
A short read escape narrative about the adventures of a wannabe horseman – A personal story following the journey of discovery and adventure over the first year (or so) spent breaking into the world of horses and learning from them how to be a horseman. From the perspective of a professional with an entertainment and event background, but not a horsey one!


Central Queensland visitors to the Capricorn coast happily flock to Bell Park in the small township of Emu Park, on land overlooking Keppel Bay. This heritage listed parkland is shaped over the past century by great volunteer effort amidst life changing events, such as the Great Depression and World War Two. The land continues to nurture the physical and emotional well being of thousands of visitors, with its comforting, spiritual energy. Visitors feel a strong sense of connection with those extraordinary people, who banded together over the decades to create and shape this haven, with their own money, time and effort. The stories of Heritage listed Bell Park reminds us to never to take for granted the healing power of happy memories shared.


Did you know a honeybee visits about 50 to 100 flowers during each nectar-collection trip? You’ll discover loads of interesting facts about 35 common pollinating insects – from ladybugs, moths, and beetles to bees, wasps, flies, and butterflies – including appearance, history and breeding, and details of how to attract them to your garden. From ladybugs whose larvae love to munch on herbs like coriander, fennel, and dill, to nocturnal moths who prefer a flower’s scent to its color, this fun and fascinating pocket guide will turn both young and old into pollinator enthusiasts.


"Animal Internet is a most important book. This excellent work could be a strong catalyst for people to rewild, to reconnect and become re-enchanted with all sorts of mysterious and fascinating animals, both local and distant. By shrinking the world it will bring humans and other animals together in a multitude of ways that only a few years ago were unimaginable."—Marc Bekoff, University of Colorado, author of Rewilding Our Hearts: Building Pathways of Compassion and Coexistence «An original book that goes against the trend to stubbornly keep nature and technology divided from one another.»— Der Spiegel " Animal Internet is one of the most interesting books that I've read in recent years."— Bavarian Radio "What Pschera describes sounds futuristic but it's already widespread reality . . . Pschera's book is not just popular science: he describes not only the status quo, but also thinks about an ongoing transformation."—Wired.deSome fifty thousand creatures around the globe—including whales, leopards, flamingoes, bats, and snails—are being equipped with digital tracking devices. The data gathered and studied by major scientific institutes about their behavior will warn us about tsunamis, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, but also radically transform our relationship to the natural world. With a broad cultural and historical perspective, this book examines human ties with animals, from domestic pets to the soaring popularity of bird watching and kitten images on the web. Will millennia of exploration soon be reduced to experiencing wilderness via smartphone? Contrary to pessimistic fears, author Alexander Pschera sees the Internet as creating a historic opportunity for a new dialogue between man and nature.Foreword by Martin Wikelski, Director, Max Planck Institute for Ornithology Alexander Pschera , born in 1964, has published several books on the internet and media. He studied German, music, and philosophy at Heidelberg University. He lives near Munich where he writes for the German magazine Cicero as well as for German radio.


This guide is suitable for all levels of photographers. 100 Ways to Take Better Nature and Wildlife Photographs features 100 practical and inspiring tips on every aspect of the genre. Guy Edwardes' breath-taking pictures accompany his eas-to-follow advice on a wide range of subjects from capturing the actions of large mammals to snapping wild birds and flowers in the garden. With tips on everything from technique to composition, coping with extreme field conditions to Photoshop software manipulation, this is an invaluable guide for anyone with a passion for photography of the natural world.



Africa's Top Wildlife Countries highlights and compares wildlife reserves and other major attractions in the continent’s best countries for game viewing — making the planning of the journey of a lifetime easy! African countries, and the wildlife reserves within them, vary greatly as to the types and quality of safari experiences they offer. This is the only guidebook that effectively assists readers in choosing the best destinations for the kind of wildlife experience they would most enjoy by comparing travel options among all the top wildlife countries.Using the easy-to-read «When’s the Best Time to Go for Game Viewing» chart, readers can conveniently choose the specific reserves and country(ies) that are best to visit during their vacation period. From the «What Wildlife is Best Seen Where» chart, readers can easily locate the reserves that have an abundance of the animals they wish to see. From the «Safari Activities» chart, readers can choose the reserves that offer the safari options (night drives, canoeing, walking, ballooning, etc.) that interest them most.Jam-packed with information essential to the successful safari:* 512 pages of color with over 400 photos* 15 Countries, including the top safari countries of Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Namibia and South Africa* Over 75 color maps, detailing countries and major wildlife reserves, including regional maps that conveniently point out the best reserves and their highlights* 10 charts, including When's The Best Time to Go and What Wildlife is Best Found Where* Accommodations graded for convenient selection — with the best highlighted as the author's top choiceDetailed information on:Photo SafarisMountain ClimbingGorilla and Chimpanzee SafarisBird WatchingCanoe/Kayak/Boat SafarisScuba Diving and SnorkelingHot-Air Balloon SafarisNight Game DrivesWalking SafarisWhite-water RaftingHorseback safarisFamily SafarisHoneymoon safaris


В книге в научно-популярной форме излагаются современные взгляды на происхождение аланского этноса на Северном Кавказе и проблему «аланского наследия». Рассмотрены имеющиеся на сегодняшний день данные лингвистики, антропологии и археологии, касающиеся северокавказских алан. Отдельные разделы посвящены катакомбному обряду погребения, являющемуся основным маркером аланской археологической культуры на Северном Кавказе и Среднем Дону, а также подробно рассмотрен процесс появления носителей этой культуры в Кисловодской котловине. Особое внимание уделено первым результатам секвенирования палео-ДНК представителей среднесарматской и аланской археологических культур, дающих представление о генетическом портрете древнего и средневекового населения Северного Кавказа на фоне имеющихся данных о генетике современного населения региона. В результате обобщения изложенной информации автор приходит к выводу о значительном вкладе местного северокавказского населения в процесс формирования аланского этноса и о его многокомпонентности. Книга рассчитана на широкий круг читателей, интересующихся археологией и историей Северного Кавказа.


Итог многолетней работы одного из крупнейших специалистов в мире по вопросам функционирования человеческой памяти. Обобщая данные научных исследований по теме – теоретических и экспериментальных, иллюстрируя материал многочисленными примерами, в том числе из судебной практики и из художественной литературы, автор не только помогает разобраться в причинах проблем, связанных с памятью, но и показывает, как можно ее усовершенствовать и в итоге улучшить качество своей жизни. «Выдающийся гарвардский психолог Дэниел Шектер изучает ошибки памяти и разделяет их на семь категорий… Новаторское научное исследование, дающее представление об удивительной неврологии памяти и содержащее ключ к общему пониманию сбоев в работе мозга». (USA Today) В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет.


Книга «Полет птиц и насекомых без формул» – это единственная книга, посвященная теме полета птиц и насекомых, в которой вы не найдете ни одной формулы, ни одного математического уравнения. Книга предназначена для широкого круга читателей и будет полезна также программистам, пишущим компьютерные программы полета птиц и насекомых. I часть – описание, II часть – наглядное приложение.