploratory approach to later Greek culture. <i>Beyond the Second Sophistic</i> offers not only a new way of looking at Greek literature from 300 BCE onwards, but also a challenge to the Eurocentric, aristocratic constructions placed on the Greek heritage. Accessible and lively, it will appeal to students and scholars of Greek literature and culture, Hellenistic Judaism, world literature, and cultural theory.
Shenoute of Atripe and the Uses of Poverty - Ariel G. Lopez
Transformation of the Classical HeritageАннотация
Shenoute of Atripe: stern abbot, loquacious preacher, patron of the poor and scourge of pagans in fifth-century Egypt. This book studies his numerous Coptic writings and finds them to be the most important literary source for the study of society, economy and religion in late antique Egypt. The issues and concerns Shenoute grappled with on a daily basis, Ariel Lopez argues, were not local problems, unique to one small corner of the ancient world. Rather, they are crucial to interpreting late antiquity as a historical period—rural patronage, religious intolerance, the Christian care of the poor and the local impact of the late Roman state. His little known writings provide us not only with a rare opportunity to see the life of a holy man as he himself saw it, but also with a privileged window into his world. Lopez brings Shenoute to prominence as witness of and participant in the major transformations of his time.
In the ancient Greece of Pericles and Plato, the <i>polis,</i> or city-state, reigned supreme, but by the time of Alexander, nearly half of the mainland Greek city-states had surrendered part of their autonomy to join the larger political entities called <i>koina.</i> In the first book in fifty years to tackle the rise of these so-called Greek federal states, Emily Mackil charts a complex, fascinating map of how shared religious practices and long-standing economic interactions faciliated political cooperation and the emergence of a new kind of state. Mackil provides a detailed historical narrative spanning five centuries to contextualize her analyses, which focus on the three best-attested areas of mainland Greece—Boiotia, Achaia, and Aitolia. The analysis is supported by a dossier of Greek inscriptions, each text accompanied by an English translation and commentary.
The so-called first war of the twenty-first century actually began more than 2,300 years ago when Alexander the Great led his army into what is now a sprawling ruin in northern Afghanistan. Frank L. Holt vividly recounts Alexander's invasion of ancient Bactria, situating in a broader historical perspective America's war in Afghanistan.