


History holds important lessons that shape the future. By understanding the technology of the past, you will get to appreciate what conveniences you experience today. This history book provides an honest peek into the past. It includes useful information as well as fun pictures to make learning the most engaging experience possible. Buy a copy now!


This is American and World History 101 made easier to remember. Each major historical event is presented in clear language that makes is easier to read and comprehend. Even big words like ratify are succinctly explained. If you're looking for a material that would help improve your child's grades in the subject, then you've stumbled on gold. Secure a copy while you still can!


Show your gratitude to the people who made life today much more comfortable. This book accumulates information on some of the world's most famous US inventors. Complete with images and an easy-to-read format, this book is the perfect complement to the official textbooks used in 5th grade US History that also discuss the subject. Secure a copy now!


The birth of a nation is always riddled with complexities, wars, and victories. All those names, dates and other details may prove to be difficult for a 5th grade to process. But with these interactive educational books, information is more easily and effectively absorbed. Let the pictures in this book tell the story. Order a copy now!


When the civil war raged in the US, some of your ancestors could have been one of those who got trapped in the battle. Learn about their experiences and understand the reason for the wars. This informative history book will definitely capture 4th grader's attention with its colorful pictures and the requirement to read fewer texts. Buy a copy today!


