
Успешный семейный бизнес «E.Mi» – это международное производство материалов для маникюра и сеть из девяноста пяти школ мастеров ногтевого сервиса. Старшая дочь Екатерина создает продукты и технологии, ее муж Алексей руководит строительством и содержанием всех заводов и офисов компании. Оперативным управлением бизнеса в России занимается младшая дочь Вера, за границей – ее муж Максим. За собственной сетью салонов и студий следит мама сестер, Любовь Геннадьевна. Стратегические решения по сей день принимает глава этой дружной семьи, Николай Иванович. Он откровенно рассказывает историю четырех поколений своего рода и делится секретами, как создать успешную компанию с нуля, собрать в сплоченный коллектив всех близких и управлять общим капиталом так, чтобы он постоянно увеличивался.


Вам выпала уникальная возможность проехаться по миру вместе с величайшей группой XX столетия Queen и роуди группы Питером Хинсом. Специально для русскоязычного издания автор написал главу о взаимоотношениях группы и СССР, отдав дань уважения армии поклонников Queen. Они всегда были на шаг впереди. Queen стала первой группой, которая привнесла в рок-музыку эффект театральности, покорив своим неповторимым стилем всю планету: от родной Англии до далекой Японии. Queen – единственная британская группа, получившая награду «Billboard» одновременно в трех категориях— Disco, Rock, R&B. Их легендарное выступление в 1985-м на концерте Live Aid признано лучшим в мире из сыгранных рок-исполнителями «вживую». Перед вами остроумный, откровенный рассказ об одной из лучших групп мира. Питер Хине поможет вам увидеть ее с новой стороны. Вы окажетесь настолько близко к Queen, насколько вообще возможно подойти, не будучи участником группы. Загляните в самые тайные уголки жизни Фредди и компании: – Как и при каких обстоятельствах была написана знаменитая Crazy little thing called love? – Почему Фредди называли «лягушонком Кермитом»? – Под какими псевдонимами участники группы жили в гостиницах? – Какие безумства остались за кадром самых популярных клипов Queen? Мы заботимся о качестве наших книг. Книга «Неизвестные QUEEN. Моя жизнь с величайшей группой XX века» выходит при поддержке крупнейшего фансообщества группы Queen ВКонтакте. Перевод и редактура текста были сделаны преданными фанатами коллектива.


Patricia Sorbara has been a political operative for more than forty years—a mainstay in the background of both federal and provincial politics in Ontario, dedicating her career to the Liberal Party. She’s worked for and with Liberal Opposition Leaders, Premiers, Members of Parliament, Members of Provincial Parliament and more candidates than any staffer could imagine. Sorbara became known as the woman to have on side, the one who knows the ground game and never backs down from a challenge. In December of 2014, all of that changed. A potential candidate in Sudbury, ON, went to the media with the allegation that Sorbara, acting on behalf of the Party, had offered a bribe in exchange for stepping down from a nomination race. She was blindsided. While on trial in Sudbury in the fall of 2017, Sorbara found herself leaning on the unique education of decades in politics, one that came with being a lifelong female political staffer, which saw her through the first emotional moments of the trial to the eventual verdict nearly seven weeks later. But it didn’t end there. In  Let ’Em Howl: Lessons from a Life in Backroom Politics , Sorbara shares her best lessons from the back room—the ones that sustained her in the darkest hours—illustrated by stories featuring key political figures in Canadian politics. The result is required reading for anyone interested in Canadian politics or government.


In the summer of 2017, wildfires dominated the headlines in British Columbia. As a low pressure weather system continued to cause lightning strikes, starting new fires, strong winds fanned the existing ones. Over two hundred fires burned in the province and nearly ten thousand people in or around the towns of 100 Mile House, Ashcroft, Cache Creek, Princeton and Williams Lake received the instruction  YOU   MUST   EVACUATE   NOW . But not everyone left. Captured by Fire  alternates between the dramatic first-person accounts of wilderness dweller Chris Czajkowski and homesteader Fred Reid, who both ignored the evacuation order and stayed to protect their properties, animals and livelihoods. Living in a remote area, they knew that their homes would be of low priority to officials when fire fighting resources were deployed. Over the course of the summer, as alerts fluctuated and even the firefighters pulled out, both had to decide: when is it time to go?


Composed over a period of profound illness,  Visual Inspection  is a searching reflection on poetry, power and our embodied lives. Shaped by matching elements of literary history, poetic practice, contemporary art, politics and ecology with Rader’s own experience of chronic illness and pain,  Visual Inspection  writes into and through what is accessible to our minds and bodies. Part memoir, part essay, part poetic investigation, the text guides us through kaleidoscopic meditations on disability, access, vision, redaction, pain, illness and death. Set primarily in the central Okanagan,  Visual Inspection  is a codex of references, artifacts and associations that, taken as whole, revisions access as process and art as experience.


In 1983, at nineteen, Greg Nolan was hired (reluctantly) by his older sister’s boyfriend—a treeplanting contractor based in Northern British Columbia. His crewmates didn’t know what to think of the wide-eyed kid whose mom drove him the 750 kilometres to hook up with his first job. But within a week, Nolan was hitting the thousand-trees-a-day mark. By the end of his first rookie season, he gained the status of top producer among a crew of extraordinary young men and women. Over the course of his twenty-seven-year career, he planted over two-and-a-half-million trees. Planting large numbers of trees, Nolan excelled at. Surviving in some of the more remote, isolated and technically challenging regions in BC and Alberta, that was trickier, often requiring resourcefulness… and luck. Nolan was stalked by a large black bear on his first contract near Purden Lake, BC. He all but lost his mind supervising his first project deep in the wilds of Northern Alberta. He was nearly mauled by grizzlies while tenting out in the wilds of Bute Inlet. Nolan survived hurricanes, landslides, hostile loggers, Woodstock-like tent camps, whirlwind romances, the madness of the subculture and life-threatening situations of nearly every conceivable kind. Despite many escapes, Nolan was not immune to tragedy and he grappled with guilt over his own indirect role in a multiple-fatality vehicle accident, throwing him into a deep depression. Only by returning to the challenge of planting trees in remote wilderness settings, did he manage to find peace. For Nolan, the job offered far more than mere financial reward; it opened the door to a world that very few people, especially those in urban centres, ever get the chance to experience. As he writes, “Shit tends to happen, with the craziest of frequency, when you place yourself in the path of a tribe of roaming treeplanters. The adventure never seems to play out the same way twice. You come together in the middle of some of the most remote and pristine wilderness on the planet, and once there… you live, work and experience things that will entertain your thoughts and haunt your memories for the rest of your days.” Hair-raising, cocky and a blast to read,  Highballer  is an exuberant record of a time in the silviculture arena when the industry was largely unregulated, and the wilderness was still wild.


“George Garrett is one of the most remarkable reporters of news that I have ever known. He has always had the ability to smell a good story and to report on it honestly and accurately.” —Jim Pattison, Canadian business magnate Starting from humble beginnings as a farm boy in Saskatchewan, George Garrett rose through the ranks of journalism and came to be known as the reporter who, as radio personality Rafe Mair recalled, “seemed to know details almost as soon as the police did” on such infamous stories as the Clifford Olson murders. He was willing to take risks to get to the real story, which resulted in his being assaulted in the Rodney King riots in Los Angeles among many other scrapes. In this memoir, Garrett shares the behind-the-scenes tales of his harrowing, humorous and occasionally humiliating investigative tactics, from posing as an accident victim to uncover the questionable practices of an insurance claim lawyer, to acting as a tow truck driver to expose a forgery scheme, and baring it all for the sake of an interview with a local nudist colony. Garrett also delves into the personal details of his life, sharing the hardships and resilience that marks him as an empathetic storyteller. He reveals the heartbreaking loss of his son in a canoeing accident, and his wife Joan’s devastating diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease which inspired him to dedicate his time to supporting the Alzheimer Society. Through it all, George Garrett never lost the insatiable curiosity that, according to Rafe Mair, made him the “standard by which good reporting is judged.”


A memoir of falling in love, the fallout of infidelity, and everything messy in between – and the inspiration behind the hit CBC podcast.[/i] “Beautifully and powerfully written, Alone: A Love Story left me heartbroken and inspired at the same time.” – Terry Fallis “A lyrical tribute to the intoxicating, dramatic, destructive and ultimately empowering nature of love.” – Anna Maria Tremonti “Michelle Parise is the best company. Her passion and humour leap off the page.” – Camilla Gibb The church wedding, the new house, a beautiful baby … Michelle was sold a dream and bought into it. But one day, nine years in, she wakes up in an empty bed, and The Husband isn't there. Then, he drops The Bomb – he was having an affair with a woman at work. Adrift and on the edge of forty – fuelled by grief, booze, and one-night stands – Michelle battles the monster she calls Loneliness, juggling being a part-time parent and part-time partier. Though dangerously close to rock bottom, Michelle takes a chance on love again with a dashing but complicated man – The Man with the White Shirt. Michelle, an expert in «emotional forensics,» dives into the wreckage with candour and humour, uncovering a story about falling in and out of love, divorce, single parenthood, and the messy world of dating. What she finds, beneath it all, is life and the courage to face it alone. “Michelle Parise knows how to shape and deliver a story that will keep you coming back for more.” – The Atlantic


Воспоминания олигарха Энского, отсидевшего десять лет в колонии строго режима. События происходят в современной России во втором десятилетии 21-го века. Константин Аронович Энский описывает особенно яркие будни в тюрьме и колониях, настроение, взгляды и нравы осужденных, с которыми он контактировал. Он делится своим мнением и опытом в поиске своего «я», подробно описывая устройство уголовно-исполнительной системы России. Содержит нецензурную брань.


Атмосферное воспоминание о том, чем была для нашего общества публикация легендарной поэмы "Москва – Петушки".