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What does it mean to be an illegal immigrant, or the child of immigrants, in this era of restrictive immigration laws in the United States? As lawmakers and others struggle to respond to the changing landscape of immigration, the effects of policies on people's daily lives are all too often overlooked.<BR /><BR /> In <I>Everyday Illegal,</I> award-winning author Joanna Dreby recounts the stories of children and parents in eighty-one families to show what happens when a restrictive immigration system emphasizes deportation over legalization. Interweaving her own experiences, Dreby illustrates how bitter strains can arise in relationships when spouses have different legal status. She introduces us to «suddenly single mothers» who struggle to place food on the table and pay rent after their husbands have been deported. Taking us into the homes and schools of children living in increasingly vulnerable circumstances, she presents families that are divided internally, with some children having legal status while their siblings are undocumented. Even children who are U.S. citizens regularly associate immigration with illegality.<BR /><BR /> With vivid ethnographic details and a striking narrative, <I>Everyday Illegal </I>forces us to confront the devastating impacts of our immigration policies as seen through the eyes of children and their families. As legal status influences identity formation, alters the division of power within families, and affects the opportunities children have outside the home, it becomes a growing source of inequality that ultimately touches us all.
This groundbreaking study brings into dialogue for the first time the writings of Julian, the last non-Christian Roman Emperor, and his most outspoken critic, Bishop Gregory of Nazianzus, a central figure of Christianity. Susanna Elm compares these two men not to draw out the obvious contrast between the Church and the Emperor’s neo-Paganism, but rather to find their common intellectual and social grounding. Her insightful analysis, supplemented by her magisterial command of sources, demonstrates the ways in which both men were part of the same dialectical whole. Elm recasts both Julian and Gregory as men entirely of their times, showing how the Roman Empire in fact provided Christianity with the ideological and social matrix without which its longevity and dynamism would have been inconceivable.
Ross Dunn here recounts the great traveler's remarkable career, interpreting it within the cultural and social context of Islamic society and giving the reader both a biography of an extraordinary personality and a study of the hemispheric dimensions of human interchange in medieval times.
This rich ethnography explores beliefs and practices surrounding aging in a rural Bengali village. Sarah Lamb focuses on how villagers' visions of aging are tied to the making and unmaking of gendered selves and social relations over a lifetime. Lamb uses a focus on age as a means not only to open up new ways of thinking about South Asian social life, but also to contribute to contemporary theories of gender, the body, and culture, which have been hampered, the book argues, by a static focus on youth. <br /><br /> Lamb's own experiences in the village are an integral part of her book and ably convey the cultural particularities of rural Bengali life and Bengali notions of modernity. In exploring ideals of family life and the intricate interrelationships between and within generations, she enables us to understand how people in the village construct, and deconstruct, their lives. At the same time her study extends beyond India to contemporary attitudes about aging in the United States. This accessible and engaging book is about deeply human issues and will appeal not only to specialists in South Asian culture, but to anyone interested in families, aging, gender, religion, and the body.
The ancient Greeks were for the most part a rural, not an urban, society. And for much of the Classical period, war was more common than peace. Almost all accounts of ancient history assume that farming and fighting were critical events in the lives of the citizenry. Yet never before have we had a comprehensive modern study of the relationship between agriculture and warfare in the Greek world. In this completely revised edition of <i>Warfare and Agriculture in Classical Greece</i>, Victor Davis Hanson provides a systematic review of Greek agriculture and warfare and describes the relationship between these two important aspects of life in ancient communities. With careful attention to agronomic as well as military details, this well-written, thoroughly researched study reveals the remarkable resilience of those farmland communities.<br /><br />In the past, scholars have assumed that the agricultural infrastructure of ancient society was often ruined by attack, as, for example, Athens was relegated to poverty in the aftermath of the Persian and later Peloponnesian invasions. Hanson's study shows, however, that in reality attacks on agriculture rarely resulted in famines or permanent agrarian depression. Trees and vines are hard to destroy, and grainfields are only briefly vulnerable to torching. In addition, ancient armies were rather inefficient systematic ravagers and instead used other tactics, such as occupying their enemies' farms to incite infantry battle. <i>Warfare and Agriculture in Classical Greece</i> suggests that for all ancient societies, rural depression and desolation came about from more subtle phenomena—taxes, changes in political and social structure, and new cultural values—rather than from destructive warfare.
This iconoclastic book proposes that superconductivity is misunderstood in contemporary science and that this hampers scientific and technological development. Superconductivity is the ability of some metals to carry electric current without resistance at very low temperatures. Properly understanding superconductivity would facilitate finding materials that superconduct at room temperature, providing great benefits to society.The conventional BCS theory of superconductivity, developed in 1957 and awarded the Nobel Prize in 1972, is generally believed to fully explain the lower temperature 'conventional superconductors' but not the more recently discovered 'high temperature superconductors', for which the charge carriers are positive holes rather than negative electrons. Instead, this book proposes the holistic view that holes are responsible for superconductivity in all materials. It explains in simple terms how the most fundamental property of all superconductors, that they expel H-fields (the Meissner effect), can be understood with hole carriers and cannot be explained by BCS. It describes the historical development of the conventional theory and why it went astray, and credits pre-BCS researchers for important insights that were forgotten after BCS but are in fact relevant for the proper understanding of superconductivity.<b>Contents:</b> <ul><li><b><i>Overview of Supercoductivity:</i></b><ul><li>Introduction</li><li>Bird's Eye View of Superconductivity: Heroes and Villains</li><li>Bird's Eye View of Superconducting Materials</li><li>BCS and Hubbard: Theories of Superconductivity That Don't Explain It</li><li>Electrons and Holes in Solids:: The Key to Superconductivity</li></ul></li><li><b><i>The Key Questions That Need to be Answered:</i></b><ul><li>The Simplest Question in Superconductivity, That BCS Doesn't Answer</li><li>Meissner Effect and London Theory</li><li>Essential Points of BCS, and Why It Doesn't Explain the Meissner Effect</li><li>The Meissner Effect in More Detail</li><li>The Key to the Meissner Effect: Charge Expulsion</li></ul></li><li><b><i>Conventional Theory and the New Materials:</i></b><ul><li>Theories of Superconductivity Before BCS, That Explain More than BCS</li><li>Phonons and the Beginning of Obscurantism</li><li>Herbert Fröhlich's Deception and Its Consequences</li><li>1957–1980: The Golden Age of BCS Theory</li><li>Holes in Cuprates and Other Materials</li></ul></li><li><b><i>Electron–Hole Asymmetry and Its Consequences:</i></b><ul><li>The Fundamental Asymmetry Between Electrons and Holes</li><li>Superconductors as 'Giant Atoms'</li><li>Holes, Charge Expulsion and Internal Electric Field</li><li>Mesoscopic Orbits and Spin Currents</li><li>Kinetic or Potential Energy? Liquid Helium Provides the Answer</li></ul></li><li><b><i>Answers to the Key Questions and Conclusions:</i></b><ul><li>Spinning Superconductors and Ice Skaters: The Smoking Gun</li><li>The Meissner Effect Explained (Almost All)</li><li>The Secret of the Holes</li><li>BCS versus Hubbard versus Holes</li><li>How to Find and Not Find High Temperature Superconductors</li></ul></li></ul><br><b>Readership:</b> Undergraduates, graduates, research professionals and the general public interested in superconductivity.Hole Superconductivity;Meissner Effect;BCS Theory;Alfven's Theorem;H-index0<b>Key Features:</b><ul><li>There is no other book that explains superconductivity the way this book does. This book addresses and answers the simplest and most fundamental questions about superconductivity: how does a supercurrent start and stop? How is momentum conservation satisfied, and how is Faraday's law not violated? How does a rotating superconductor generate a magnetic field defying the law of inertia? Other books on superconductivity don't even mention these basic questions, because the conventional theory has no answers for them</li><li>Other existing books on superconductivity require advanced scientific training and yet do not correctly explain their basic physics. Or, they give a superficial qualitative overview of superconductors without explaining how they work. This book provides a unified understanding of all superconducting materials, unlike all other books on superconductivity that make a sharp distinction between 'conventional' and 'unconventional' superconductors</li><li>The book's author, Jorge E. Hirsch, is a renowned expert in the field of condensed matter physics, having published over 250 articles on the subject. He has developed the theory of 'hole superconductivity', the focus of this book, over the last 30 years and published over 100 scientific articles on it. He is also the inventor of the H-index, a bibliometric measure of scientific achievement that is used world-wide across scientific disciplines which, he admits in this book, fails to identify high scientific achievement in the field of superconductivity. His <i>H</i>-index is 58</li></ul>
This is a reissue, with a new introduction and an update to the bibliography, of the original edition, published in 1970 as </i>The Year of Salamis<i> in England and as </i>Xerxes at Salamis<i> in the U.S.<br /><br />The long and bitter struggle between the great Persian Empire and the fledgling Greek states reached its high point with the extraordinary Greek victory at Salamis in 480 B.C. The astonishing sea battle banished forever the specter of Persian invasion and occupation. Peter Green brilliantly retells this historic moment, evoking the whole dramatic sweep of events that the Persian offensive set in motion. The massive Greek victory, despite the Greeks' inferior numbers, opened the way for the historic evolution of the Greek states in a climate of creativity, independence, and democracy, one that provided a model and an inspiration for centuries to come.<br /><br />Green's accounts of both Persian and Greek strategies are clear and persuasive; equally convincing are his everyday details regarding the lives of soldiers, statesmen, and ordinary citizens. He has first-hand knowledge of the land and sea he describes, as well as full command of original sources and modern scholarship. With a new foreword, <i>The Greco-Persian Wars</i> is a book that lovers of fine historical writing will greet with pleasure.
The Hellenistic Age, the three extraordinary centuries from the death of Alexander in 323 B. C. to Octavian's final defeat of Antony and Cleopatra at the Battle of Actium, has offered a rich and variegated field of exploration for historians, philosophers, economists, and literary critics. Yet few scholars have attempted the daunting task of seeing the period whole, of refracting its achievements and reception through the lens of a single critical mind. <i>Alexander to Actium</i> was conceived and written to fill that gap.<br /><br />In this monumental work, Peter Green—noted scholar, writer, and critic—breaks with the traditional practice of dividing the Hellenistic world into discrete, repetitious studies of Seleucids, Ptolemies, Antigonids, and Attalids. He instead treats these successor kingdoms as a single, evolving, interrelated continuum. The result clarifies the political picture as never before. With the help of over 200 illustrations, Green surveys every significant aspect of Hellenistic cultural development, from mathematics to medicine, from philosophy to religion, from literature to the visual arts.<br /><br />Green offers a particularly trenchant analysis of what has been seen as the conscious dissemination in the East of Hellenistic culture, and finds it largely a myth fueled by Victorian scholars seeking justification for a no longer morally respectable imperialism. His work leaves us with a final impression of the Hellenistic Age as a world with haunting and disturbing resemblances to our own. This lively, personal survey of a period as colorful as it is complex will fascinate the general reader no less than students and scholars.
Children's books, are a great way for children to learn, about many and varied topics. With information and learning, about all kinds of topics, written in a fun way; children's books, are wonderful learning tools. A children's book about Mars, may contain information about the planet itself, structure, our history of exploration, and the findings from it. This, can help, to not only teach about space exploration with Mars. It can also, spark a general interest, in the exciting world, of space exploration too.
During the period from Rome's Stone Age beginnings on the Tiber River to its conquest of the Italian peninsula in 264 B.C., the Romans in large measure developed the social, political, and military structure that would be the foundation of their spectacular imperial success. In this comprehensive and clearly written account, Gary Forsythe draws extensively from historical, archaeological, linguistic, epigraphic, religious, and legal evidence as he traces Rome's early development within a multicultural environment of Latins, Sabines, Etruscans, Greeks, and Phoenicians. His study charts the development of the classical republican institutions that would eventually enable Rome to create its vast empire, and provides fascinating discussions of topics including Roman prehistory, religion, and language. <br /><br />In addition to its value as an authoritative synthesis of current research, <i>A Critical History of Early Rome </i>offers a revisionist interpretation of Rome's early history through its innovative use of ancient sources. The history of this period is notoriously difficult to uncover because there are no extant written records, and because the later historiography that affords the only narrative accounts of Rome's early days is shaped by the issues, conflicts, and ways of thinking of its own time. This book provides a groundbreaking examination of those surviving ancient sources in light of their underlying biases, thereby reconstructing early Roman history upon a more solid evidentiary foundation.