
As noted psychiatrists, authors, and lecturers, Baars and Terruwe excitingly blend medieval and classical notions of the human psyche together with modern clinical discoveries as they probe the topic of psychic wholeness and healing. The authors explore the entire human psyche, including man's spiritual dimension, which is an area totally ignored by most modern psychiatrists–creating in modern man an ever-deepening sense of frustration in searching for effective psychiatric treatment for his emotional turmoil. The books' numerous detailed clinical case histories clarify the authors' therapeutic principles. The following questions, among many others, are considered in this work: How best to help a person who lives in constant fear that he has committed a serious sin even though he knows he has not? Does a person who wants to live a moral life, yet cannot refrain from doing things that he knows are immoral, suffer from weakness of willpower or from a neurosis that would lend itself to therapy?


What is Christian about counseling? That far-reaching question is exactly what prompted Dr. Friesen to deepen his study of The Sermon on the Mount. «Is what I do consistent with what Jesus said? This must direct my counseling or it does not qualify as 'Christian.'» He has been seriously engaged in the study of Psychology and Theology since 1974, beginning as a student at the Fuller Theological Seminary Graduate School of Psychology. Having specialized in the teachings of Jesus since 1981, the present book presents a fitting summary of Dr. Friesen's work, bringing all of Jesus' teachings together with what he has learned as a Christian Psychologist. Jesus' teachings are all about him being with us in times of struggle. This book captures that truth in each chapter.
Coming from more than twenty years in Bible study groups, Jesus, Clear and Simple: In Times of Struggle includes Life Group discussion guides for each chapter. That is where Jesus' teachings come to life–when two or three or more are gathered together to learn from the Master.


Winner of a 2008 Teachers’ Choice Award! Many children, especially those with developmental delays, have trouble understanding or expressing their feelings. This can result in difficulty with anger management. Listing possible responses to situations—and the likely outcome of each one—allows the child to make informed decisions about which responses to choose (e.g., walking away vs. hitting). This book provides a guide for caregivers along with a workbook portion that asks children to identify situations that trigger their anger, and helps them find appropriate ways to respond. Helpful topics include: Overview of the Exploring Feelings Program Introduction to Cognitive Behavior Therapy The Emotional Toolbox Social Stories Research Evidence on the Effectiveness of Exploring Feelings and more!


A cornucopia of ideas, strategies, and concepts that will apply to virtually any situation! The authors address sensory, communication, and physical and social-emotional issues by increasing desired behaviors and decreasing unwanted behaviors. You will also learn how to build sensory diets into everyday activities; use antecedent control; teach students to self-regulate; deal with self-injurious behaviors, physical or verbal aggression, toilet training, obsessive-compulsive behavior, and fixations; deal with crisis/stress/data management, data management, and much more. Whatever problems you face, you'll find helpful solutions to them in this book. This book should be on every teacher's and parent's bookshelf. Great reference source!

Helpful sections include:
Impact of Autism Characteristics
What Does Communication Have to do With Behavior?
Sensory Issues and Behavior
Social Skills and Social/Emotional Issues
Structuring the Environment for Success
Increasing Desired Behaviors
Decreasing Unwanted Behaviors
Crisis Management and Other Special Problems
Discipline Procedures and Behavior Intervention Plans
Stress Management


Winner of a 2008 Teachers’ Choice Award! Anxiety can be debilitating for anyone, but it can be especially confusing for a child. Learning about emotions helps children recognize connections between thinking and feeling, and the physiological effects of anxiety on the body (sweating, increased heart rate, crying, etc.). This book provides a guide for caregivers along with a workbook section that allows children to identify anxiety-provoking situations, and teaches them how to perceive them differently. Helpful topics include: Overview of the Exploring Feelings Program Introduction to Cognitive Behavior Therapy The Emotional Toolbox Social Stories Research Evidence on the Effectiveness of Exploring Feelings and more!


The New Covenant as a Paradigm for Optimal Relations regards the New Covenant primarily as a gracious and merciful redemptive deal, springing from God's unilateral, unconditional, and proactive initiative. The New Covenant is adopted as representing both a salvific and an exemplary paradigm that displays God's gracious and merciful ways toward his children. Ten discrete, yet interwoven principles are extracted from, interpreted, and abstracted from Scriptures pertaining to the promised New Covenant. These principles apply to those who, as dearly beloved children, are invited to imitate God's loving ways. God's manner of love defines the foundational basis from which the author derives and elaborates the propositions that guide the considerations pertaining to thoughts, feelings, motivations, and behaviors that enter into play in relational transactions. In terms of style, an architectural design permeates the content of this book, offering and encompassing a metacognitive view of God's covenantal ways: a top-down perspective that applies to bottom-up endeavors of relational nature. The challenges posed by our cultural, postmodern trends–devoid of absolute principles and lacking a moral compass–are countered and addressed by the author in insightful fashion, offering theologically-based guidelines integrated to sound psychological principles, applicable to psychotherapeutic and counseling endeavors as well as to pastoral care.


This book describes a method of therapy based upon the Christian spirituality and psychotherapy perspective developed by Dr. Richard York. This clinical theology perspective is a phenomenological approach that integrates spiritual, theological, and psychological concepts and was developed in large part through York's own experience of being relieved of depression and anxiety through interweaving of psychotherapy, prayer and meditation, spiritual direction, and the relationship with his Indwelling Spirit.
Because human beings are the products of relationships, York critiques approaches to psychology premised upon the subject/object epistemology of empirical science that study human behavior. He suggests instead that a relational-ontology research method offers an approach superior to that of standard psychotherapy and uses experience in relationship as the fundamental concept in this clinical theology. Because people are prone to hurt themselves and others, York also argues that standard approaches to psychology need to develop a psychology of sin and evil, including some form of a Higher Power, as essential parts of the spiritual aspect of psychotherapy.
York critiques Christian theologians for developing theology that seldom uses empirical data and that is irrelevant to the process of helping people heal and grow. He criticizes those pastoral ministers who moralize with people instead of listening to them as well as those who preach more about sin and suffering than God's presence and saving grace through the forgiveness of sins.
While he acknowledges that most of his perspective is not new, York does offer a unique contribution to the field of psychotherapy through the concept of the Indwelling Spirit. He describes how the Indwelling Spirit works in psychotherapy and the various techniques to access it. He further argues that his experience as a gay psychologist is an essential aspect of his method because in being healed through his experience with his Indwelling Spirit he was able to define this experience for use in psychotherapy, an insight used by very few straight therapists.
York challenges the notion of how a gay man who worships God regularly, found healing through a relationship with Christ in the Holy Spirit of God, and developed the concept of the Indwelling Spirit for psychotherapy, could be considered «objectively disordered and intrinsically evil» by the Roman Catholic Magisterium. Furthermore, York describes a new principle of moral theology for sexual relationships based on love rather than procreation and suggests seven research hypotheses to study the phenomenon of the Indwelling Spirit and the love that is exhibited in both same-sex and opposite-sex relationships.


Supported by the International Association of Addictions and Offender Counselors (IAAOC), this second annual review addresses innovation, evaluation, and program development efforts in addictions and offender counseling. Experts in the field present peer-reviewed models and recommendations for ensuring best practices in addictions and offender counseling.


Supported by the International Association of Addictions and Offender Counselors (IAAOC), this annual review addresses innovation, evaluation, and program development efforts in addictions and offender counseling. Experts in the field present peer-reviewed models and recommendations for ensuring best practices in addictions and offender counseling.


The Process of Research in Psychology employs the pedagogical approach of spaced repetition to present a student-friendly introduction to conducting research in psychology. Drawing on more than 17 years of teaching experience, best-selling author Dawn M. McBride covers topics with step-by-step explanations to help students understand the full process of designing, conducting, and presenting a research study. Early chapters introduce important concepts for developing research ideas, subject sampling, ethics, and data collection; more detailed coverage of these topics is included in “More About” chapters to provide instructors with flexibility in their teaching. Concepts and skills relevant to more than one stage of the research process are covered in multiple contexts, providing repeated exposure to the topics students often struggle with but that are the most important in gaining research skills.