
The sheriff of Pine Falls, Nebraska, has his hands full. When Ernie Rucker passed away, he left his house and money to the town. It was put into a trust in the sheriff’s name with the specification that it be spent to benefit the community. The men in Pine Falls and surrounding area far outnumbered the women. When the sheriff learned the plight of eight desperate young ladies back east with nowhere to live, it caught his attention. He could bring the ladies to Pine Falls. It seemed like a perfect match, but once he set the wheels in motion, nothing seemed to go as planned. WARNING: The Town's Inheritance is a sweet romance set in the late 1800s that includes elements of domestic discipline. If the spanking of adult women upsets you, please do not purchase this book.  


Ana Hughes always considered herself unlucky until the day her father announced she was to be a duchess.   Saved from the shelf – and with a high title, to boot. Short of becoming a princess, there is nothing any better than that.But this glittering gold is misleading. Ana can't help but feel that she is nothing but a substitute to her husband.


Can they somehow find a way to right their wrong? Changes abound when a group of seven ladies raised in an orphanage become an inheritance to the small town of Pine Falls, Nebraska. The ladies have grown up to be strong and independent, out of necessity. That serves them well in a new environment as they start seeing the many single men in town, until they start pairing off as couples. The local men are familiar with the dangers of living in the west in 1890, and try to protect their special lady. However, the ladies are used to taking care of themselves and each other. The men have a difficult time getting the ladies to rely on them and say something if things don't seem right. Just as they think they've found a solution, a traumatic event intervenes. The ladies know the men would have prevented it, had they known what was happening. Now the ladies are wracked with guilt as they hope their men can somehow find a way to right their wrong.


Arthur Upfield, creator of the Aboriginal detective 'Bony' followed his classic crime novel <i>The Sands of Windee</i> with this historical romance:<br /> <br />The Crown Prince of Rolandia is visiting Australia – and two brilliant Americans, Earle Lawrence and Van Horton – abduct her on the trans-continental train on the Nullabor Plain. They hide her in caves near Eucla on the Great Australian Bight, until the search is called off and a ransom is arranged…


A spirited young woman&hellip; A Marshall who will keep her safe by any means necessary&hellip; Destiny has rebellion in her blood, and she&rsquo;s been fighting for many long years for the freedom to be herself. When a chance comes along, she&rsquo;ll take her own, and those she considers sisters with her. The Merrick women go to the only place that allows a woman&rsquo;s voice to be heard&mdash;the newly formed state of Wyoming. The problem is men in Wyoming haven&rsquo;t quite caught onto the idea of what equality means. Sawyer was impressed by Destiny when he first met her trying to rescue a friend in dire need of help when he was a Sheriff in Maryland. Although his thoughts often rested on his memory of her, he had moved on. What was a man to do when a woman he can&rsquo;t forget, suddenly appears in his life again? Well, for one he has to convince her that she can&rsquo;t take on the whole dang town and make them think like she does! If it requires a trip over his knee to set her straight, he&rsquo;s up for the job. Publisher&rsquo;s Note: This historical western romance contains elements of danger, action, adventure, sensual themes and old-fashioned discipline. If any of these offend you, please do not purchase.


Russell is accomplished in his dangerous, mysterious work and truly never expected to fall in love or marry. He spends his time with his eccentric twin brother and the demons of his past. But a chance encounter with a beautiful yet sad young lady humming a melodic tune, hiding on a balcony instead of enjoying the party inside, changes his outlook for the future. He finds something his life has been missing.
Isabella’s life has not always been easy. She once was an Earl’s daughter, but upon her father’s passing, her life changed dramatically. Attending her first ball and making her debut into society should have been the highlight of her young life – it was anything but. Then she meets a handsome stranger and her heart finally feels life is worth living again. Isabella loves Russell with all her heart and is ready to leave everything for his sake, but they share a history that could tear them apart if they become aware of it.
This is book two in the Unexpected Love series but can be enjoyed as a standalone.
Publisher’s Note: This steamy historical romance contains elements of mystery, suspense, and danger.


Feelings of the heart do not abide by the rules of society, do they? Rose is a proud and egotistical courtesan. She has a reputation of exacting her revenge on those who dare to cross her or put her in a bad mood. Still, her flawless beauty and skills at her trade make her the most sought-after courtesan in Madam Dustin’s brothel. As skilled as she is, she is unprepared for the moment Lord William Clifford makes his presence known and shakes the very foundation of her life. Lord William agrees to attend a masquerade ball at the brothel with his lifelong friend, Lord Robert Tyne, with no intention of partaking of any services offered. His thoughts and emotions are strained when the most beautiful woman he’s ever encountered walks into the room. With one look from her, his life is thrown into chaos by a thunderbolt of emotions; something much stronger than lust. Publisher’s Note: This steamy historical romance contains elements of power exchange.


Forbidden Affections by Jo Beverley The doors to romance can be found in the most unexpected places, especially when the notorious Earl of Carne moves into the mansion neighboring Anna Featherstone's London townhouse. Who knocks first remains the only question. . . The Pleasure Of A Younger Lover by Vanessa Kelly Clarissa Middleton cannot resist the ardent kisses of Captain Christian Archer, though they must meet in secret or risk the censure of London society. In each other's arms, desire and love melt two hearts into one. . . The Naked Prince by Sally MacKenzie Josephine Atworthy is shocked by the goings-on at her rich neighbor's house party. Quite shocked. But her demure charm beguiles a mysterious nobleman, who begs a kiss–then another. And in a twinkling they fall head over heels in love. . . A Summer Love Affair by Kaitlin O'Riley Unmarried. Unconventional. Unchaperoned. Miss Charlotte Wilson is free to do as she pleases and Gavin Ellsworth is dashing. Summer in Spain at a secluded villa is about to get a whole lot hotter. . .


"Five charming novellas &hellip; which have astonishing freshness, color, and warmth." &#8212; The New Yorker First published in 1686, this collection of five novellas was an immediate bestseller in the bawdy world that was Genroku Japan, and the book's popularity has increased with age, making it today a literary classic like Boccaccio's Decameron, or the works of Rabelais. The book follows five determined women in their always amorous, erotic and usually illicit adventures. The five heroines are Onatsu, already wise in the ways of love the tender age of sixteen; Osen, a faithful wife until unjustly accused of adultery; Osan, a Kyoto beauty who falls asleep in the wrong bed; Oshichi, willing to burn down a city to meet her samurai lover; and Oman, who has to compete with handsome boys to win her lover's affections.But the book is more than a collection of skillfully told erotic tales, for «Saikaku &hellip; could not delve into the inmost secrets of human life only to expose them to ridicule or snickering prurience. Obviously fascinated by the variety and complexity of human love, but always retaining a sense of its intrinsic dignity &hellip; he is both a discriminating and compassionate judge of his fellow man.»Saikaku's style, as allusive as it is witty, as abbreviated as it is penetrating, is a challenge that few translators have dared to face, and certainly never before with the success here achieved in a translation that recaptures the heady flavor of the original.


CHRISTMAS GIFTS brings together three previously published and long out-of-print novellas, each on the theme of Christmas gifts that will last forever because the gift, in essence, is love. In «The Best Christmas Ever» a boisterous house party is in progress and all the children when asked are eager to tell what they want for Christmas. But one man feels sad, for his young child has not spoken since her mother died and he does not know if the gifts he has bought her will be what she really wants. Unknown to him her one fervent wish is for the new mother for Christmas, and when she sees one of the guests she knows who that will be. But the lady concerned has an unhappy history with the child's father. In «The Porcelain Madonna» a gentleman becomes involved with helping an impoverished lady, who thinks of everyone's happiness but her own. However, he has seen her gaze with longing at a porcelain madonna well beyond her means displayed in a shop window. In «The Surprise Party» a man and woman who are antagonistic to each other find themselves landed with the care over Christmas of children who are related to each of them. They quarrel over which of them should undertake the task. It is not a happy situation until the children teach them the true meaning of Christmas and of love and they discover that they can do it together.