
Laboratory Methods for Soil Health Analysis Analyzing, comparing, and understanding soil health data The maintenance of healthy soil resources is instrumental to the success of an array of global efforts and initiatives. Whether they are working to combat food shortages, conserve our ecosystems, or mitigate the impact of climate change, researchers and agriculturalists the world over must be able to correctly examine and understand the complex nature of this essential resource. These new volumes have been designed to meet this need, addressing the many dimensions of soil health analysis in chapters that are concise, accessible and applicable to the tasks at hand. Soil Health, Volume Two: Laboratory Methods for Soil Health Analysis provides explanations of the best practices by which one may arrive at valuable, comparable data and incisive conclusions, and covers topics including: Sampling considerations and field evaluationsAssessment and interpretation of soil-test biological activity Macro- and micronutrients in soil quality and health PLFA and EL-FAME indicators Offering a practical guide to collecting and understanding soil health data, this volume will be of great interest to all those working in agriculture, private sector businesses, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), academic-, state-, and federal-research projects, as well as state and federal soil conservation, water quality and other environmental programs.



На протяжении многих лет человек интересовался происхождением снов. В своей книге М. Жуве рассказывает, как рождаются сновидения, какая взаимосвязь существует между сном и бодрствованием и как она привела его к открытию «парадоксального сна» – состояния, при котором мозг проявляет чрезвычайную активность. Именно в этот момент очень ясно работает наше сознание. Чтобы его понять, автор обращается к опыту философов – среди них Локк, Гегель, Кант, Юм, Гуссерль, а говоря о подсознании, вспоминает Фрейда. В завершении М. Жуве описывает новые исследования, направленные на изучение возможностей мозга – главной тайны человека, которую еще никому не удалось разгадать. В формате PDF A4 сохранён издательский дизайн.


A complete natural history of the Hebrides – an area of great natural beauty, which draws back thousands of visitors year after year to its wonderful scenery and abundant wildlife.The Hebrides is an area of great natural beauty, which draws back thousands of visitors year after year to its wonderful scenery and abundant wildlife. Yet, until now, there has been no up-to-date, complete natural history for its many followers to refer to. This title fills the gap.In a style at once both readable and informative the Drs. J. M. and I. L. Boyd cover every aspect of the islands. Starting with a clear explanation of the geology, climate and hydrography, they move on to a fascinating description of the many varies habitats, from the sea and inland waters through to woodlands and moor and hill. Part II deals with the characteristics of individual islands and their species, while in part III the islands are discussed in the context of their relation to people – starting with the old naturalists, and ending on a topical note with the current interest in conservation.





Approaches to Soil Health Analysis A concise survey of soil health analysis and its various techniques and applications The maintenance of healthy soil resources provides the foundation for an array of global efforts and initiatives that affect humanity. Whether they are working to combat food shortages, conserve our ecosystems, or mitigate the impact of climate change, researchers and agriculturalists the world over must be able to correctly examine and understand the complex nature of this essential, fragile resource. These new volumes have been designed to meet this need, addressing the many dimensions of soil health analysis in chapters that are concise, accessible and applicable to the tasks at hand. Soil Health, Volume One: Approaches to Soil Health Analysis provides a well-rounded overview of the various methods and strategies available to analysists, and covers topics including: The history of soil health and its studyChallenges and opportunities facing analysistsMeta-data and its assessmentApplications to forestry and urban land reclamationFuture soil health monitoring and evaluation approaches Offering a far-reaching survey of this increasingly interdisciplinary field, this volume will be of great interest to all those working in agriculture, private sector businesses, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), academic-, state-, and federal-research projects, as well as state and federal soil conservation, water quality and other environmental programs.


Volume 1 briefly reviews selected “Approaches to Soil Health Analysis” including a brief history of the concept, challenges and opportunities, meta-data and assessment, applications to forestry and urban land reclamation, and future soil health monitoring and evaluation approaches.<br />Volume 2 focuses on “Laboratory Methods for Soil Health Analysis” including an overview and suggested analytical approaches intended to provide meaningful, comparable data so that soil health can be used to guide restoration and protection of our global soil resources.


Як функціонує мозок під час сну та неспання? Які нейронні системи контролюють рух? Якою є природа чуттєвого сприйняття? Пролити світло на основні питання нейронауки нам допоможе дует відомих американських неврологів. Але дізнаєтеся ви про це в дуже незвичний спосіб – за допомогою зомбі. Кожен розділ спирається на популярну зомбі-культуру та визначає характерну поведінку зомбі, яку можна пояснити за допомогою нейроанатомії, нейрофізіології та взаємовідносин мозку та поведінки. Буде і страшно, і цікаво… Буде страшенно цікаво!