
On a cold November afternoon in 1833, two wagons are about to cross the dark Mississippi River into Iowa Territory on a tiny boat. Penny Cooper, Nate Tilden, Aunt Sunday, and Jonathan and Ella Butterman are full of questions. Aunt Sunday just wants to know if they’re going to drown. Jonathan and Ella wonder if they will succeed in the new Territory. And Penny and Nate are eager to learn if they are going to be free—to marry, to prosper, to live as free people. <br><br> Aunt Sunday, Penny, and Nate were slaves in Kentucky, not a year before. What will the new Iowa Territory decide on the question of owning human beings? No one yet knows. <br><br> The little group survives the Mississippi crossing and settles in Key City. There isn’t much to the town: a few log cabins and modest buildings in a forest opening. And very rough, very tough lead miners, including the mad Ginn brothers who hate Nate and his dark skin. They can’t forget he stopped them from stealing Jonathan’s horse. Storm clouds are brewing. <br><br> Key City on the River is based on fact and takes place in a real town. It explores a little known time in early American history as well as the timeless issue of otherness mixed with hope for the future.


In 1878, two years after the Greasy Grass Fight that some called Custer’s Last Stand, U.S. soldiers and government contractors rounded up 270 Arapaho people. From the very young to the very old, they were forced to walk from Fort Robinson in western Nebraska across half of what is now the state of Wyoming. Their destination: the Shoshone Indian Reservation. The new home of the Northern Arapaho was a wilderness, but it was theirs and they were glad. Then came a second and tragic event.<br><br> Within weeks, the Takers arrived to capture confused and terrified Indian children. The young were shipped to boarding schools back east where they were to be stripped of their tribal identities and assimilated into white culture. Families were torn apart.<br><br> Against this historical backdrop, <i>A Full Circle</i> gives a fictional account of several generations of Arapaho and their experience during this time. Horse-whisperers, a green-eyed girl, brave young men and women, and fierce grandmothers are among the characters that reveal glimpses of a people and a culture that survive today, and a part of American and native history that has long been hidden. <i>A Full Circle</i> is a story that needs to be told.


Ирэн Коул, юная американка с русскими корнями, потеряла свою семью в толпе беженцев в порту Шанхая в 1941 году. Она становится танцовщицей в ночном клубе, но скоро попадает в лагерь для интернированных лиц. В борьбе за выживание она вынуждена полагаться на японского офицера, который в нее влюблен. Десять лет спустя она живет в качестве его официальной любовницы и является членом влиятельного японского клана.Однажды она обнаруживает, что ее семья пережила войну. Ей предстоит сделать выбор между своей неустойчивым положением иностранки в Японии и обманчиво возрожденным прошлым.




Centurion Longinus was the soldier assigned to execute Jesus of Nazareth. Longinus had no idea that the task would catapult him into a whirlwind of events that would change the course of his life and history. As he struggles to forgive himself for executing Jesus, he must deal with his commanding officer's mysterious and deadly vendetta. Longinus also fears for those he loves, including Dulcibella, the daughter of his former commanding officer, Cornelius. He protects a unique blue pearl, the highest prized object of the ancient world, given to him by a dying man in gratitude for the centurion's act of courage and kindness. A fictional tale based on people and events in the New Testament of the Bible, this is a storyteller's tapestry woven with threads of history and colored with hues of imagination to portray the dramatic struggle of good against evil.


В книге с документальной точностью описывается, по каким направлениям работали японцы в области создания бактериологического и химического оружия. Приводятся интересные данные о последнем маньчжурском императоре Пу И, руководителе Гоминьдана Чан Кайши и его сыне, учившемся в СССР. Автор использует и личные впечатления, так как встречался с другим сыном Чан Кайши, которого отец отправил учиться в гитлеровскую Германию, а также с внуком генералиссимуса в бытность его министром иностранных дел Тайваня


Большие потрясения не миновали крошечную белорусскую деревню Однобочку. Кажется, ни одна беда не обошла стороной горстку ее жителей. Война, партизанское движение, предательство и мужество, любовь и смерть, трудный выбор и смелость его отстаивать. Невозможно оторваться от страниц книги: автору удалось создать своих героев живыми и многогранными, их переживания и размышления, страдания и стремление к счастью увлекут читателя. Ведь они рассказывают о таком еще недавнем прошлом большой страны.


Danya, a literate, independent-minded young woman, grows up in the village of Nazareth. Personal betrayals, social restrictions, and family tragedies crush Danya's dream of fighting to free her people from Roman domination. Instead she is married off and lives as an outsider in the sophisticated city of Sepphoris, the Roman capital of Galilee. Danya struggles to write her own life, a story woven into the political, religious, and cultural conflicts of the tumultuous world of ancient Palestine early in the first century.
Her companions include some real historical and scriptural figures: Joanna, the wife of Herod's chief steward; Judah ben Hezekiah, the leader of a Galilean insurrection; Jesus, before his public life; and his mother Mary, among others.
This extensively researched, fast-paced narrative has its roots in the study of the historical Jesus. However, Danya's writings give voice to the silent women of that era. Her search for a meaningful life, though unique to her world, is both universal and contemporary.