
Литературная судьба Сергея Довлатова определена, по его словам, тремя городами: Ленинградом, Таллином и Нью-Йорком. В первом из них он обрек себя на писательскую судьбу, во втором надеялся утвердить себя в писательском звании, в третьем добился признания, обратной волной принесшего его книги к отеческим берегам. Все три города – неисчерпаемый кладезь сюжетов, которыми оплетена цельная жизнь их автора, незаурядного творца, с артистическим блеском рассказывавшего о нашем обыденном, но полном абсурдных ситуаций, существовании. В каждом из этих городов остались друзья, которым дарование Сергея Довлатова казалось безусловным с дня знакомства – в пору, когда он еще мало кому был известен. Их мысли и воспоминания об ушедшем друге важны для тех, кто читает довлатовскую прозу, ставшую на наших глазах классической. Три разных города, три разных, эстетически несхожих, но этически близких друг другу писателя – Андрей Арьев, Елена Скульская, Александр Генис – сошлись под одной обложкой, чтобы запечатлеть трехмерный образ Сергея Довлатова на карте отечественной словесности.


Первый Президент Казахстана – единственный из всех на постсоветском пространстве, о ком говорят как о феномене. Он руководил Казахстаном на протяжении 30 лет. В чем же заключается феномен Назарбаева? В чем секрет столь головокружительного успеха? Сегодня свободная и независимая республика имеет прямой выход на европейские страны и Атлантический океан, в Персидский залив и Индийский океан. Страна совершила настоящий экономический прорыв. Но не это, пожалуй, самая главная заслуга Лидера Нации. Он смог сплотить все народы, проживающие в Казахстане, объединить их в дружную семью. Об этом все в Казахстане помнят. Этим все гордятся. Этому надо учиться руководителям других стран. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет книги.


Любимые воспоминания, как старая пленка хорошего кино – в памяти она в разделе «классика». Пересматривая свои фильмы, нужно смаковать каждый момент, но еще лучше – создавать новые. Эта книга о приключениях, воспоминаниях и людях, без которых любое путешествие не было бы таким многогранным.


История «Гражданской Обороны» и Егора Летова с большим трудом поддаётся подробному и объективному описанию, а тем более – в такой небольшой книге. Летов столь долго запутывал следы, что изучение его феномена становится занятием в равной степени увлекательным и трудновыполнимым. Настоящее переплетается с прошлым, будущее, которого вроде как и нет, тоже не даёт ответа, цитаты, вырванные из контекста, кажутся чужими, в итоге остается некий след от самолёта, давно и безвозвратно улетевшего в неведомые дали. Но надо с чего-то начинать, пока многие очевидцы тех событий ещё живы, относительно здоровы, и находятся в трезвом уме и твёрдой памяти. А там, возможно, будет и следующее издание, более подробное и насыщенное. Чрезмерный пиетет и частая прямая речь, лихие ретроспекции и парадоксальные ассоциации, удивительные пристрастия и субъективные оценки прилагаются как они есть.


‘The small translucent bottle of shampoo outlived him. It was the kind you take home from hotels in distant places. For over a year it had sat on the shower shelf where he had left it. I looked at it every day.’After the death of her partner of thirty-two years, Lisa Appignanesi was thrust into a state striated by rage and superstition in which sanity felt elusive. The dead of prior generations loomed large and haunting. Then, too, the cultural and political moment seemed to collude with her condition: everywhere people were dislocated and angry.In this electrifying and brave examination of an ordinary enough death and its aftermath, Appignanesi uses all her evocative and analytic powers to scrutinize her own and our society’s experience of grieving, the effects of loss and the potent, mythical space it occupies in our lives.With searing honesty, lashed by humour, she navigates us onto the terrain of childhood, the way it forms our feelings of love and hate, and steers us towards a less tumultuous version of the everyday.This book may be short, but life, death, madness, love, and grandchildren, are all there – seen through the eyes of a writer who is ever aware of the historical and current vagaries of woman’s condition.


‘Charly is social media’s answer to Carol Ann Duffy’ Sunday Times STYLE[Charly] is turning a new generation on to poetry’ The TelegraphFrom the bestselling author of She Must Be Mad comes the second book of poetry and prose from Charly Cox.What is love? Baby don’t hurt me… but please like my Instagram post.Hello, my name is Charly and I am code-dependent, so would you please, please just validate me? From the bestselling author of She Must Be Mad comes Charly Cox’s second collection of poetry and prose.This is an account of a life lived online. Swiping for approval. Scrolling for gratification. Searching for connection. From the glow of a screen in the middle of the night, to the harsh glare of the hospital waiting room, Validate Me is a raw and honest look at the highs and the lows of a digital life.The new voice of a generation, Charly’s words have the power to make us all feel less alone.


The Personals reveals how classified ads are not just a few commercial lines of text in print or online – they can be a treasure trove of fascinating human stories; stories of love, loss, loneliness, redemption and hope.Some people do Sudoku, others watch Netflix. Brian O’Connell loves the classified ads.In an era of spin doctors and press releases, celebrities and social influencers, the classified ads can open a door into the lives of ordinary people with extraordinary stories.What draws Brian to the classified ads are the intriguing human stories he finds there, the unexpected twists and turns, the personalities, the curious objects and the range of human experience waiting to be discovered.The Personals is a diverse collection of compelling stories about the people and the lives behind the small ads.


A Real Mum’s Hilariously Honest Tales of Motherhood, Mayhem and Mental Health ‘A wonderful book all mums should read!’ Gemma Atkinson’A book to be shared the world over.’ ’ I do believe this book will save lives!’ ’This book made me proud to be a woman’‘You see, pre-motherhood I had this image of the sort of motherhood I was going to have. Happy, confident and in total control, breezing through my perfect new mum life, clad in white linen with a smiley easy-going baby attached to my hip. But then, something happened.’A moving, inspirational and at times hilarious book from best-selling author Olivia Siegl. Part-memoir, part guide, Bonkers follows Olivia's story of motherhood as she juggles two babies under two alongside two harrowing battles with Postpartum Depression and Postpartum Psychosis.Olivia’s refreshingly honest approach leaves no area of motherhood uncovered in her bid to empower women to be able to talk about all areas of motherhood – NO judgement! Throughout the book, this engaging and straight talking author shares her story of motherhood and how she has since overcome what she bills as “the most harrowing times of her life” to prove that suffering with a mental health illness is by no means the end of the story. A must read for anyone in need of hope that they can get through even the darkest of times.For every mum out there feeling lost in the wilderness. For every mum feeling pressure to be perfect. For every mum questioning if they are good enough. You are magnificent.


Andrea Corr’s Barefoot Pilgrimage is a compelling and honest memoir.In part, an exercise in coming to terms with and making sense of life and mortality following the loss of a beloved father; in part, a reflection on an unlikely journey with her siblings through the music industry; in part, a meditation on family, on music, and on creativity; and, in part, a shout-out for love and for hope.Illustrated with personal photographs and with original poems interspersed throughout the text, this is a very personal – at times very funny, at times deeply moving – book from an iconic figure in popular music.


A unique, moving and dazzlingly researched exploration of the places, people, musicians, writers and filmmakers that inspired David Jones to become David Bowie, what we can learn from his life’s work and journey, and why he will always matter.When David Bowie died on 10th January 2016, it seemed the whole world was united in mourning. His greatest hits were sung tearfully in pubs up and down Britain, garlands of flowers were left at the Aladdin Sane mural in his old stomping ground of Brixton and tributes poured in from a galaxy of stars. To many of us, Bowie was so much more than a pop idol. But why?In Why Bowie Matters, Professor Will Brooker answers that question persuasively, as both a fan and an academic. A Bowie obsessive since childhood, he hit the headlines over the course of a year-long immersive research project that took him from London to Berlin and New York, following in Bowie’s footsteps, only listening to music and reading books he loved, and even at times adopting his fashion.In this original and illuminating book, Professor Brooker approaches Bowie from various angles, re-tracing his childhood on the streets of Bromley, taking us through his record collection and bookshelves, and deciphering the symbols and codes of his final work, Blackstar to piece together how an ordinary suburban teenager turned himself into a legend, and how perhaps we too could be a little more Bowie.He shows us that while David Robert Jones died on that terrible day in January, David Bowie will live on forever.