
Fall in love with a Doodle Dog! This guide tells you everything you need to know about this popular cross-breed. With their cute names and curly coats, Doodles have become popular pets. And why not? They’re more than just cute—they’re generally affectionate, playful, and highly trainable dogs. They also don’t shed much, so they’ll ideal for people with pet allergies. In other words, a perfect family companion! If you don’t know exactly what a Doodle is, they’re a cross breed of a poodle with another kind of dog; think Labradoodles (Labrador and poodle), Aussiedoodles (Australian shepherd and poodle), Goldendoodles (Golden Retriever and poodle), or Sheepadoodles (English Sheepdog and poodle). You get the idea. The possibilities are endless and no matter the crossbreed, they all live in the cuteness zone. If you don’t want to resist—and who can?— Doodle Dogs For Dummies  is the ultimate guide on all things Doodles. You’ll find helpful information within its pages whether you’re just considering a Doodle, or you’ve already brought one home. Learn how to identify breeds Find the Doodle that's best for your family Pick a breeder or go the animal shelter route Keep your Doodle looking their best with proper grooming Acclimate your Doodle to your home, including to other pets Get expert tips on training and healthy treats for your Doodle From long walks on sunny days to cuddling on the couch, you have a lot of quality time to look forward to with your furry best friend. And  Doodle Dogs For Dummies  will ensure that your Doodle is happy and healthy for their lifetime.




This book offers an insight into how to create aesthetically pleasing, environmentally integrated, multi-functional developments in the ocean or on the coastline.<br /><br />Eco-design of Marine Infrastructures provides practical and realistic solutions for delivering projects that strive to minimize negative environmental impacts.<br /><br />Using case studies and examples, this book presents a toolkit of options, allowing decision makers and planners to see what is possible and to make informed choices about the risks and benefits of eco-design. It is intended for researchers, engineers, students and decision makers, or anyone who is curious to see how nature can be integrated into development.



Wetlands Conservation An up-to-date overview of approaches for addressing wetlands degradation and its effects on ecosystem services, human health, and other ecosystems Wetlands are essential sources of biodiversity, water purification, groundwater replenishment, flood control, storm protection, sediment retention, recreation and tourism, and more. Human exploitation of natural resources over the past 200 years has caused significant wetlands degradation and loss. Although the Ramsar Convention of 1971 drafted polices for wetland conservation and responsible use, many wetland sites remain inadequately conserved or managed. Maintaining the ecological balance and equilibrium of wetlands requires a clear understanding of the vital role of wetlands, the difficulties they face, and the policies enacted for their protection. Wetlands Conservation: Current Challenges and Future Strategies summarizes both current and emerging management strategies, trends, and policies regarding wetlands protection around the world. The authors provide accurate scientific information on wetlands while discussing the effects of climate change, global warming, modernization in agriculture, and other key topics. Designed to assist in the development of future solutions for wetlands conservation and management strategies, this important volume: Highlights the environmental, socioeconomic, and cultural importance of wetlands Identifies the factors responsible for the failure of many conservation initiatives Describes the natural and anthropogenic factors of wetlands degradation Discusses the role of community-based wetlands conservation and management Explores Ramsar wetlands conservation and its impacts worldwide Wetlands Conservation: Current Challenges and Future Strategies is an invaluable resource for graduate and postgraduate students, researchers, ecologists, policymakers, conservation organizations, and others working in the field of natural resources management.


HYDROGEOLOGY Hydrogeology: Principles and Practice provides a comprehensive introduction to the study of hydrogeology to enable the reader to appreciate the significance of groundwater in meeting current and future environmental and sustainable water resource challenges. This new edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect advances in the field since 2014 and includes over 350 new references. The book presents a systematic approach to understanding groundwater starting with new insights into the distribution of groundwater in the Earth’s upper continental crust and the role of groundwater as an agent of global material and elemental fluxes. Following chapters explain the fundamental physical and chemical principles of hydrogeology, and later chapters feature groundwater field investigation techniques in the context of catchment processes, as well as chapters on groundwater quality and contaminant hydrogeology, including a section on emerging contamination from microplastic pollution. Unique features of the book are chapters on the application of environmental isotopes and noble gases in the interpretation of aquifer evolution, and a discussion of regional characteristics such as topography, compaction and variable fluid density on geological processes affecting past, present and future groundwater flow regimes. The last chapter discusses future challenges for groundwater governance and management for the long-term sustainability of groundwater resources, including the role of managed aquifer recharge, and examines the linkages between groundwater and climate change, including impacts on cold-region hydrogeology. Given the drive to net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, the interaction of groundwater in the exploitation of energy resources, including renewable resources and shale gas, is reviewed. Throughout the text, boxes and a set of colour plates drawn from the authors’ teaching and research experience are used to explain special topics and to illustrate international case studies ranging from transboundary aquifers and submarine groundwater discharge to the hydrogeochemical factors that have influenced the history of malting and brewing in Europe. The appendices provide conversion tables and useful reference material, and include review questions and exercises, with answers, to help develop the reader’s knowledge and problem-solving skills in hydrogeology. This highly informative and accessible textbook is essential reading for undergraduate and graduate students primarily in earth sciences, environmental sciences and physical geography with an interest in hydrogeology or groundwater topics. The book will also find use among practitioners in hydrogeology, soil science, civil engineering and landscape planning who are involved in environmental and resource protection issues requiring an understanding of groundwater.



Научные работы П. В. Симонова посвящены физиологии высшей нервной деятельности, то есть изучению мозговых основ поведения. Им создан и экспериментально обоснован потребностно-информационный подход к анализу поведения и высших психических функций человека и животных, который позволил дать естественнонаучное обоснование таким ключевым понятиям общей психологии, как потребность, эмоция, воля, сознание. Книга имеет междисциплинарный характер: в ней рассматриваются нейрофизиологические, нейроанатомические и психологические аспекты исследования эмоций. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет книги.


Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion<b> Equine Toxicology</b> <p><b>A clinical quick-reference guide to managing toxicants in horses </b> <p><i>Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Equine Toxicology</i> provides crucial information for managing toxicants in horses in a quick-reference format. The book begins with foundational information on clinical toxicology, including emergency management, antidotes, sample analysis, and necropsy. It then discusses specific toxicant categories and toxicants of concern, organized alphabetically for fast access in emergency situations. <p>The identically formatted topics offer key information relevant to managing toxicants in horses, plus clinical photographs depicting plants and drugs to help clinicians and students identify toxicants. A companion website presents the figures from the book for download in PowerPoint. <p>This book is the ideal clinical resource for busy practitioners seeking immediate access to life-saving information in time-sensitive emergencies. It places all the information the reader needs to manage toxicants in horses at their fingertips, with full color images and concise bullet points. <p><i>Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Equine Toxicology</i> features: <ul><li>A thorough introduction to emergency management of the poisoned equine patient, as well as general principles of toxicants, antidotes, lab sample analysis, and necropsy analysis </li> <li> An exploration of specific toxins and toxicants, including illicit and pharmaceutical drugs, envenomations, insecticides, herbicides, and farm chemicals </li> <li>Practical discussions of metal, mycotoxin, rodenticide, and plant toxicology in horses</li> <li>In-depth discussion of intoxication by poisonous trees and miscellaneous toxins, like carbon monoxide, nitrates, nitrites, salt, smoke, and tropical materials </li> </ul> <p><i>Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Equine Toxicology</i> is an indispensable reference for veterinary clinicians and students dealing with equine medicine, as well as for anyone seeking concise and comprehensive information about equine toxicology.