
This collection of some 200 anecdotes emanating from the war in Vietnam presents a realistic picture of the ups and downs of American's Best serving a tour in Vietnam. A potpourri of booze, sex, satire, humor, and, of course, not to be forgotten, fire-fights with «Charlie,» and death.Author’s say «when the hard-core Bonnie Rat returns home from a tour in Vietnam, he also has no qualms about telling it how it is.» This is precisely what the authors have done in Salmagundi Vietnam. Often their accounts dwell on the ugly side of the war, but for the most part they have included a good measure of good ol’ GI humor, that special virtue of the American fighting man that enables him to make the most of any situation.


Discover the rarified Peranakan (native-born Chinese of Southeast Asia) aesthetics that are today highly sought-after for their beauty: distinctive furniture and ceramics, textiles and jewelry, and many other art objects. <I>Peranakan Chinese Home</I> displays these extraordinary objects, visible markers of a highly developed culture. <BR><BR>The broad range of beautiful objects which the Peranakan Chinese created and enjoyed in their daily lives is astounding. Each chapter in <I>The Peranakan Chinese Home</I> focuses on a different area and presents objects used or found in those spaces. Each piece is described in the context of their utility as household objects, as part of periodic celebrations to mark the Chinese New Year and other holidays, or in important life passage rituals relating to ancestor worship, birth, marriage, mourning and burial. The meaning of the rich symbolic and ornamental motifs found on the objects is discussed in detail and key differences are highlighted between Peranakan objects and similar ones found in China.<BR><BR>A fascinating mix of Chinese, European and Southeast Asian influences, the distinctly Peranakan identity of a people and their culture is beautifully portrayed through objects and archival photographs in this lovely and exotic book.


Ningyo: The Art of the Japanese Doll features over 250 unique photographs as well as extensive commentary and background history. Japanese dolls ( ningyo ) have played an important role in Japanese art and culture since its earliest stages of development, as talismanic figures, centerpieces, in elaborate festivals, medical study tools, theater distractions, decorative objects, and avidly collected art forms, as well as childhood playthings. Ningyo: The Art of the Japanese Doll is the most comprehensive book on antique Japanese dolls and figurines published in English. The book focuses on the many types of Japanese dolls: gosho: palace dolls hina: Girl's Day dolls musha: warrior dolls for the Boy's Day Festival isho: fashion dollsThe principal forms of the dolls and their history, stylistic development, cultural context, and economic imperatives are discussed against the backdrop of Edo-period society and popular culture. Beautifully detailed color photographs of ningyo drawn from private collections, many of which are published here for the first time, as well as images of related materials selected from celebrated museums and temple collections, such as folding screens, woodblock prints, sculpture, painting ceramics, and textiles, help place the dolls in context. Ningyo: The Art of the Japanese Doll is a fascinating book for anyone interested in Asian doll art and doll collecting.



The attire of the feudal lords and ladies of old Japan, warriors, priest, courtesans, Edo-period dandies geisha, footmen, farmers&#151; in fact, the whole array of Kabuki's colorful characters-is discussed in fascinating detail in this Japanese Kabuki book.From kimono and armor to undergarments, from wigs to foot gear, from swords to hair garments&#151;no aspect of costume accessories is overlooked. Textiles and textile designs, in all their profusion of weaves, colors, and patterns, are carefully taken note of, and a number of important traditional designs are illustrate. Make-up and headdress varying formats of costume for specific roles, styles of tying the obi&#8212;all are expertly described.Of the numerous books in English dealing with the Kabuki theater of Japan, none so far has devoted itself exclusively to costume. Kabuki is compelling bringing about such art forms, yet it is the costumes that create the intrinsic, eye catching spectacle.Praise for Kabuki Costume:"A product of over fourteen years of meticulous study, Shaver's unique and authoritative analysis of the labyrinthine complexities of Kabuki costumery not only provides&#133;a valuable reference work for scholar, but also an apt introduction for anyone seeking to understand the principles of Japanese visual arts and theatrical conventions."&#151;Choice Reviews


The two novelettes by contemporary Japanese writer Taijun Takeda that are contained in this book were chosen for their overall excellence to be included in our current Library of Japanese Literature series. Both stories are relatively modern, one dealing with an incident of cannibalism in Hokkaido during World War II and the other about the Japanese who lived in Shanghai following the defeat. This Outcast Generation, according to the translators," is basically an existentialist novel and it reminds of Camus, but it is of course Japanese in essence."The story tells of the life of a man who as a member of a defeated nation living in a foreign country, feels no responsibility to anyone but himself–and this only in relation to food and water. Eventually, the hero is given the chance to initiate a change in his aimless life and he acts, for mankind or for love, in committing what is meant to be a Dostoyevskian axe-type murder.Translator Goldstein calls Luminous Moss «a real tour-de-force. I know nothing like it in any literature, though of course the problem of cannibalism has been treated by others.»


The samurai sword: a symbol of the spirit of old Japan, it embodies the samurai's steel discipline, unswerving devotion and peerless skill. With its creation, a feat of craftsmanship passed down by generations of artisans, the samurai sword is generally considered to be superior even to the famed blades of Western Damascus and Toledo. <br><br><i>The Samurai Sword Handbook</i> is a precise exploration of the samurai sword designed for sword collectors as well as anyone intrigued by these ancient blades. Detailing the origins and development of the samurai sword, its historical background, styles, famous schools and differences in construction, this revised edition of the classic reference outlines methods of identifying and researching the sword, as well as caring for it properly. This must-have for sword lovers is sure to be a bestseller.<br><br><b>Topics of this Samurai book include:</b><ul><li>Japanese History and the Samurai Sword</li><li>Types of swords</li><li>Parts of the sword</li><li>Blade shape, construction, and grain</li><li>The making of the sword</li><li>Inscriptions and their readings</li><li>Care and maintenance</li><li>Appraisal and value</li><li>Relative point values</li></ul>


Batik: Fabled Cloth of Java is richly illustrated with color plates of the finest antique and contemporary batik from thirty museums and private collections around the world.From the royal courts of Yogyakarta and Cirebon to the coastal towns of Pekalongan, Surabaya and Lasem, Inger McCabe Elliot takes the reader on a spellbinding tour of Java's north coast examining the customs, cultures and craftsmanship that distinguishes its magic cloth.Batik&#8212;Fabled Cloth of Java is a sumptuous book and now a classic, richly illustrated with color plates of the finest antique and contemporary batik batik from collections all over the world. It includes historical photographs, etchings, engravings, maps and photographs of modern Java.This new edition will be welcomed by designers, scholars and art lovers alike. it is the product of many years of collecting and on-the-scene exploration by a leading photojournalist, whose life was changed forever when she first laid eyes on the wondrous batik of Java's north coast.



Книга предназначена тем, кто любит свою родину, какая она ни есть, и кому гражданам не важно какой национальности, живущим у нас, либо за пределом страны мил великорусский язык. Роман охватывает время, когда королевство Швеция без малого век граничило с Великою Русью – межгосударственный рубеж проходил, подле новгородских земель по рекам Луга и Лавуя. В основе произведения документальный материал. Действия и страсти бушуют как на территории Швеции (деревня Калинка – от нее получил название Калинкинский мост нынешнего С.-Петербурга, штад Нюен, городок у Невы, шведская столица Стокгольм), так и в сопредельной стране (Новгород Великий, Москва). До половины персонажей романа – тени исторических лиц. Нашествие поляков на Русь в так называемое смутное время оставило в художественной литературе отечества существенный след. Этого не скажешь о “помощи”, оказанной русским шведами в начальный момент польской интервенции, в итоге которой государство лишилось некоторой части земель. Произведение “Захват”, синтетическое в некоем роде, восполняет пробел. В нём правда и писательский вымысел сомкнулись в одно. Материал познавателен и, с тем наряду интрига от главы ко главе развивается весьма динамично. Преследуя конечную цель расширить кругозор любознательных подачей того, что кроется в седой старине, автор (в лексиконе ХVII века: “работник”) наделил персонажей мыслями, в которых живут признаки текущего дня. Произведение, к тому ж развлечет множеством забавного свойства, чисто игровых положений. Питерцам откроется вид местности, в которой возник город на Неве Петербург (форзац: шведский план устьев, 1643 года). Кто"нибудь, листая страницы, вольно и невольно задумается, кто"то всплакнет. Каждый, кто привык заниматься чтением получит своё.