
When I was requested by the Committee of the International Arbitration and Peace Association, of which I have the honour to be a Member, to undertake the translation of the novel entitled Die Wafen Nieder, I considered it my duty to consent and I have found the labour truly a delight. Baroness Suttners striking tale has had so great a success on the Continent of Europe that it seems singular that no complete translation into English should yet have appeared. An incomplete version was published some time since in the United States, without the sanction of the authoress but it gives no just idea of the work. Apart from its value as a work of fiction-great as that is the book has a transcendent interest for the Society with which I am connected from its bearing on the question of war in generaland of the present state of Europe in particular. We English speaking people, whether in England, in the Colonies, or in the United States, being ourselves in no immediate danger of seeing our homes invaded, and our cities laid under contribution by hostile armies, are apt to forget how terribly the remembrance of such calamities, and the constant threat of their recurrence, haunt the lives of our Continental brethren.


From the age of ten, looking up at the stars, Jerry Ross knew that he wanted to journey into space. This autobiography tells the story of how he came not only to achieve that goal, but to become the most-launched astronaut in history, as well as a NASA veteran whose career spanned the entire US Space Shuttle program. From his childhood in rural Indiana, through education at Purdue University, and a career in the US Air Force, Ross charted a path to NASA after overcoming many setbacks-from failing to qualify for Air Force pilot training because of \"bad\" eyesight, to an initial failure to be selected into the astronaut program. The majority of the book is an insider's account of the US Space Shuttle program, including the unforgettable experience of launch, the delights of weightless living, and the challenges of constructing the International Space Station. Ross is a uniquely qualified narrator. During seven spaceflights, he spent 1,393 hours in space, including 58 hours and 18 minutes on nine space walks. Life on the ground is also described, including the devastating experiences of the Challenger and Columbia disasters. For readers who have followed the space program from Mercury through the International Space Station and wonder what comes next, this book provides fascination; for young people interested in space exploration and reaching for their dreams, whatever they might be, this book provides inspiration. Full of stories of spaceflight that few humans have ever experienced, told with humor and honesty, Spacewalker presents a unique perspective on the hard work, determination, and faith necessary to travel beyond this world. Key Points: -An insider's account of the US Space Shuttle program, from before its first launch through the final landing, and the building of the International Space Station. -A firsthand account of life in space from the first human to fly seven missions. -An inspirational story of a personal journey from rural Indiana to outer space, powered by a deep Christian faith.


Virginia Claypool Meredith's role in directly managing the affairs of a large and prosperous farm in east-central Indiana opened doors that were often closed to women in late nineteenth century America. Her status allowed her to campaign for the education of women, in general, and rural women, in particular. While striving to change society's expectations for women, she also gave voice to the important role of women in the home. A lifetime of dedication made Virginia Meredith <QUOTE>the most remarkable woman in Indiana<QUOTE> and the <QUOTE>Queen of American Agriculture.<QUOTE> Meredith was also an integral part of the history of Purdue University. She was the first woman appointed to serve on the university's board of trustees, had a residence hall named in her honor, and worked with her adopted daughter, Mary L. Matthews, in creating the School of Home Economics, the predecessor of today's College of Consumer and Family Sciences.


One autumn night in the eighties a young Irishman of twenty-seven, who had passed most of his life in Germany, took his place in the orchestra pit of the Metropolitan Opera House to play the cello. His name was Victor Herbert. He had just arrived in New York, and from his obscure seat he looked around curiously at the mass of faces glowing weirdly in the vast, dim auditorium. He felt a symbolic force in the crowding immensity of the place, in the numerous dazzling points of light that leaped back from the precious stones on the hands and breasts of the women who sat in the two great curving tiers of boxes. What future was he to have in this land? The conductor emerged from the depths beneath the stage to his eminence on the podium. Applause rolled over the heads of the musicians below him. He raised his baton and the opera began. Twenty-five years later, the same immigrant heard from the stage of the same theatre the performance of an opera he himself had written. Similar rolls of applause came from the audience, but this time not to pass over his head in the pit. The acclaim was for him, a tribute to his artistry. Thus, in the romantic fashion, may be outlined the beginning and the climax of the career of the most popular composer of light opera to be developed in the American theatre. And of one of the most beloved figures who ever made the rounds of Broadway.


Wounded in the line of duty and paralyzed, police officer Brandon Hultink made an amazing journey from despair to hope. «I can still remember the taste of metal in my mouth from the barrel of the gun …» After the shoot-out that put him in a wheelchair, police officer Brandon Hultink was ready to put an end to it all. In his frank and compelling memoir The Backpack, Hultink tells how he came to the worst moment of his life, and how faith in God and the humility to accept help brought him out of depression, addiction, and the wheelchair and back into successful life. But Hultink's story isn't his alone?it is also the story of the thousands of police officers who struggle with depression and post-traumatic stress. Cops don't do touchy-feely; they stuff every trauma into a metaphorical «backpack» until the burden overwhelms them. Hultink writes unflinchingly of the mental health crisis affecting police officers and offers proposals for improving mental health services for police. An intensely personal story of anguish and survival, The Backpack offers hope to everyone?police and civilian alike?who struggles with depression and pain.


When T. E. Lawrence's 'Seven Pillars of Wisdom' first appeared in 1922 it was immediately recognized as a literary masterpiece. In writing his extraordinary account of the Arab Revolt of 1916-1918 and his own role in it, T. E. Lawrence sealed his place in history and legend as Lawrence of Arabia. Widely regarded as the last great romantic war story and described by Winston Churchill as one of «the greatest books ever written in the English language,» it conveys a world of wonders, written in the same committed fashion that Lawrence applied to his duties in Syria, this is a towering achievement of both autobiography and military history, as well as a first-rate adventure story. 'Seven Pillars of Wisdom' is a must read. This Rediscovered edition exclusively contains over 60 maps, sketches, and other illustrations by Eric Kennington, Augustus John, William Roberts, John Singer Sargent, Frank Dobson, Colin Gill, Henry Lamb and others.


Pierre Trudeau, the 15th Prime Minister of Canada, was a powerful force in Canadian politics. When his son, the charismatic teacher with camera-ready looks and an easygoing nature, delivers the eulogy for his father, Canada – and the world – took notice. A voice for the youth and calming presence during troubling times, Justin Trudeau become the 23rd PM of Canada and a media sensation.


A passionate skier since he was a child, Anders Morley dreamed of going on a significant adventure, something bold and of his own design. And so one year in his early thirties, he decided to strap on cross-country skis to travel across Canada in the winter alone.<br><br> <i>This Land of Snow</i> is about that journey and a man who must come to terms with what he has left behind, as well as how he wants to continue living after his trip is over. It is an honest, thoughtful, and humorous reckoning of an adventure filled with adrenalin and exuberance, as well as mistakes and danger. Along the way readers gain insight, both charming and fascinating, into Northern outdoor culture and modern-day wilderness living, the history of northern exploration and Nordic skiing, the right to roam movement, winter ecology, and more.<br><br> Throughout, Morley’s clear, subtle, and self-deprecating voice speaks to a backwoods-genteel aesthetic that explores the dichotomy between wildness and refinement, language and personal story, journey and home.


Richard K. Nelson was the host of the national public radio series, «Encounters» Nelson was an anthropologist who lived with Alaska Native tribes and spoke both Inupiag and Koyukon Based on Nelson’s journals and interviews with Gary Snyder, Barry Lopez, Rick Bass, and others «He listened to his [Native Alaskan] teachers, immersed himself in their landscapes as a naturalist, and became, without intending to, a great teacher himself.» –Barry Lopez, from the foreword Before his death in 2019, cultural anthropologist, author, and radio producer Richard K. Nelson’s work focused primarily on the indigenous cultures of Alaska and, more generally, on the relationships between people and nature. Nelson lived for extended periods in Athabaskan and Alaskan Eskimo villages, experiences which inspired his earliest written works, including Hunters of the Northern Ice In Raven’s Witness , Lentfer tells Nelson’s story–from his midwestern childhood to his first experiences with Native culture in Alaska through his own lifelong passion for the land where he so belonged. Nelson was the author of the bestselling The Island Within and Heart and Blood . The recipient of multiple honorary degrees and numerous literary awards, he regularly packed auditoriums when he spoke. His depth of experience allowed him to become an intermediary between worlds. This is his story. Find out more at www.ravenswitness.com, and learn how you can help bring this story to life here.


The Father of the Delta Blues, Charley Patton (1891&#8211;1934) was born and raised around Mississippi&#39;s cotton plantations. During the 1920s, he was the first of the region&#39;s great stars, performing for packed houses throughout the South and making popular recordings in New York City. His music &#8212; ranging from blues and ballads to ragtime and gospel &#8212; is distinctive for his gravelly, high-energy singing and the propulsive beat of his guitar. Patton had a lively stage presence, originating many of the guitar-playing antics now associated with Jimi Hendrix and other latter-day musicians. His influence, among both his contemporaries and subsequent blues artists, is incalculable. Noted guitarist John Fahey presents a textual and musicological examination of Patton&#39;s music. This new edition of the original 1970 publication is enhanced by Fahey&#39;s notes from the Grammy-winning, out-of-print box set&#160;Screamin&#39; and Hollerin&#39; the Blues: The Worlds of Charley Patton. Available for the first time outside the set, Fahey&#39;s reconsideration of Patton&#39;s music offers fresh perspectives and key corrections of the historical record.