
Un incontro fortuito in treno durante le vacanze di Natale porteranno un uomo e una donna scoprire l'Amore quando meno se lo aspettano. Aletha Dewitt ha avuto un’infanzia piena e felice…Almeno, questo è ciò che può apparire a prima vista. E’ vero, lei aveva avuto tutto quello che una ragazza potrebbe desiderare, tranne il rispetto. Lei si sentiva più capace, e aveva molte più ambizioni di suo fratello, ma i maschi della sua famiglia erano troppo retrogradi per accorgersene. Tuttavia aveva deciso che nessuno l’avrebbe ostacolata, neanche l’amore. Rafael, conte di Leone, è in viaggio verso l’Inghilterra, per assistere al matrimonio di uno dei suoi più cari amici. Non avrebbe mai immaginato di incontrare la donna dei suoi sogni in treno, ma ora è fermamente deciso a conquistarla. La posta in gioco è troppo alta, e lui non ha alcuna intenzione di perdere…Purtroppo, convincere la sua amata che sono fatti l’una per l’altro si sta rivelando più difficile del previsto. Ma a Natale tutti i sogni possono diventare realtà e sia Aletha che Rafael si ritroveranno a chiedersi se la vera magia non si chiami Amore.


Due individui improbabili diventano amici e si innamorano nel mezzo del caos della guerra. Miss Brianne Collins è abituata ad ottenere tutto quello che vuole dalla vita. E' cresciuta in un'autentica piantagione del Sud, ma vuole di più. Entrare a far parte della società newyorkese sembra essere il suo unico scopo, ma non è come si sarebbe aspettata. Fino a quando non incontra Lord Julian Kendall e formano un'improbabile amicizia. Julian Kendall è il secondo figlio del Duca di Weston. Per alleviare la propria noia, inizia a lavorare come spia della Corona. Nel suo primo incarico è inviato in America per osservare le suffragiste e fare un resoconto. Gli sembra una stupidaggine, ma fa quello che gli hanno ordinato. Dopo un po' il rapporto tra Julian e Brianne prende una piega diversa e con la guerra all'orizzonte forse non avranno mai la possibilità di scoprire cosa c'è nei rispettivi cuori. La felicità sembra sfuggire mentre la guerra infuria nel mondo, ma entrambi mantengono la speranza di avere una chance di trovarla.


Kaitlin e Gregory sanciscono un accordo, ma ognuno per motivi diversi. Nel tempo si renderanno conto che la situazione sta per sfuggirgli di mano e che la passione li travolgerà con forza inarrestabile. Gregory Cain, Conte di Shelby, non crede più nell'amore: o, meglio, è convinto che l'amore non sia cosa per lui ma solo per gli altri. Ostenta con soddisfazione una condotta scandalosa ricca di azioni riprovevoli. Tuttavia evita accuratamente di rovinare fanciulle in fiore o promesse spose. Così, quando Lady Kaitlin gli chiede di baciarla, lui si rifiuta, essendo ella anche la migliore amica di sua sorella e nipote del suo mentore. Quindi è tabù. Ma allora…perché improvvisamente la trova affascinante ed è divorato dal desiderio di baciarla? Lady Kaitlin è orfana. Ha perso entrambi i genitori in tenera età e ora vive a casa dello zio. E' un tipo introverso, che non ama le occasioni mondane , preferendo rimanere a casa a leggere un bel libro. Per questa sua difficoltà a socializzare sono tre anni dalla sua entrata in società che non riesce a trovare marito. Ma lei è rassegnata al suo destino da zitella e non se ne dà pensiero, perché in tal modo potrà leggere fin che le pare. C'è solo una cosa che desidera, prima di ritirarsi a vita privata: un bacio dal Conte Shelby. Ma questi la rifiuta, offrendosi nel contempo di aiutarla a trovare un marito. Così Gregory e Kaitlin sanciscono un accordo, ognuno con un proprio obiettivo. Nel tempo si accorgeranno che la situazione sta per sfuggirgli di mano e che la passione li travolgerà con forza inarrestabile.


La tragica storia di Robert Johnson , grande musicista Blues degli anni '30 Americani, la risoluzione al giallo della sua tragica fine, i retroscena e la discografia completa. Un giallo emozionante e una ricerca storica sulla breve vita di Robert Johnson, considerato dai più come il nonno del rock ma amatissimo dai patiti del blues. Una narrazione avvincente e forse la soluzione di un intrico oscuro, denso di esoterismo e fanatismo religioso, che portarono alla morte violenta e prematura di colui che fu bollato come Figlio del Diavolo. Cosa dell'Arte di Robert Johnson può essere definito malefico? Davvero egli strinse un patto con Satana per ottenere fama e onori nel mondo della musica? E quale fu realmente la causa della sua morte? Scopriamolo insieme in questo libro coinvolgente e scorrevolissimo che vi toccherà il cuore.


The next book from the author of If They Knew, coming January 2019.Cambridge, 1986. Alex, Karen and Misty are an inseparable trio at Cambridge University – one can never be found far from the others. But when Alex dies suddenly, the remaining two friends can’t look one another in the eye – knowing they both had a part to play in her death.Present day. Misty and Karen haven’t spoken in years, but, convinced she has seen a picture of Alex alive, Karen doesn’t know who else to turn to. She soon becomes obsessed with a past she thought she’d left behind her… and her life begins to spiral out of control.Because, when you’re living in the past, who is keeping an eye on the present?


The compelling new bestseller from the author of The Mersey Daughter and Winter on the Mersey.Alice Lake and her friend Edith have had everything thrown at them in their first year as district nurses in London’s East End. From babies born out of wedlock to battered wives, they’ve had plenty to keep them occupied.As rationing takes hold and Hitler’s bombers train their sights on London, there is no escaping the reality of being at war. Edith is trying to battle on bravely while bearing her own heartache but there’s no escaping the new terror of the bombing raids. The girls find themselves caught up in the terrible aftermath, their nursing skills desperately needed by the shaken locals on their rounds.With the men away fighting for King and country, it’s up to the nurses to keep up the Spirit of the Blitz, and everyone is counting on them…


An incredibly entertaining and perceptive look at the most controversial moment in Premier League history.25th January 1995 A cold winter’s evening. Manchester United away against Crystal Palace at a packed-out Selhurst Park. Eric Cantona, United's mercurial talisman, has been man-marked closely all game by Richard Shaw and become increasingly frustrated. In the 48th minute, Cantona’s temper boils over and he kicks out at Shaw. The ref shows him a red card. On his way off the pitch, a Palace fan rushes towards the hoardings to hurl abuse. The Frenchman loses it. He launches into the crowd, aiming a kung-fu kick at the fan’s chest. He is forcibly restrained and then taken off down the tunnel. The football world is stunned. Nothing like this has ever happened before.What followed has entered football folklore: the media furore, the seagulls following the trawler, and the longest domestic ban ever handed to a player; it would end up lasting 250 days. As Manchester United’s campaign stuttered towards a trophy-less conclusion, surrendering the league on the last day of the season and losing the FA Cup final, Cantona withdrew from the public eye. But, behind closed doors, Ferguson was planning the most remarkable of fresh starts for his star player and for a new-look United.250 Days tells the story in brilliant detail of one of the most turbulent times in United’s recent history. Showing Cantona in a new light, and the genius of Ferguson’s man management and vision in close relief, it is an incredibly entertaining and insightful look at the most controversial episode of the Premier League era.


A superb, authoritatively written insider’s account of Iran, one of the most mysterious but significant and powerful nations in the world.Few historians and journalists writing in English have been able to meaningfully examine post-revolutionary Iranian life. Years after his death, the shadow of Ayatollah Khomeini still looms over Shi'ite Islam and Iranian politics, the state of the nation fought over by conservatives and radicals. They are contending for the soul of a revolutionary Islamic government that terrified the Western establishment and took them to leadership of the Islamic world.But times have changed. Khomeini's death and the deficiencies of his successor, the intolerance and corruption that has made the regime increasingly authoritarian and cynical, frustration at Iran's economic isolation and the revolution's failure to deliver the just realm it promised has transformed the spirit of the country.In this superbly crafted and deeply thoughtful book Christopher de Bellaigue, who is married to an Iranian and has lived there for many years, gives us the voices and memories of this 'worn-out generation': be they traders or soldiers, film-makers or clerics, writers or taxi-drivers, gangsters or reformists. These are voices that are never heard, but whose lives and concerns are forging the future of one of the most secretive, misunderstood countries in the world. The result is a subtle yet intense revelation of the hearts and minds of the Iranian people.


Major transformations in society are always accompanied by parallel transformations in systems of social communication – what we call the media. In this book, historian Frédéric Barbier provides an important new economic, political and social analysis of the first great 'media revolution' in the West: Gutenberg's invention of the printing press in the mid fifteenth century. In great detail and with a wealth of historical evidence, Barbier charts the developments in manuscript culture in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, and shows how the steadily increasing need for written documents initiated the processes of change which culminated with Gutenberg. The fifteenth century is presented as the 'age of start-ups' when investment and research into technologies that were new at the time, including the printing press, flourished. Tracing the developments through the sixteenth century, Barbier analyses the principal features of this first media revolution: the growth of technology, the organization of the modern literary sector, the development of surveillance and censorship and the invention of the process of 'mediatization'. He offers a rich variety of examples from cities all over Europe, as well as looking at the evolution of print media in China and Korea. This insightful re-interpretation of the Gutenberg revolution also looks beyond the specific historical context to draw connections between the advent of print in the Rhine Valley ('paper valley') and our own modern digital revolution. It will be of great interest to students and scholars of early modern history, of literature and the media, and will appeal to anyone interested in what remains one of the greatest cultural revolutions of all time.


Urban history is a well-established and flourishing field of historical research. Written by a leading scholar, this short introduction demonstrates how urban history draws upon a wide variety of methodologies and sources, and has been integral to the rise of interdisciplinary and comparative approaches to history since the second half of the twentieth century. Shane Ewen offers an accessible and clearly written guide to the study of urban history for the student, teacher, researcher or general reader who is new to the field and interested in learning about past approaches as well as key themes, concepts and trajectories for future research. He takes a global and comparative viewpoint, combining a discussion of classic texts with the latest literature to illustrate the current debates and controversies across the urban world. The historiography of the field is mapped out by theme, including new topics of interest, with a particular focus on space and social identity, power and governance, the built environment, culture and modernity, and the growth and spread of transnational networking. By discussing a number of historic and fast-growing cities across the world, What is Urban History? demonstrates the importance of the history of urban life to our understanding of the world, both in the present and the future. As a result, urban history remains pivotal for explaining the continued growth of towns and cities in a global context, and is particularly useful for identifying the various problems and solutions faced by fast-growing megacities in the developing world.