

Commended for the 2007 Canadian Children’s Book Centre, short-listed for the 2008 Red Maple Award "You know how it is when you get a feeling that something big is going to happen? Well, it wasn’t like that for me. In fact, that Thursday started out like any other day." With these words, Sarah Gilmore begins the remarkable story of what happened when she and her mother, Maggie, suddenly found themselves recipients of an unusual inheritance. A home of their own sounds too good to be true to the Gilmores, who have been struggling to manage on Maggie’s income as a waitress – but the conditions that come with the house are strange indeed. Then Sarah receives a message that she should look for a mysterious bequest in an old chest and her imagination runs to thoughts of jewels and wealth. She is disappointed when the chest seems to yield nothing of value – until she learns the truth about her legacy.




Не все долины на границе снегов бывают безлюдными и холодными. Есть среди них такие, в которых можно научиться многому необычному.


One of the most notable stories from One Thousand and One Nights, “Aladdin” is a Middle Eastern folk tale that follows one boy who enters a world of magical wonder. With the aid of a genie in a lamp, Aladdin must escape an evil sorcerer and save the beautiful princess before dark forces prevent their happily ever after.


Alice, who ate the cake and fell down the rabbit-hole, and Dorothy Gale of Oz via Kansas, are presented together in this wonderful eBook featuring two of literature’s classic journeying heroines. The similarities are inescapable: both experience strange and wonderful illusions (or are they?) and both are forced to make difficult decisions in the face of adversity. Travel with Alice to Wonderland and with Dorothy to Oz in these magical fun-filled adventure novels for young readers.


En route to an Australian vacation via a steamboat, Dorothy is accidentally tossed overboard with Billina, a yellow hen also on the ship. They wash ashore in the Land of Ev, where Billina gains the ability to talk. The two, along with Tik-Tok, a mechanical man who runs on clockwork motors, run into trouble and are imprisoned by the head-swapping Princess Langwidere. Will Ozma and friends come to Dorothy's rescue in time? And how will Ozma, The Scarecrow, the Cowardly Lion and the Tin Woodsman get to the Land of Ev from Oz? And just how will Dorothy get home this time?


The first of many sequels to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz follows Tip, who is escaping from the sorceress Mombi. On his way to the Emerald City, hoping to start a new life, he creates Jack Pumpkinhead and the Wooden Sawhorse. Once the companions arrive in the Emerald City, they discover an army of girls have overthrown King Scarecrow. Joining with Scarecrow, they set off to find Tin Man, and ask Glinda for help setting things right. But first, Tip must find out who he is, they must defeat Mombi, and there is the small question of who rightfully should rule Oz…


«В конце сентября мне пришлось лететь и Ханты-Мансийска в Тюмень. По пути наш маленький Ан-2 должен был сделать посадку в Тобольске. Через два часа я увидел, как под крылом медленно разворачивается и растет город с башнями белого кремля на высоком берегу Иртыша. Волны на реке с высоты казались неподвижными…»