

This book contains both practical and theoretical aspects of groundwater resources relating to geochemistry. Focusing on recent research in groundwater resources, this book helps readers to understand the hydrogeochemistry of groundwater resources. Dealing primarily with the sources of ions in groundwater, the book describes geogenic and anthropogenic input of ions into water. Different organic, inorganic and emerging contamination and salinity problems are described, along with pollution-related issues affecting groundwater. New trends in groundwater contamination remediation measures are included, which will be particularly useful to researchers working in the field of water conservation. The book also contains diverse groundwater modelling examples, enabling a better understanding of water-related issues and their management.  Groundwater Geochemistry: Pollution and Remediation  offers the reader:  An understanding of the quantitative and qualitative challenges of groundwater resources An introduction to the environmental geochemistry of groundwater resources A survey of groundwater pollution-related issues Recent trends in groundwater conservation and remediation Mathematical and statistical modeling related to groundwater resources Students, lecturers and researchers working in the fields of hydrogeochemistry, water pollution and groundwater will find  Groundwater Geochemistry  an essential companion.


«Стресс, тревожность, недовольство собой – главные проблемы современного человека. Нужно научиться подстраиваться под ритм жизни, быть смелее, искать правильную мотивацию а, главное, понимать, почему мы поступаем так или иначе. Ирина Белоусова, практикующий психотерапевт и известный блогер, погружает нас в научную магию психотерапии. Она легко и доступно рассказывает о том, где искать вдохновение; как опознавать уловки мозга и понимать свои чувства; как принимать ситуацию, но вместе с тем ощущать силу и управлять событиями своей жизни. С помощью этих советов вы научитесь быть спокойным за свое вчера, сегодня и завтра, правильно оценивать свои возможности, ресурсы, желания и здраво реагировать на происходящее. Эта книга станет для вас психотерапевтом, который всегда с вами.» © Storysidе


Clinical Guide to Fish Medicine <p>Designed as a practical resource, <i>Clinical Guide to Fish Medicine</i> provides an evidence-based approach to the veterinary care of fish. This guide—written and edited by experts in the field—contains essential information on husbandry, diagnostics, and case management of bony and cartilaginous fish.<p>This important resource:<ul><li>Provides clinically relevant information on topics such as anatomy, water quality, life-support systems, nutrition, behavioral training, clinical examination, clinical pathology, diagnostic imaging, necropsy techniques, anesthesia and analgesia, surgery, medical treatment, and transport</li><li>Describes common presenting problems of fish, including possible differentials and practical approaches</li><li>Reviews key information on non-infectious and infectious diseases of fish in a concise format that is easily accessible in a clinical setting</li></ul><p>Written for veterinarians, biologists, technicians, specialists, and students, <i>Clinical Guide to Fish Medicine</i> offers a comprehensive review of veterinary medicine of fish.


‘Deep adaptation’ refers to the personal and collective changes that might help us to prepare for – and live with – a climate-influenced breakdown or collapse of our societies. It is a framework for responding to the terrifying realization of increasing disruption by committing ourselves to reducing suffering while saving more of society and the natural world. This is the first book to show how professionals across different sectors are beginning to incorporate the acceptance of likely or unfolding societal breakdown into their work and lives. They do not assume that our current economic, social and political systems can be made resilient in the face of climate change but, instead, they demonstrate the caring and creative ways that people are responding to the most difficult realization with which humanity may ever have to come to terms. Edited by the originator of the concept of deep adaptation, Jem Bendell, and a leading climate activist and strategist, Rupert Read, this book is the essential introduction to the concept, practice and emerging global movement of Deep Adaptation to climate chaos.


Tweet, tweet, parakeet! Your one-stop resource when you're ready to bring home a budgie There are lots of perks to owning a parakeet (also known as a budgie). This book introduces you to your beautiful budgie buddy and prepares you to give that bird a home that other avian companions will envy. Perfect for first-time bird owners and seasoned bird parents, Parakeets For Dummies offers expert advice on adopting a parakeet and introducing it to other fur or feathered babies you might have. You'll also discover the best way to groom and train your parakeet and learn how to teach it to talk. And when your feathered friend appears to be under the weather, you can turn to this book to identify the symptoms of illness and know what to look for when choosing a vet for your pet. Discover whether a parakeet is a good fit for your family, including any existing birds and other pets Construct a comfortable enclosure and prep your home so your bird can play safely Protect your parakeet from common dangers and avoidable illnesses Feed your parakeet a healthy and varied diet to ensure a long and healthy life This helpful handbook contains the latest tips and tools for parakeet care so your new family member will feel right at home right away.


Каждый народ имеет право знать свою историю – не по лекалам, порой навязанным политически ангажированными учеными, а по объективным данным. Такими являются результаты исследования автора книги – президента Академии ДНК-генеалогии, профессора Гарвардского и Московского государственного университетов и профессора АН СССР Анатолия Клёсова. Каждый народ рассматривается в этой книге как сплав родов, которые образовали историческое единство, и представлен в порядке своей численности в составе Российской Федерации. Автор исследует, как складывался во времени родовой состав, когда жили общие предки каждого рода в составе современного народа, откуда и когда они пришли на данную территорию, по возможности – какие археологические культуры были созданы предками этого народа.




INVESTIGATING FOSSILS INVESTIGATING FOSSILSA HISTORY OF PALAEONTOLOGY Investigating Fossils – A History of Palaeontology is a concise and accessible look at changing attitudes to palaeontology in general, and fossils in particular. From the existential and philosophical debates arising from fossils – such as their implications for the age of the Earth – to their role as markers in Darwin’s theory of evolution, fossils have been the centre of highly charged debate for over two centuries.This book, which is aimed at anyone with an interest in the history and philosophy of science, not only describes the process of fossil formation and the history of the discovery of fossils. It goes further, and highlights the continuing importance of fossils to our ever-developing understanding of where the planet and its myriad species have come from.Painting a vivid, lively portrait of the history and development of palaeontology, Investigating Fossils is a fascinating and informative tour of the recent history – and possible future – of the science of fossils.