
Это саммари – сокращенная версия книги. Только самые ценные мысли, идеи, кейсы, примеры. В наших домах, кладовках, гаражах все больше вещей, которыми мы давным-давно не пользуемся. Мы ежедневно заглядываем в супермаркет и уносим оттуда килограммы вялой, часто безвкусной еды, упакованной в пластик. Мы все покупаем и покупаем, окружая себя предметами, которые стремительно теряют для нас всякий смысл. Волшебное заклинание от этого ужаса – всего два слова: «Меньше – лучше». Это правило касается любого уголка вашего дома, любого аспекта жизни. Как помочь планете, близким и самому себе – быстро, с удовольствием, без чувства жалости к вещам, с которыми расстаешься? Ответы – в этом саммари!



Improve the quality and productivity of your crops through selecting positive and effective interactive core-microbiomes As microbial cells are present in overwhelming numbers in our soil, it is perhaps inevitable that microbes are found extensively in plant and animal tissue. The role of microbiomes on the regulation of physiological processes in animals has been extensively researched in recent years, but the overarching role of the plant microbiome has yet to be discovered. Core Microbiome: Improving Crop Quality and Productivity is an attempt to remediate some of that deficit, as the first book to summarize feature of microbial communities that make up the plant microbiome. There is substantial evidence that these communities are crucial in disease control, enhanced nutrient acquisition, and stress tolerance—a feature more important than ever due to climate change. A further focus on improving how core microbiomes interact so that they are both phenotypically and genotypically very adaptive and sustainable will allow the reader to improve the quality and productivity of crops so that they may be considered sustainable agriculture. Core Microbiome readers will also find: Descriptions of the basic structure of core microbiomes and their functions across various habitats New and cutting-edge trends and technological innovations highlighted that use core microbiomes to harness plant microbiome interaction The structure, classification, and biotechnological applications of aquatic core microbiomes, in addition to the material on plant microbiomes As a broad introduction to the interaction of core microbiome and plant productivity, Core Microbiome is ideal for researchers and scientists working in the field of environmental science, environmental microbiology, and waste management. Similarly, undergraduate and graduate students in these fields, as well as in agriculture, biotechnology, biosciences, and life and environmental sciences will also benefit from this work.


ORGANIC REACTIONS Examines the beneficial roles of nitric oxide in growth and stress tolerance regulation through its involvement in tolerance mechanisms Studies have identified the central role of nitric oxide in stress mitigation through the modulation of physiological and biochemical pathways including germination, photosynthesis regulation, and programmed cell death. Nitric Oxide in Plants: A Molecule with Dual Roles provides a detailed account of the physio-biochemical, molecular, and omic basis of NO-mediated responses in crop plants under different stresses. Summarizing recent work from leading researchers in the field, this up-to-date volume presents the current understanding of the modulation of the endogenous nitric oxide concentration following exogenous treatments and nitric oxide scavengers or inhibitors. The contributors discuss topics such as NO-mediated regulation of growth, photosynthesis, and tolerance mechanisms, the reductive and oxidative pathways of NO synthesis, molecular interventions for enhancing NO synthesis, the role of nitrogen in production of NO, beneficial microbes in NO production under normal and changing environmental conditions, and more. Includes an overview of the biosynthesis and regulation of NO synthesis in plants Describes the enzymatic and non-enzymatic biosynthesis of NO and the influence of different stress factors on NO synthesis Explores the role of reactive oxygen, sulphur, and nitrogen species in stress signaling Discusses endogenous and exogenous NO in modifying the ascorbate-glutathione cycle Explains the crosstalk mechanisms underlying NO and phytohormones, including auxins, cytokinins, abscisic acid, and ethylene Nitric Oxide in Plants: A Molecule with Dual Roles is an essential resource for academics, students, and industry professionals studying the role of nitric oxide in environmental stress tolerance and its interaction with key signaling molecules.


CONTINUOUS EMISSION MONITORING The new edition of the only single-volume reference on both the regulatory and technical aspects of U.S. and international continuous emission monitoring (CEM) systems Continuous Emission Monitoring presents clear, accurate, and up-to-date information on the technical and regulatory issues that affect the design, application, and certification of CEM systems installed in power plants, cement plants, pulp and paper mills, smelters, and other stationary sources. Written by an international expert in the field, this classic reference guide covers U.S. and international CEM regulatory requirements, analytical techniques, operation and maintenance of CEM instrumentation, and more. The fully revised Third Edition remains the most comprehensive source of CEM information available, featuring three brand-new chapters on mercury monitoring, the reporting and ­certification of industrial greenhouse gas emissions, and the instrumentation and methods used to measure air toxic compounds including dioxins, furans, and hydrogen chloride. Thoroughly updated chapters discuss topics such as flow rate monitors, new EPA regulations, instrumentation and calibration techniques, CEM system control and data acquisition, and extractive system design. Providing environmental professionals with the knowledge of CEM systems necessary to address the present-day regulatory environment, Continuous Emission Monitoring: Discusses how CEM systems work, their advantages and limitations, and the regulatory requirements governing their operation Covers both the historical framework and technological basis of current CEM regulatory programs and standards in the United States, Canada, Europe, and Asia Offers practical guidance on sampling system selection, measurement techniques, advanced monitoring approaches, recordkeeping, and quality assurance Provides detailed technical descriptions of the technology necessary for regulatory compliance Includes new orthographic drawings to help instrument technicians and regulators with little technical background to easily understand key topics Continuous Emission Monitoring, Third Edition is an essential resource for professionals responsible for ensuring regulatory compliance, managers and technicians who purchase, operate, and maintain CEM instrumentation, regulatory personnel who write and enforce operating permits, and instructors and students in upper-level environmental engineering programs.


Small Animal Surgical Emergencies <p><b>A comprehensive and up-to-date guide in emergency surgical intervention for veterinary professionals </b> <p><i>Small Animal Surgical Emergencies, Second Edition</i> continues to be an important resource focusing on surgical emergencies, combining the work of surgical specialists and critical care specialists, and filling a void in educating and informing veterinarians. <p>The new edition of this book provides updated information on an array of topics such as preoperative stabilization, new and innovative treatment options, and aftercare. Each chapter covers step-by-step information on emergency stabilization, diagnostic approach, operative techniques, postoperative care, common complications encountered in each case, and how to troubleshoot any such complication should they occur. It also offers simplified surgical techniques to ensure success and describes new and novel procedures throughout. <p>The Second Edition of <i>Small Animal Surgical Emergencies</i> features: <ul><li>Nine new chapters covering operating room nursing tips, rectal prolapse, colonic torsion, surgical intervention post celiotomy, assisted enteral feeding tubes, open chest CPR, managing complications of skin flaps and grafts, incisional infection, and joint luxations</li> <li>Many chapters are written in collaboration by experts in small animal surgery and critical care, combining these practices in one important resource</li> <li>Relevant anatomy, imaging, and full-color illustrations and drawings incorporated into each chapter</li> <li>Inclusion of case presentations, when relevant</li></ul> <p>An important tool for small animal general practitioners, veterinary surgeons, critical care specialists, as well as veterinary nurses and operating room technicians, <i>Small Animal Surgical Emergencies, Second Edition</i> is a crucial resource for this constantly evolving branch of veterinary medicine.


СИБА-ИНУ – традиционная японская порода собак.В этой книге вы узнаете следующее:– Все, что вам нужно знать о покупке щенка сиба-ину.– Дрессировка щенка и основы поведения в первые 5 недель— Корм для щенков и полезные товары для щенков— Характер и темперамент— Особенности породы и типичные заболевания— Содержание и уход за шерстью— Обучение и команды— Питание и БАРФ— Полезные примеры из практикиИспользуйте знания из этой книги, чтобы получить первое представление о сиба-ину.


В этой книге вы найдете много важного о дрессировке охотничьих собак:– Охота за движением— Преследование— Виды охоты— Породы собак— Дрессировка собственной собаки— Обучение трекингу— Обучение на манекене— Антиохотничья подготовкаИспользуйте знания из этой книги, чтобы получить первое представление о дрессировке охотничьей собаки и не только. Она поможет создать связь между человеком и животным, которая не часто существует на таком высоком уровне между владельцем и его питомцем.


Интеллектуальные игры и умственные упражнения для собак / активность собак для дома с множеством игр для собак и многое другое!Эта книга включает в себя следующие темы:– Основные правила во время игр— Язык тела собаки— Некоторые типичные виды деятельности для определенных пород— Собачьи трюки и интеллектуальные игры— Кликер-тренинг— Более 15 иллюстраций— И многое другое!Используйте знания из этой книги, чтобы проводить интересно и с пользой время с вашей любимой собакой.


Язык тела, экспрессивное и агрессивное поведение – все, что вам нужно знать о психологии собак.Содержание книги включает в себя следующие темы:– Общая психология собаки— Язык тела собак— Экспрессивное поведение собак— Контроль агрессивного поведения— Импульсный контроль у собак— Влияние на поведение собакиИспользуйте знания из этой книги, чтобы понять психологию вашей собаки.