

Bird-watchers will love this journey back to the 1880s West Coast when vast populations of wild birds still filled the skies in annual migrations. But the birds were imperiled by plume hunters intent on personal fortune. This story of violence, love, and loss portrays the advent of the Audubon Society.A moving story of conflict, friendship, and love, The Plume Hunter follows the life of Fin McFaddin, a late-nineteenth century Oregon outdoorsman who takes to plume hunting – killing birds to collect feathers for women’s hats – to support his widowed mother. In 1885, more than five million birds were killed in the United States for the millinery industry, prompting the formation of the Audubon Society. The novel brings to life an era of our country’s natural history seldom explored in fiction, and follows Fin’s relationships with his lifelong friends as they struggle to adapt to society’s changing mores.Renée Thompson writes about wildlife, her love of birds, and the people who inhabit the American West. Her first novel, The Bridge at Valentine, received high praise from Pulitzer Prize-winner Larry McMurtry, author of Lonesome Dove. Renée lives in Northern California with her husband, Steve, and is at work on a short-story collection.The Plume Hunter won the 2012 da Vinci Eye Award, presented by the Eric Hoffer Award for Books, for its superior cover art.“I really enjoyed this book. It offers a fascinating glimpse into the life of a bird hunter and the complex social, economic and personal issues swirling around the birth of the conservation movement.” –David Sibley, author of THE SIBLEY GUIDE TO BIRDS“…Renée Thompson’s gripping novel transports the reader to a time when our nation was trying its best to grow up, yet seemed mired in its own awkward “teen” years…I read this book in one sitting, finding it no easier to put down than Fin did his hunting guns.” – Bill Thompson III, Editor, Bird Watcher’s Digest“…Renée Thompson brings us to a place of semi-darkness, with its confused emotions, and allows us to witness the “Hunter” changing from within. This is a story of process and a quest to redeem. I love it.” – Fr. Tom Pincelli, Former Chairman, American Birding Association“…A compelling chronicle of avarice, betrayal, and redemption.”– Tim Gallagher, author of The Grail Bird


‘Essex Farm, Never Forgotten’ tells the story of Essex Farm and Calvaire (Essex) two First World War cemeteries in Belgium that will forever bear the Essex name. ‘Essex Farm’ is not a comprehensive history of the First World War or a detailed account of the Essex Regiment. However we do try and give concise background to the momentous events of the time and to the best of our ability hope our facts and summaries are accurate.
World War One, or the Great War, was the war described as the war to end all wars. It began on 28th July 1914, when Austria declared war on Serbia, and lasted until 11th November 1918, when an armistice with Germany was signed in a railway carriage at Compiègne, France. At 11am on 11th November 1918 – the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month – a ceasefire came into effect, the guns fell silent and the killing stopped.
In four years the total number of deaths was estimated at eight and a half million which included over 900,000 from the British Empire, with a further two million wounded and 150,000 taken prisoner or listed as missing. During this war no part of the United Kingdom escaped the grim death toll. The war impacted on all parts of Essex and Essex itself has left its own permanent reminders in Belgium.
Just to the north of Ypres or Iepere (in Dutch) in West-Vlaanderen, Belgium is Essex Farm. It is a First World War cemetery alongside the medieval Yser Canal. The area around Ypres (or the Ypres) salient, as it became known, was the scene of some of the fiercest fighting and worst carnage during the war and where poison gas was first used. Today Ypres has a population of approximately 40,000, about the same size as Rayleigh, or about half the size of Brentwood.
Essex Farm was so named after the Essex Regiment. By Ypres standards Essex Farm is a relatively small cemetery with 1,204 burials recorded and yet it is just one of one hundred and sixty First World War cemeteries in the area. In contrast the nearby Tyne Cot Memorial bears the names of almost 35,000 officers and men whose graves are not known. There are more British soldiers buried at Essex Farm than have died in service during the Falklands, Iraq and Afghan wars combined.
The declaration of war in August 1914 brought with it a massive mobilisation. Three new Essex battalions were formed during August and September 1914 and the 13th Battalion (the Hammers) was formed early in 1915.
During the second battle of Ypres of April and May 1915 both the 2nd Battalion of the Essex Regiment (the Pompadours), an existing fighting battalion that could trace its roots back 300 years, and the newly re-formed Essex Yeomanry (a cavalry regiment) were heavily engaged and suffered multiple casualties. In October the same year the 11th Battalion of the Essex Regiment arrived in Ypres and by the middle of 1915, it seems the name Essex Farm was regularly in use.
The Western Front stretched for over 500 miles from the Belgian coast through France to the Swiss border. Two vast armies were dug in trenches and bunkers and faced each other across 300 yards of no-man's land. For just over four years movement on the front line was limited to about eight miles on either side. There was constant shelling and sniping. Each army engaged in continuous skirmishes and probing raids. There were the 'big pushes' that resulted in thousands and thousands of casualties. Essex Farm is the setting for the Memorial to John McCrae, the author of the poem ‘In Flanders Field’, one of the best known in the world. McCrae was a surgeon in the First Brigade of Canadian Field Artillery. He was posted to Essex Farm where he treated the injured during the second battle of Ypres. The poem was written following the burial of a friend.


It is 1788. Twenty-one-year-old Elizabeth is hungry for life but, as the ward of a Devon clergyman, knows she has few prospects. When proud, scarred soldier John Macarthur promises her the earth one midsummer’s night, she believes him.
But Elizabeth soon realises she has made a terrible mistake. Her new husband is reckless, tormented, driven by some dark rage at the world. He tells her he is to take up a position as Lieutenant in a New South Wales penal colony and she has no choice but to go. Sailing for six months to the far side of the globe with a child growing inside her, she arrives to find Sydney Town a brutal, dusty, hungry place of makeshift shelters, failing crops, scheming and rumours.
All her life she has learned to be obliging, to fold herself up small. Now, in the vast landscapes of an unknown continent, Elizabeth has to discover a strength she never imagined, and passions she could never express.
Inspired by the real life of a remarkable woman, this is an extraordinarily rich, beautifully wrought novel of resilience, courage and the mystery of human desire.


Throughout history we have told ourselves stories to try and make sense of what it all means: our place in a small corner of one of billions of galaxies, at the end of billions of years of existence. In this new book Richard Holloway takes us on a personal, scientific and philosophical journey to explore what he believes the answers to the biggest of questions are. He examines what we know about the universe into which – without any choice in the matter – we are propelled at birth and from which we are expelled at death, the stories we have told about where we come from, and the stories we tell to get through this muddling experience of life.
Thought-provoking, revelatory, compassionate and playful, Stories We Tell Ourselves is a personal reckoning with life's mysteries by one of the most important and beloved thinkers of our time.


Роман о смутных временах еще только зарождающейся Османской империи. Тайны, заговоры, внутренние и внешние мятежи. Параллельно развитию ситуации за рубежом раскрывается картина правления и в России. Описываемые события имеют особую историческую ценность, так как раскрывают те белые пятна в русской истории, из-за которых и по сей день наблюдается настоящая путаница в датах правления того или иного царя, а иногда и вовсе отсутствуют целые периоды в обозначении самой власти.


На плечи военного министра России Барклая-де-Толли в 1810 году легла тяжелейшая задача. Он должен был создать армию, способную противостоять Наполеону, и выработать тактику ведения воины. Изматывая французскую армию, он сберегал свою. Но из-за интриг при дворе царя и в высшем эшелоне воинского начальства, вынужден был уйти в отставку. И как вновь стал главнокомандующим. Прочитав книгу, читатель сможет сделать вывод, действительно ли иноплеменники отягощали русскую армию, или честно и благородно служили России. Книга рассчитана на все категории читателей, особо полезна школьникам и студентам.


Книга об истории русского развития, традициях, вере. Она дает ответы на вопросы читателей: было ли монголо-татарское иго, кто правил в смутные времена и многое-многое другое. Это и есть сама история от момента расселения славянского племени до настоящего времени с той лишь разницей, что из нее исключены давно известные факты, которые не требуют дополнительного осмысления, а остаются такими, как есть. Мы всегда жили плохо, и вопросы веры приживались с трудом. Значит, есть в нашем русском характере что-то такое, что мешает понять самих себя и заставить изменить облик до настоящего. Болью проносятся некоторые строки в веках и даже в настоящих телах. Это отображение истории на нас самих. И если она лжива, и до сей поры не выяснена, то боль и дальше будет поражать наши сердца, создавая на лицах упрямое выражение прошлого. В общем, это книга познаний, читается легко и непринужденно, с интересом раскрывая события прошлых лет, при этом оставляя читателю право на свой собственный взгляд.

