
If You Visit Charlotte takes you on an adventure through Charlotte, North Carolina. This will be a favorite for locals and tourists alike as they explore fourteen landmarks around the city. Readers will learn about Charlotte's sports teams, local museums, theme parks, and natural beauty. This interactive book will captivate children and adults as it leaves the reader guessing what the next stop on every page will be.


Asteria is an alien princess from the planet of Caprites, where she resides in her room listening to the sounds of the galaxy with her computer. However, every year, she hears the same jingling sounds from a certain blue planet and her curiosity gets the best of her. Hijacking a spacecraft from her planet's fleet, she travels across several light-years with her pet companion until she comes across earth. Here, she meets two girls and their family and learns about the jingling sounds she has been hearing. She soon learns that these sounds are from what the humans call Christmas. Her visit is put in jeopardy when one of the human neighbors sees her use one of her alien abilities and alerts the human authorities. With the help of the two girls and their family, Asteria plans her escape from earth before her own family invades the blue planet to retrieve her.


Trevor is a little boy with a very vivid imagination. Bedtime isn't your normal lights-out, get-under-the-covers routine. Trevor lives out his wildest dreams all before it's time for bed. Join Trevor on this very exciting adventure-battling ninjas, exploring the deep blue sea, taking flight and cave exploration. What will he conquer before the lights go out?






